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More on Cancer

As a general rule, every cell in your body is operating under a system of "feedback control." A control system of this type is frequently found among living cells. In trying to explain the complexity of living cells, perhaps t he best approach is to sim ply say that the thermostat in your home is much like the feedback mechanisms in cells. Without actually analyzing the components in detail, it is sufficent to know that parts of each cell normally function together, in reacting to whatever environment that the cell is normally found in. Secondly, DNA is the genetic apparatus which controls the functions and activities of the living cell. That is, the same DNA is active in each columnar epithelial cell which lines the intestine of any given ind ividual, as shown above. And as a general rule, it is the "regular orientation" or "the standardized activity" of the DNA in each of those cells which enables them to work in a regular, stablized manner.


It has been difficult for researchers to understand how a given tissue has the ability to order, and/or properly restore its own cells. It is only now being recognized and published, by Neu Facts, Inc., that normal cells must communicate with each other by way of Electron Sensitive Membrane Proteins. These "ESM Proteins," in turn, are linked into the feed-back control systems, at various levels of activity, in each cell. Since each cell as shown above, is operating under the same active DNA , then it is also true that the same "ESM Proteins" must exist along the sides of every one of those cells. Hence, each cell in any given tissue is normally linked, via its "ESM Proteins," to the common information content of every other cell. When you put cells into a regular laboratory culture however, these cell-to-cell communications are evidentily no longer active or essential. That entire system fails when each cell begins to function on an independent basis.


It is easy to see how fats, and especially poly-unsaturated oils play an important part in all this. They are difficult to digest. The fats also coat the membrane surface of the intestinal cells. And if ANY laboratory animal is put on a high fat diet, mouse or rat, it will spontaneously develop a cancer and it is usually a cancer of the colon! 1/24/1990 The results of a high fat diet links perfectly to the issue of the "ESM Proteins. The key factor is the difficulty which cells experience in degrading fats. As the levels of undigestible fat climb, it is obvious that they physically limit regular "ESM Protein" activity. Hence, the functionally connected feedback system of cellular regulation is increasingly potentiated to fail. It poses a serious problem. Abnormal growth ocurs if a cell (or cells) can no longer send out an electronic signal to confirm its presence among the other cells of a given tissue. When this happens in colon cancers, most Doctor's know what usually takes place. A small group of unnecessary cells starts growing first. These form what is known as a polyp.

Assume, for the moment, that the cells normal ESM Protein performance has been altered by the fats and that the cells normal communications system has failed in some of the cells on both side of the long arrow in the drawing above. The other cells start dividing! They are designed to reproduce but now they are attempting to replace what is mistakenly perceived to be dead or otherwise missing, neighbor cells. A glob of fat has won a very tiny battle, but the real war doesn't stop there. Those cells will continue to grow until the neck of that same area cells is totally closed off. And as the enclosed cells continue to grow, they will cause further problems.

If the patient is fortunate, by seeing a Doctor when the first signs of bleeding occur, the polyps can be surgically removed. Then a small sample of those cells, from the polyps, are sent to a laboratory. Once examined under a microscope, if there are no abnormal cells growing among those cells, the growth will be declared "benign," or harmless. The Doctor's say, "We caught it just in time." What this means is: the genetic apparatus of those cells (the DNA) seems to be in good working order, and a great many cells were in one place where only a few should have been.

What Makes Cancer Cells Different? The abnormal operation of the cell's DNA, is the critical factor and once again that issue is linked to high dietary fats. In January, 1971, M. J. Hill and associates of St. Mary's Hospital Medical School in London, England, discovered that certain gut bacteria might play an important part in the emergence of colon cancers, based on studies on cancer prone populations. In August of that same year the same researchers reported that one of the same bacteria that they had suspected to be somehow able to initiate colon cancers, was also active in breast cancers. That bacteria, reported to be a "normal component of the human intestinal flora" was lecithinase-negative clostridia and they break down fats. In the process, they also produce two very powerfu l "look alike" female hormones. Furthermore, it is known that the hormone levels in man drop, due to extreme stress, or when an individual passes the normal reproductive stages. Evidently, that's when these bacteria really bloom. Researchers have found that excessive amounts of hormones (estrone and estradiol), are carried by post-menopausal women with breast cancer. In addition, other tissues have been found to "behave like target organs" for these estrogens, such as the uterus, the vagina, and the pi tuitary. Cancers emerge there and the same bacteria is found there in limited numbers. Many other reports in the medical literature note that a hidden relationship exists between clostridium, cancer, and the hormones which clostridium produce.

How Does It All Fit Together? The initial cancer cell emerges when the key features of regular feedback control are lost, masked, or dropped. It may be due to radiation, a cancer causing chemical, or the transfer of foreign DNA from a bacteria. The cell's own DNA becomes altered, or infected with the bacteria's foreign DNA. The bacteria are smaller than a dot in the drawing, but their DNA causes a significant change in the ESM Protein of the affected cell. Once the DNA is transferred, normal cell-to-cell communications fail and the reordered DNA enables the cancer cell to live and operate on the bacteria's ESM Proteins. The cell's normal ESM Proteins are lost. And the body's immune system did not detect the ESM Proteins of the bacteria, so it will not detect the cancer cells either!

It is also important to note these things:

1. Researchers have had such a problem with cancers because NONE of the cancer cell features have ever fallen under the ordinary rules of bacteriology and disease.

2. The millions of cells, which make up each cancer, have each unfolded with the same properties of the first, initial cancer cell.

3. The altered DNA reorganizes membrane features which obviously lends themselves to a flexible and unstablized range of activities, relative to a tissue's ability to order and/or properly restore it's own numbers.

4. The bacteria involved in each cancer can be easily identified because they normally exist among the cancer cells which some of their own DNA, in part, initially produced, and

5. These bacteria also produce hormone sensitive cancers, such as breast cancers, via "hormone carriers" which transport or move the offending DNA through the host's blood stream to the hormone-sensitive cells.

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