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The Enigmas of Physics and the Beast of the Apocal

The Enigmas of Physics and the Beast of the Apocalypse.
The Autobiography of Mr. 666.



The Final GUT/TOE Paradigm in Physics and it's Spiritual
An Introductory Lecture on the Progression of the Interpretations of
the Mystical Biblical Prophesies and Other Such Prophesies
Regarding the Global Affairs of Man and his Future.
A General Description of the Relationship of these to the
Progression and Enigmas of Physics in the 20th Century and the
Suggestions for a Final GUT/TOE Paradigm Subject.


A Recipe for the Interpretation of the Central Theme of The Book
of Revelations.
A Description of the Central Theme of; The Autobiography of MR.
666, Books.

Of ancient Prophecies, New Age Wisdom, Evolution of Mans
Knowledge, Situation of Life, Man and the Prophecies about
Iceland. Speculations on some of the Profoundest Metaphysical
Speculations in the History of Man. Speculations which Persist in
Spit of Man's advance in the Sciences. Is the End in Sight for
Theoretical Physics? Is the End in Sight for Humanities Endless
Speculations? Is the End in Sight for the Crackpot Mail to the
Physicists? Is the End in Sight for the Crackpot Armchair
Physicists? Is the End in Sight for Humanities apparently Endless
Suffering, or does it wish to continue suffering?

The following is taken from the introductions of; THE


The Historic Structure that has Provoked more Mystical
Speculation than any other Ancient Symbol.


Prophecies of Doom (Apocalypse).
Approximately 156 year after the birth of Christ, and thus possibly
123 years after the crucifixion, the first apostle of doom
(apocalypse); Montanus, appeared in Asia Minor. Montanus
formed religious communes which set to prepare them selves for the
reappearance of the Christ, and at the same time, the end of the
world. These religious communities, were fundamentalist believing
in the literal interpretation of the Bible, which were mostly spread
around Asia Minor and North Africa, -- this in spit of their
condemnation by Rome around the year 177, -- until emperor
Justinus (527-565) had them destroyed through persecutions.
Montanism was founded in the writings of The Book of
Revelations, which is believed to have been written in the last
quarter of the first century, or 50 to 75 years after the crucifixion.

Ever since the rise of the Montanism, some 1838 years ago, there
have appeared, -- in all times, -- religious sects which have believed
that the time of the end was at hand and even gone so far as to
specify a specific date. There have further been numerous
individuals which have claimed that they could interpret The Book
of Revelations, and even claimed that they were the reincarnation of
Christ. Of the later day self-styled Christ's we could mention the
cases of Rev. Jimy Jones, which moved with his flock of followers
to British Guyana, and Mr. David Kores, which barricaded himself,
with his flock, at a farm in Waco, Texas. The appearance of these
Christ's then meant the apocalypse for about 901 children, women
and men which committed suicide at the command of the former
Christ, but about 86 who died, attacking and defending the second

The Great Prophecy Riddle; The Number 666.
In the March 1994 issue of the prestigious and widely circulated
monthly magazine, SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, we find a most
amusing article. The article is titled; "Mathematical Recreations,"
and this is precisely its intent, to be amusing. The article is a
manoeuvre in what is called "New Merology," and it claims to be
such in "Beastly Numbers." In this it pretends to deal with the
solution of the almost two thousand year old riddle from The Book
of Revelation, but this would necessarily have to be under a banner
of amusement; To enter into a discussion of this riddle in all
earnestness, might seriously damage the credibility and seriousness
image of this magazine. -- We also find a similar speculation on
this issue in the June-July 1994 issue of the NEW TIMES. There
an author enters into discussion on the meaning of this riddle in
The Book of Revelations, but this time on serious notes. -- During
the centuries, as well as in later times, much has of course been
written regarding this enigma, but it is not our intention to judge
any such writings. The two articles mentioned here prior, from two
totally different circulations, have been the triggers for the
committing to paper, our thoughts on the subject. This, in our case,
is something which will necessarily have to be, both of a serious
nature, as well as an attempt at being amusing. -- We, personally,
can not dismiss The Book of Revelation as being some kind of
nonsense, but we do respect the opinion of those that do. The last
book of the Bible, The Book of Revelation, deals presumably with
the circumstances of the return of Christ. The whole of the
presentation being an enigma in the form of prophetic language, but
in it is to be found a somewhat specialised and independent riddle,
which has been the cause for speculations of, not only theologians,
but also great many individuals of the lay. Here we are referring to
the riddle which appears in the last part of the 13th chapter, but
when we copy this from a modernised bible translation, it sound as
follows; -- "No one could buy or sell unless he had this mark, that
is, the beast's name or the number that stands for the name. This
calls for wisdom. Whoever is intelligent can figure out the meaning
of the number of the beast, because the number stands for a man's
name. Its number is 666." This part of the 13th chapter, the riddle
of the "second beast," or the riddle of the devil, as many would have
it, is unquestion-ably one of the oldest and most difficult riddles in
the west. -- The number it self has been the cause for quite negative
superstition amongst the Christians, and not so long ago, it was a
news item, how many Britons, refused car registrations number
which contained the number 666. - On the other hand, the so called
New Age followers, have been accused by the fundamentalists
sects, that they; "claim that the number 666 is holy and that they
believe that it possesses magical powers." It is further claimed that
the New Age followers; "By using this number they believe that
they are sending signals to what they claim to be an elevated
intelligent being in space, and which also lives on earth. They are
asking this being to come and found a new culture on Earth."
(Icelandic Pentecostal Publications 4.-5. ed. 1984).

The Interpretation of the Prophecy.
Some say that during a period in the history of Britain, numerous
fundamentalist groups believed that Newton had been the Angel of
Light, Lucifer, or the one that the number 666 applied to. This was
connected to the fact that in the year 1666, Newton had created the
mathematics of the calculus and discovered the prism, which took
light and distributed it into its fundamental colours, but on the
same year the Great Fire of London had taken place. It is possible
here that this is somehow connected to the so called Portsmouth
Papers, but that is what the personal papers of Newton were called.
After Newton's death, John Meynard Keynes, had bought at an
auction, a locker full of his private papers. It turned out that it
contained a collection of all kinds of weird writings, amongst
which were found about 20 different versions of The Book of
Revelations. Newton had been a member of the so called Unitarian
Church of England, which was forbidden by the Anglican Church,
which accused it of indulging in witchcraft. The words which
Keynes used when he informed the shocked members of the Royal
Academy of Science, of his findings, have become famous;
"Newton was not only the first in the age of reason, but the last of
the age of the magicians." Other notables of history did not escape
connections to The Book of Revelations, and here Nero, Martin
Luther, Pope Leo X, Napoleon and Hitler are amongst the
individuals which people believed the 13th chapter to refer to. In
later times, religious groups, which are often referred to as
fanatical- or literal-believers, which refer to them selves as
fundamentalists, have placed great emphasis on the interpretation
of the prophesies in The Book of Revelations. These interpretations
have been literal and achieved primarily by the use of
interpretation-keys, taken mostly from the Old Testament of the
Bible, for the decoding of the poetic/prophetic symbolic visions
language of The Book of Revelations. These interpretations,
however, produce an unrealistic and discontin-uous picture which
has not been easy for the public to understand and believe. Here the
number 666 has alternatively been seen as referring to the popes
official title; "Vicarivs filii dei" and, more recently, to the European
Common Market; "The Club of Rome," with its official seat in
Luxembourg, the City of Light (Lucifer, Angel of Light). The mark
that the beast, and its followers carry on their forehead or on the
back of the right hand, are commonly believed to be the modern
merchandise prizing and stock computer-reading stripes. Here the
Seventh-day Adventists, Pentecostals and Jehovah's Witnesses, are
busiest, although differences are found between individual

Questions of Faith or Insanity.
As concerns the science disciplines of man, then these have not
been much concerned with the interpretation of The Book of
Revelations, and it is regarded, by many, as the ravings of an insane
man in manic psychosis, but this is how one of the fathers of the
American Constitution saw this last part of the Bible. Many of
those who live from practising the apparent curing of functional
disorders of the human brain (psychiatrists), and further, those who
practice being friends for rent (psychologists), also see the
questions concerning The Book of Revelation in the same light.
This can be traced to the fact that a considerable number of those,
who in the west, become so unfortunate as to acquire the sicknesses
which produce the functional disorders of the human brain, such as
manic or schizophrenic psychosis, quite commonly begin to rave
about God, Christ and religion. This then, quite often, with
references to The Book of Revelations, and often the insane declare
that they be the reborn Christ. Exceptions are, however, common
and we are told that in one asylum alone in Paris, there are to be
found about 300 Napoleons. Other variants are found in later times,
such as patients believing that they are John Lennon reincarnated.
In continuation of this, it becomes intriguing to discover that in the
countries where Christianity is not dominant, such insane persons
do not declare themselves to be the Christ, or Marie the Virgin,
pregnant with the Jesus-child, rather some other figure which is
connected to the religion of the culture in which they grew up. In
the academic world of the sciences, little believe in phenomenas
such as prophesies, is encountered. Here the different disciplines of
the scientific and philosophical endeavours, such as theology,
psychiatry, psychology and physics, are rowing their boats in
different directions when it comes to believing in and interpreting
such phenomenas. It is, however, interesting to note that professor
Stephen Hawkings, the inheritor of Newton's chair, in the book;
the author, Kitty Ferguson, as answering the question, "whether
everything is predetermined either by the Theory of Everything or
by God." He says "Yes, I think it is. But it might as well not be,
because we can never know what is determined." It is right here that
men have been, and are, of different opinions, when it comes to the
question whether it is possible to know or achieve knowledge of, or
not, events, prior to their taking place. Here we have a long history
of controversies regarding the question whether prophesies are real
or not; Whether these are not some form of sub-conscious self-
deceptions, or even, deliberate deceptions aimed at enriching the
deceiver? -- How can man see into the future, even thousands of
years ahead of time. The questions can be accumulated; By what
means do men achieve such knowledge? In addition to this we have
different opinions as to how such prophetic information should be
interpreted, since these often appear in the form of symbolic-dream
visions, poetic symbolism, visual symbolism. Here are also the
ecstasies which many call hallucinatory experiences, but others call
spiritual experiences (William James). Here we also come up
against the opinion that only so called prophets, mystic or oracles,
can actually interpret such prophetic altruistic language. Here the
noted and controversial psychiatrist, R. D. Laing, pointed out that;
"The mystic and the psychopath swim in the same ocean. The
difference between them is that the psychopath sinks but the mystic
floats." In his essay; Answer to Job, the famous psychiatrist, mystic
and the father to the Theory of The Synchronicity, Carl Gustaf
Jung, enters into discussion of the apocalyptic prophesies of The
Book of Revelation. The question of how it should be interpreted.
Without coming to any specific conclusion on the interpretation, he
never the less, claimed to be convinced that no literal interpretation
should apply. He points out that the paradox between what Christ
teaches us about love, charity and the forgiveness of God the
Father, which John the apostle, admires and expresses in other
parts of the New Testament; An All Loving God, is in opposition to
a God of Destruction and Punishment. That each vision of a God
who intends to destroy everything, this including heaven and earth,
and then sends all men, with the exception of some 144.000, for a
never ending torture, is not in agreement with the rest of the New
Testament. Jung finds himself in agreement with Einstein who
believed that God is not malicious. His conclusions are that the
interpretation will have to be different from a literal one.

The Solution to the Enigma of Life, or "The Theory of Everything."
Now in the past 400 years, our sciences have been evolving in such
a manner that now, at the Gregorian-calendar turn of the century,
which are about to take place in few years, their progress is facing
the prospects that the scientists of theoretical and experimental
physics are having realistic hopes, that it will not be long, before
someone will present a final and absolute theory, which explains
everything conceivable in creation. In 1980, on the occasion of his
appointment as president of the Royal Society, the brave professor
Stephen Hawkings, held an inaugural lecture which he called; "Is
the end in sight for theoretical physics?" Here, Theoretical Physics,
is seen as the first science at the cutting edge of all the sciences and
it widely believed that it will eventually succeed in producing, what
we mentioned here prior, The Theory of Everything. Something
which we could also call; The Recipe for the Universe. -- A theory
which not only explains how, but further, why. The first seedlings
of such a theory having appeared in the year 1984, in the form of a
so called Superstring Theory. A theory which, when completed,
will have to do with the first second of creation, and how the
material universe, as well as space it self, was created. Here many
believe that the final answers about life it self, including man of
course, will be contained in this theoretical creation. This has
further to do with the so called; Wave-function of the Universe.
Currently, many speculations are appearing amongst the leading
physicists of theoretical physics, regarding the question as to what
consequences such knowledge will have; What it might bring
humanity? Whether such knowledge will be something; "which will
just be an object of wonderment or a curiosity to think about," or
something which will bring radical changes into the existence of
man and life on planet earth. Perhaps something which will bring a
new golden age of physics. Whether such knowledge will have
some powers to effect some positive changes in the evolution of the
many negative problems man is now facing? Here we can not only
expect numerous answers regarding questions involving the
phenomena in the high-energy accelerator experiments in
experimental physics, but further, answers to numerous questions
regarding the human brain. -- Such a Theory of Everything would
not only provide answers to the question whether man will forever
be denied the ability to predict events in the reactions of quantum
objects, in the quantum mechanical experiments of the theoretical
physicists. This beyond the limits set by Heisenberg's uncertainty
principle. However, as the situation of humanity and life on planet
earth dictates, it will put all questions regarding the material
universe, in the shade, in comparison to the question of the
continuation of life. -- In the final analysis, the ultimate answers to
questions regarding the material universe, will primarily be of value
as a final indication of the correctness and validity of such a theory
in its entirety. It is further likely that such a Theory of Everything
would provide answers to questions concerning the many suggested
mystical laws in nature, which the so called New Age followers
claim exist and which they are attempting to interact with.

The Questions Concerning Man.
The answers which will have the most value for the continuation of
life, and primarily the continuation of man, are the answers to the
still open questions regarding our-selves. Here are foremost the
question regarding the reality perception of the brain, and
specifically, that which might be called its basic program. Here the
emphasis are on the function and purpose of the spatial hemisphere
(usually the right one), which contains the so called Jamais vu and
D?j? vu nerve centres. This alone represents a grand question; Why
does man possess these strange nerve centres? What is it in nature,
reality, which produces them? Here we confront questions
regarding the so called subconscious, and the functional
connections of these nerve centres to, -- and function in, -- the
neurotransmitter production of the brain. Here the grandest
question may be the one regarding the wave-function of the brain,
but this is at the same time connected to the question of the wave-
function of the universe, which appears amongst the prime
questions regarding the first second of creation. This involves the
so called Big Bang theorisations. -- In continuation of this are the
questions regarding the functional disorders of the brain, and other
disturbances of the function of the spatial hemisphere, mainly
caused by hyperactivity influences of the so called animal brain or
instinct brain; The Limbic System. Here appears the puzzle
regarding the great difference between the intelligence in
individuals, and in this connection, answers to the questions
regarding the access of the wave of consciousness, to the neurones
in the neocortex. In other words; Why do we generally have access
to only about 50% of the brain (100 in IQ) and use daily only 15%
to 30% of what we have access to? Why does the Homo Sapience
have the so called subconscious which quite often functions as a
junkyard full of all kinds of phobias, emotional- and fear-
insanity's? Symptoms which produce great pains and
unmanageability in men, if not most of man's problems? It is the
opinion of many that it may further be expected from such a Theory
of Everything, that it carries with it solutions to some incurable
deceases of man, such as the psychiatric disorders, cancer and
AIDS. It is also expected, that in the final answer, we shall gain
knowledge as to why we men develop various kinds of religions,
which many call; The God Nonsense! Why do, at least some of us,
have such needs? Is the need for faith only some sort of a mental
masturbation (Faith is the opium of the people; Max), or is it
something which nature produces in us. -- Whether we men have
the; God Nonsense, because we are nervous (Freud; Death of an
Illusion), or are we nervous because we do not know how to
believe, as was the opinion of Dr. C. G. Jung? The questions
regarding whether we are just beasts, completely void of a sense of
morality, are still alive and being debated. Animals which can be
made to commit just any act, against our own kind. All that is
needed is a promise by some saviour, such as Alexander the Great,
Napoleon, Hitler or Stalin, that we will not be made responsible for
our acts of atrocities against our fellows (Nuremberg Trail for the
atrocities in World War II / London Trails for the atrocities
committed in the Katyn forest). Whether civilisation is only kept
together by the fear of law-ordained punishment, adopted by the
societies, or something which is natural to us, - but lost, - is still
open to debate.

The Theory of Everything and the Book of Revelations.
From the forgone, it becomes obvious, that we can not be
considering any Final Theory of Everything, if it does not contain
the answers to these questions. We thus become conscious that the
Theory of Everything will give answers to the question whether
prophesies are real phenomenas, and then further, what they are and
how they should be interpreted. We further realise that such a
Theory of Everything would contain final explanations as to how
the prophesies of The Book of Revelations, should be interpreted.
It will presumably, show us how we can achieve the wisdom and
super intelligence which is required in order to solve the puzzle of
the number 666, and the person which this pertains to. -- Here we
realise the we face an Epimenides Paradox, which in modern
languages is known as a Strange Loop, or Catch 22. Having
progressed thus far in our speculations, we become further aware
that the much mentioned Theory of Everything, has to be an
extraordinarily interesting and important knowledge for humanity. -
- That in all probability, professor Steven Weinberg, Nobel laureate
and one of the head priest of theoretical physics, is indeed right,
when he declares that in the Theory of Everything, we are
confronting the most important knowledge since the beginning of
the sciences. Our suggestion is that it is actually, the most
important knowledge since humanity came into being. That
humanity may not be able to survive without this knowledge. It is
thus quite conceivable that some one, some where, would start
crying, because no one has succeeded in solving, conclusively, this
much important enigma. -- Stop!

Suddenly we remember that the prophesy of The Book of
Revelations, - which consists of 22 chapters, - contains two
chapters which specially deal with some very important information
for humanity. Here we are referring to chapters 5 and 10. In the 5th
chapter the discussion centres around the need for someone to
receive some very important information; This through the process
of solving a riddle by rupturing seven seals. This in turn indicates
that here we might expect the solution to come in steps. At the
same time this seems to indicate the prime message of the prophesy.
It further seems that since no one has been capable of this, it might
be a reason for the shedding of tears. At last, someone who has the
endurance to win the victories required to rupture the seven-seals,
shows up. -- The 10th chapter then describes the seen when the
seals have been ruptured (and 6 trumpets have sounded) and the
much important information are received. Here it is conspicuous
that these information are said to be at first; "Sweet in the mouth
but sour in the stomach," but this suggests that initially these
insights might appear quite pleasing and exciting. Insights which
later require a process of digestion which requires considerable
efforts of application. Here is where we remember the words of
Niels Bohr when he described the seen when men make
fundamental insights, then the; "Newly acquired insights are at first
only half understood by the one who begets them, and appear as
complete nonsense to all others... Any new idea which does not
appear very strange at the outset, does not have a chance of being a
vital discovery." In the 10th chapter, 7th verse, we further come
across events which take place when the main insight have been
achieved regarding the important information. This is described
with the statement that when the 7th trumpet has sounded, all the
secrets and mysteries of God's creation will have been relinquished,
as He had promised his prophets. In the last verse, the 10th, a
command to the one who receives the very important insights is
found; He should introduce them to; "Many nations, races,
languages and leaders." -- This, to us, sounds indeed much like
someone was talking about the Theory of Everything. We certainly
can think of no other information for humanity, that would carry
such significance. It no longer escapes our attention, that if the
prophesies of The Book of Revelation are not just, like all that
which psychiatry does not understand, some kind of psychotic
nonsense, then this can only be a prophesy dealing with the much
discussed Theory of Everything. The all important puzzle which the
theoretical physicists are wrestling to solve, whose solution could
come tomorrow or after 1000 years (if we are still in existence). --
We do indeed consider it appropriate that such a discovery should
be prophesied in the last part of the Bible. This especially if this is
going to have to do with the so called God Nonsense questions of
man. The questions of believe in some God. The oldest and
bloodiest controversy in humanity. A solution of an enigma which
physics has less and less been able to deal with. A final answer to
all philosophical, theological and psychological contemplations of
man. We, personally, have not come a cross comparable
suggestions as those being presented here and it is quite likely that
they may appear, to many, quite far fetched, but we believe that
they are a first in humanity. -- They are thus one of two
possibilities; Connections made either by a super intelligent person
or an individual in the state of manic delusional psychosis? --
Which of this is true will only be revealed when the Theory of
Everything appears.

The Book of Revelations and the Great Pyramid.
It is quite logical the we should not be getting away with this
simple interpretational specu-lations, and of the many doubts that
appear in our mind, are foremost the questions; Why are such
prophesies not in the other religions of man? -- Perhaps it is right
to look around a little, to see whether there are not some similar
prophesies to be found elsewhere? We do not have to look for long
before we come a cross something which we can connect our ideas
regarding the basic composition of The Book of Revelation, but
this is something which is seen by some as a prophesy written in
stone. A prophesy which was written approximately 4500 years
ago, in a land of the fertile crescent, the land of Egypt. A land
which, through the acquaintance of Moses with the religious
techniques of the Egyptians, became the cradle for the development
of the Jewish religion. This is of course a reference to the Great
Pyramid, but here it is seen as a symbolic phenomena which
expresses the accumulation of mans knowledge. Quite considerable
number of individuals have, through the ages, seen the Great
Pyramid, the pyramid of Kafuff, Koffuff or Keop, as a prophesy and
they have often been referred to as being of the pyramid cult. Here
we should be careful not to forget the Great Seal of the United
States, but this includes a drawing of a pyramid with a top stone
containing an eye. This then being a symbol for the; "All seeing eye
of God." The admission of this metaphysical symbolism into the
insignias of the United States, having come about through the
mystical influences by the Free Masons which were a part of the
fathers of the deceleration of independence and the constitution of
the country. By the appearance on the one dollar bill of the Great
Seal, this symbol may quite possibly be the most printed and
widest distributed mystical emblem ever in the history of humanity.
This symbol does indeed fit, quite agreeably, with the arguments
here presented. -- Sir Francis Bacon saw the knowledge of man as
if it were of a pyramid form. In such an allegory the top stone
becomes a kind of a symbol for the final knowledge of man,
compatible to the Theory of Everything, which science is now
facing and has the possibility of producing. This means simply that
the top stone of the pyramid, which actually is missing, is a symbol
for "The Little Scroll" in the 10th chapter of The Book of
Revelation. It is further of symbolic significance that the top stone
is by it-self a pyramid, and the pyramid not a complete pyramid
without it. -- A further connection, and possibly the most important
one, comes through the Sphinx, half man, half beast, which is
sitting next to the pyramid and is here seen as the equivalent to Mr.
666 in the 13th chapter in The Book of Revelations. The chapter
about the dragon and the two beasts, but here the final emphasises
are on the second beast through the number 666. The Egyptians
told the Greeks, in ancient times, that only Oedipus could solve the
riddle of the Sphinx, but this in turn could mean that the individual
which the number 666 applies to, has some experience of, or knew
something about, the Oedipus-complex of Freud.

Prophesies of Iceland (Atlantiz),
the Great Pyramid and the Book of Revelation.
In 1937 a British pyramid-loge, Adam Rutherford, presented the
mystical findings of his studying of the Great Pyramid. Rutherford
and his cronies read out of their investigation, that it was, amongst
other things, a prophesy in stone. They associated this prophesy
with Iceland. The prophecy was given the title "Iceland's Great
Inheritance," and it was derived from their discovery that by
drawing a line from the south-west corner through the north-east
corner, and then extending this line, it eventually intersected
Bethlehem, the birthplace of Christ. Christ is seen in the spiritual
language of The Book of Revelation, as the City of Peace
(Jerusalem means the City of Peace). The continuation of this was
then in a line drawn from the south-east corner of the pyramid and
extending it through the north-west corner, and then the extension
of this line eventually intersected Reykjavik, Iceland (Iceland
Radius). -- We, however, see this prophetic analyses as somewhat
loose and not sufficient support for such believe that this means
that in Iceland a solution to the problems of man is to appear. With
our connection between The Book of Revelation and the Pyramid
of Keop on the one hand, the beast in the 13th chapter with the
Sphinx, on the other, we are more ready to accept the suggestion
that here could be a case for the prophesy of the discovery of the
Theory of Everything, including a suggestion for the individual
who makes the discovery. Mystically and metaphysically we find a
lexigram or koan meaning to the name of Iceland as it is written in
Icelandic; ISLAND. This then looks as follows; IS LA ND, but this
is simply; English - IS = is, France - LA = definitive article,
English - ND = end, or equal to the mystical interpretation, koan
solution; Is the end. Such a connection is quite far fetched to most
people, but here it is based on the believe that the right brains
hemisphere (spatial) is the receiver for the cosmic/universal
consciousness, or the creative intelligence fountain of the brain, but
at the same time the part of the brain which controls the creation of
words from one syllable parts, but these are then put together by
the left hemisphere, the hemisphere of the speech functions
(Broca/Wernicke). We could take this even further and connect
Iceland to the legend of ATLANTIZ, but this with the idea that
Atlantiz was not some land in the past, but a country in the future.
This would mean that Solon and Plato had not realised that the
legend had been a prophesy, not a story from the past. This
connection is, however, of lesser consequence in our speculations.
On the other hand there exists a straight forward suggestion in the
Book of Revelation it-self. A suggestion which quite possibly
points to Iceland. This is the 4th chapter of the prophesy where we
find a picture of four beings which are the; Lion, Bull, Man, Eagle.
This of course is a connection to the code of arms of Iceland (Not
taken from Christianity), which consists of a; Dragon, Bull, Man,
Eagle. -- Here, all the figures in the 4th chapter of The Book of
Revelation, exist in reality, but only three of those in the Icelandic
code of arms. The dragon, which exists only in our imagination (the
most important symbol in Taoism), is seen here as a wild card, or a
symbol which can be exchanged for another. Here we do of course
meet with the lion; "The Lion from Judhah's tribe, the great
descendent of David," which we meet in the next chapter, the 5th.
Here we must be looking at some symbolic metaphors regarding the
one who solves the riddle by the rupture of the seven-seals. With
such arguments we are more willing to begin to take heed, when
someone suggests that something of significance will take place in
Iceland. Our connection to the Great Pyramid, to The Book of
Revelation and the Theory of Everything, is somehow, a more
logical interpretation of prophesies, than just simply the drawing of
a line from the south-east corner of the pyramid, through its north-
west corner and to discover that this line extends through
Reykjavik. In continuation of the interpretation of the "east-radius,"
this would suggest that Reykjavik would somehow be connected to
the reappearance of the Christ, which in the spiritual language of
The Book of Revelation is the; later city of peace, or the New
Jerusalem. We do think it unbelievable that some Christ, bringing
something of value, would appear in Iceland, in the near future, and
this would suggest that he would not be long lasting as Dostoevsky
suggested in his book; THE BROTHERS KARAMAZOV. There
he suggested that in all such cases, the leaders of the church would
be the first to destroy him and would drag him before the
inquisition so that he would not destroy the faith, which anyhow
has become useless through the proofs of the sciences. -- Now a
days the inquisition would be replaced by a declaration of insanity
and a permanent residence in an asylum. -- At any rate, we are of
the opinion that the foremost leaders of the nation, whether they be
political, spiritual or academic, are not of the calibre to be likely to
such roles. On the other hand we are prepared to believe, that in
Iceland, there might appear an individual which the number of the
beast applies to. In The Book of Revelation it is clearly stated that
the one who the number 666 applies to, will appear before the "end
of the world" takes place and Christ reappears for the second time.
-- This is so whether the ending should be interpreted in some
spiritual terms or physical. -- At any rate, the grandiosity of the
Great Pyramid (one of the seven wonders of the world) is fully
compatible with the grandiosity of the expected Theory of

Oriental Prophesies.
In the oriental religions we do find a somewhat lesser selection
when it comes to prophesies. Here the Buddhists are waiting for the
Fifth and the last master Buddha which is to appear, for the first
time, in the west. This is to be the manifestation of the spirit of the
so called Lord Maitreya and many believe that this is now about to
take place, approximately 2500 years after the appearance of the
First Buddha; Gautama. Somehow this appeals to us, to our
previous connections between the Book of Revelation and The
Theory of Everything, and this then through the suggestion that the
appearance of the Fifth Buddha, we will be experiencing some
individual who is bringing the final explanations to everything and
therefor there will be no need for further Buddha fundamental
teachers. The Dalai Lama is said to be praying for the unification of
man's spiritual wisdom and man's material knowledge and this
would of course be accomplished by the Theory of Everything. In
the East, the technological insights are rarer than in the West and it
therefor understandable that the begetter of such a theory should
come from the West. The Muslims are, on the other hand, in
waiting for the so called Al Mahaddi, which is the
reincarnation/reappearance of the prophet. During the course of
history, a few individuals have volunteered themselves, and here the
one who appeared in the Sudan in the mid nineteenth century, was
the bloodiest. Many contemporaries have seen the motion picture
Khartoum, but this dealt with the massacres which ensued from the
Jihad (Holy war) of this prophet. Gadafi and Sadam Hussain are
each said to be of the belief that he is the Al Mahadi, but Gadafi
has somewhat stepped back and is said to be on tranquillisers.

Some Possibilities for the Solution of the Puzzle of 666.
By now we are beginning to believe that if the prophesy of The
Book of Revelation is not just some rubbish from a psychotic
manic-depressive, but something else, then the other option is that
here we have something whose interpretation may be half as
complicated as we have believed up until now. This would mean
that the interpretation of the prophesy would be through a different
set of interpretation keys, to those which have been used up until
now. We might even find that keys which are taken from the
modern sciences, would be more appropriate. Keys taken from the
science of neurology, quantum mechanics or nuclear physics.
Interpretation keys which would be comparable to the
interpretation of some of the parables of Christ through neurology.
What of it, it is not our intention to attempt to solve the mystery of
The Book of Revelation here, and it is well for us to remember that
the prophesy says that for this end "who ever is intelligent" is
needed to solve it, but this obviously rules us out. These
speculations of ours are more intended as an overview of
prophesies in general, and their possible relation to the Theory of
Everything. Further, to ask whether it might be possible to treat the
phenomena of prophesies with different methods than the ones
which we have been applying up until now. In this relation we are
coming to believe that the solution of the puzzle regarding the
number 666, could be much simpler than we have been imagining,
and that when the prophesy says that the number 666 stands for a
mans name, this could simply mean that the numerical of 666 are
representing, in some manner, the initials of someone which has
three names, as for example the foreign minister of Iceland, Mr.
John Balduin Hannibalsson who has the initials JBH. This could
mean that the puzzle would be solved through a system such as is
now a days common in intelligence tests. -- This could be quite
feasible since the altruistic language of the prophesies, is in its
nature, timeless and could apply to any time in history. This would
further agree with the deceleration of Einstein, that objectively no
time exists, but only subjectively. This in turn would be in
agreement with those who believe, contrary to common believe, that
the spatial hemisphere be void of time perception. Here it becomes
interesting to examine comparative system-puzzles from
intelligence tests, but this in turn leads us to a puzzle which says
that there is an infinite row which begins by the letters; O-T-T-F-F
and then asks what the next two letter in this row are going to be.
After we have realised the this infinite row is nothing but our
numerical system and these five letters represent the numbers; One,
Two, Three, Four, Five, then the next two will of course be S-S, or
the initial letter in the numbers Six and Seven. -- Another example
where number are exchange with letters, is the famous telegram

All kinds of secret codes have been conjured up through the ages,
simply by swapping letters for numbers, and numbers for letters.
While solving a puzzle which is constructed on the comparison
between our numerical system, and our Greek-Roman letter system,
we can of course create numerous systems. Here we could proceed
both forward and backwards with these systems, but the simplest
system could be the most difficult one to solve, in accord with the
motto that the answers always seem so terribly simple after the
puzzle has been solved, compared to how complicated the puzzle
seemed before we had it solved. -- Here we might for example key
the initials of Halldor Kiljan Laxness by simply beginning to count
from the letter A in the Icelandic Alphabet, and get the number 9
when we arrive at the letter H, then from there the number 3 when
we arrive at the letter K, and from this point the number 0 when we
arrive at the letter L. By this method we could say that the number
930 stands for the name of this man. This is suggesting that in some
specific alphabet from, -- some specific place, at some specific
time, -- might be applicable (such as the Hebrew or the Icelandic).
This would then suggest that we count from the letter A, six letters,
and get a specific letter, an initial, then we count from that point,
another six letters, and get a second initial, and then finally from
that point, we count the last six letters and get the last initial letter.
-- The letters we would thus acquire, would of course have to apply
to some individual, which is in some way different from other
humans. In accordance with the previous argumentation, very
possibly a person which would have to do something with the final
knowledge of humanity, the Theory of Everything. As what regards
the signs which are to be found on the forehead and the right hands
of the 666 person, then we are of the opinion that it be more likely
that these be some standard mystical, or occult signs, rather than
any man made signs such as the merchandising computer-bar-
codes. This would more likely mean the third eye mark which
appears between the eyebrows in a kundalini awakening through
the Ajna Chakra, and on the hand, simple energy spots, which may
be seen as star signs in mirror images on the skin. Here the zodiac
sign of the lion would indeed be the "mark of the beast." Some see
these energy spots as birthmarks as does Leonard Cohen; "I am
guided by a signal from the heavens, I am guided by the birthmarks
on my skin."

The Question of 666 and Iceland (Atlantiz).
An individual, such as the one discussed here, would further have
the circumstances that he could be connected to men's ideas of the
spiritual phenomena, which men cal different names such as;
Beletzebuhl, Mefistofele, Satan, Devil, Lucifer. Perhaps it would
be appropriate here to say of this person; And the beast is on the
loose, -- in Iceland! This might be of some consolation to those
who are rediscovering the prophesies regarding Iceland. That we do
not forget those who in later times are visiting the country in order
to inform the Icelanders that they are the future saviours of
humanity. Not that we forget the prophesies of Nostradamus, which
amongst other things, contended that a man would appear on a
small island in the north-Atlantic; Some noteworthy individual. An
individual which is to have profound influence on world events.
This could quite possibly be Iceland, since it is an island in the
north-Atlantic. A individual which would have quite considerable
influence on world events; On the thinking of man, either for better
or worse, could quite possibly be an author of some final Theory of
Everything, or such an author would certainly be a candidate. --
This would then not be altogether nonsensical, and why could this
not be a woman (woman are men). Here we do have to disappoint
the female equal rights advocates, the 12th chapter of The Book of
Revelation suggests that this figure be a male figure. In accord to
our previous arguments, then in all likelihood, any candidate in
Iceland, which would fit in regard to the manifestation of the being
which the number 666 applies to, would have to be connected to
the progression in physics and neurology. What ever the truth in all
this, this we do not know, and we are conscious of the fact, that it
will be a mystery, what any final truth is, until the Final Theory of
Everything appears. Here we should make a note of a special
peculiarity, but this is the fact that numerous crackpots, have in the
past decade been contacting the leading physicists, claiming that
they have discovered, and are in possession of the Final Theory of
Everything. This apparently is another form of psychotic identity
crises comparable to the Christ or Buddha claims of the
manic/schizophrenic patients. Here we further come up against one
more mystery, but this is the suggestion by some that we men do
not really want the much discussed Theory of Everything. That we
can't find the final theory, solve the final enigma, this because we
deny the solution before hand. This is supposedly so because the
answers provided by the Theory of Everything will then become the
final mirror for humanity and tell us the truth about our-selves.
Truth which we do not want to know. That it will tell us the
ultimate truth regarding what is to be found in our sub-conscious.
Here some go so far as to maintain that here we will be finding, in
every man and woman, the real Mr. Or Mrs. 666, but in this regard,
then it is true that a lot of sex is indeed to be found in the
subconscious. Still further wisdom visionaries suggest that this may
indeed be the actual hiding place of the devil and that he will do
everything in his power to prevent man from finding the final
answer of the Theory of Everything. -- The theory would reveal the
secret of the devil and this in turn would mean the end of him. He
thus would apply all conceivable techniques of deception to
prevent that men would believe such confounded apocalyptic
nonsense as The Book of Revelations appears to be. If this is true,
then the strategic positioning of the Devil, right smack in the sub-
conscious of men, would mean that he is especially well situated in
order to control the insanitys that are in progress on planet Earth,
and at the same time prevent people from believing any of what is
here written, but this is not our concern. -- Stop! Stop!

We have again come up against an Epimenides Paradox, or a
Strange Loop, or a Catch 22. This one being even more vicious than
the last one. -- Again we are reminded of the words of Niels Bohr,
when he pointed out that; "When we are facing a paradox, we
should be conscious that if we succeed in solving it, we will in all
likelihood be making a fundamental discovery. For this reason we
should be glad when we met with the paradox." -- In this one we
discover that we are saying that we believe, according to The Book
of Revelation and the Great Pyramid, that the individual who
discovers the Theory of Everything, will be Mr. 666 or the Devil,
and at the same time, we are saying that the Devil will be doing
everything to prevent the discovery of the theory. These two
different results are indeed colliding violently head on and this
paradox is certain to point us in a new direction.

-- If Mr. 666 be the discoverer of the Final GUT/TOE, then he is
not the Devil. The solution to this paradox must be in our
remembering that the Bible does NOT actually say that Mr. 666 is
the Devil. Here we have been lead a stray by the misinterpretations
of the fundamentalist sects. He is just "the second beast," what ever
that means. -- There has to be another explanation to this. Perhaps
this is referring to an individual who, in some way, is rehabilitated.
Perhaps The Book of Revelation is in actual fact describing how
the Spirit of Christ is actually destroying the Devil (the
deceptions), "the false profit," in this man. Perhaps The Book of
Revelation is in actual fact describing how the Spirit of Christ is
handing this man the Theory of Everything, in spiritual language,
describing it as "The Little Scroll." This would then bring some
sense into the Seventh-Day Adventists interpretations of the
official Latin title of the Pope (Vicarivs filii dei = Representative of
the Son of God), which would then render this person the real
representative of the; Son of God. Following is the Seventh-Day
Adventists interpretation.

We actually thought that the number 501 had to do with
manufacturing of some garments, but this all seems to us to be
totally nutty, which makes this speculation on the arrival at the
figure of the beastly number, all the more interesting. What of it,
this seems more comprehensible than any interpretation which we
have so far seen regarding the, -- putting it mildly, -- strange Book
of Revelation. The Book of the Bible of which the second serious
ponderer of the force of gravity (after Galileo), Isaac Newton,
possessed over twenty different versions. To sum this all up, the
truth is still the furriest animal on earth, ever since Pilate replied to
the assertion of Christ that he embodied the truth, with the
question; "Who knows what the truth is?" All the way, down
through history, since this took place, mans interest in the
questions regarding spiritual truths has steadily declined. On the
other hand, his interest has increased regarding the question of the
material truths and here the prime motive has been the question:
How much is in it for me? - - This in turn leads us into meditating
the question whether it would not be of more value for man to
know what lies are, rather than the questions regarding what truth
is. The questions regarding how lies are born in the human brain? It
is actually the lies which prematurely kill us, not the truth. This
again leads us back to the question of the phenomena which man
calls The Devil. A phenomena which needs to be clarified, once
and for all, and which is after all, in all probability, somehow
connected to the phenomena of the individual, Mr. 666, in The
Book of Revelations, even though he may not directly represent the
Devil. Certainly we do have reasonable hopes that this will be
forthcoming in the Theory of Every-thing, and that this will contain
both truths, the material/objective one, and the spiritual/-subjective
one, and at the same time inform us of what lies constitute. Our
conclusions regarding the prophesies in The Book of Revelations,
is that we do believe that we have here solved this enigma, --
sufficiently for us personally, -- and we satisfy our selves with an
explanation in the outline. In other words, we are thus fully content
that we shall not be in need of any further detailed explanation.
This we shall in all likelihood receive when the Theory of
Everything appears, -- if we are still alive when this transpires. This
our interpretation of The Book of Revelations suffices thus to
satisfy our curiosity and there only remains to wait for the
appearance of the terrible Mr. 666. Some grandiosely mystical Mr.
666, which, in accord to our calculations, is on the loose here in
Iceland, towards the end of the century. This to us is indeed of
great interest, and we become conscious that we are indeed living in
interesting times, but for this end, all we really need is the not so
mystical fact that the Theory of Everything is expected and can
appear at any moment. Further to this fact, we have begun to
scrutinise people, paying special attention to any signs of them
being cranky or kinky, such as whether they are believing, or are
contemplating, prophesies. In the University of Iceland we have
come across many interesting 666 candidates and candidatines, but
these seem to be more interesting in contemplating time machines.
Contemplating, - - with the help of Igor Novikov, -- whether they
can travel back in time, back into the past, rather than forward into
the future, and have lesser interest in any Theories of Everything.
This in turn gives us insights into the spirit of the younger
generations, but here we become saddened at the spirits who look
into the past, not into the future. We now become conscious of the
fact that this, which we have been committing here to paper, are no
ordinary contemplations. Here, to our consolation, we have noticed
that now a days, much is being written and presented to the public
through the news media, which is actually, - equally, if not more, -
silly, stupid or nutty as that which here is written, but this in turn
means that we should be mindful of the motto of the sciences;
"nullius in verba," and stop these literal excesses........ right here.

"Who ever is intelligent can figure out the meaning of the number
of the beast, because the number stands for a man's name. Its
number is 666."

Rev: 13-18

Why do Human Beings who become Conscious in ther Sub-
Conscious, whether in a Healthy Manner (Mystics), or Pathological
(Psychopaths), become so Preoccupied with the Mystical Meaning
of this Symbolic Figure.
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