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Review of book - As Man Becomes Machine

AS MAN BECOMES MACHINETitle and most of the contenf this article are taken directly f
rom David Rorvik's book published by Doubleday & Co., 1971. Other comments are written by Al Pinto.I last article, CYBORG.UFO, I had sai
d that the material presented, is "watered down". That article was meant as an introduction to what are about to read. In his book, whic
h by the way has nothing to do with UFO's, Rorvik supports what I have presented to you before. He sies us with valuable technical infor
mation into a technology that seeks to make man evolve into machine. Some of the concepts have alreaeen presented to you in my last arti
cle. An overview you might say. This article will go more into detail on the subject of ESB, or elecic stimulation of the brain, and par
ticipant evolution. This comes from Mr. Rorvik's book; Page 151:ELECTROPROSTHESIS Somatic functionve yielded even more dramatically th
an the autonomic to ESB. These are the motor functions, movements of the body and it's extremities, h can be controlled by stimulating v
arious parts of the cerebral cortex. In Dr. Delgado's experiments animals were induced to "move the , raise or lower the body, open or c
lose the mouth, walk or lie still, or turn around." He found that the animals took all of this very in stride, seemingly unaware of out
side interference. Cats stimulated in such a way as they would suddenly have to raise a hind leg wouo right on purring. Nor would they s
tumble or fall. "However," Dr. Delgado observes, "if we tried to prevent the evoked effect by holdine hind leg with our hands, the cat s
topped purring, struggled to get free, and shook it's leg," indicating that the stimulatory command powerful one. A number of researc
hers are working to put this sort of motor control to practical effect. --------------------------------------------------------------So
, if ESB is effective on animals, could it be just as effective on Humans? Rorvik writes: To underd fully the impact ESB may have in t
he very near future, it is important first to understand something of the actual technique of implan electrodes in the brain. Thousands
of laboratory animals, including rats, dogs, cats, dolphins, bulls and even crickets, have been wireome with more than one hundred elect
rodes. Dozens of humans, most of them suffering from serious diseases or mental disorders, have beenilary wired- some with scores of ele
ctrodes and for periods in excess of a year. --------------------------------------------------------------What is the history of this t
echnology? How far back does it date too? Is it possible that this science could explain at least thossibility, in which the occupants o
f UFO's may not be extraterrestrial? That it is indeed possible that the abductees ARE under a mass ucination imposed on them by their a
bductors? Rorvik again provides us with more answers: "Recent rapid development in ESB techniqullows upon what was a rather slow st
art. Direct electrical stimulation, in fact, dates back nearly two centuries to the experiments of V, Galvani, Du Bois-Reymond and other
s , who discovered that the brain was more suceptible to electronics than to obscure chemical forcesnimal spirits" they were called) tha
t were in vogue up to that time." That came from page 141-142. He continues to tell us that electr stimulation of the brain was used i
n 1870 by battlefield brain surgeons. Then he says: "This medical 'technology' lay mercifully dormfor decades after the war-until Dr.
Walter R. Hess, a brilliant Swiss neurophysiologist, devised the modern technique of electrode implaion in 1932, demonstrating in the pr
ocess that nearly all of man's functions and emotions can be influenced by electrical stimulation incific cerebral areas." -page 142
Here we are again. Nearing WWII, and humans have already learned about and demonstrated this technol You will recall that we also had sa
ucer technology back then. What if Hitler and his brilliant scientists got hold of this technology? ik doesn't say whether or not this r
elates to that situation. He does offer us some scary scenarios, however. He writes:GOVERNMENT BY "EROLIGARCHY" The incredible power t
hat one can exert over an individual's actions and emotions with ESB has given rise to some alarm.Whorks for lower animals in this realm
can also be made to work for man. Most scientists assume, of course, that this technology, will remin (their) benign hands, ushering in
a new era of "electrical nirvana." But if the technology should fall into decidedly unscrupulous ha(and this must certainly be consider
ed a possibility), then a strange and fearful world could result. An electrical engineer named CurR. Schafer alluded to this very poss
ibility in a paper he presented before the National Electronics Conference in Chicago some years agolf in jest, he proposed computer-con
trolled electrodes be implanted in the brains of babies, a few months after birth, robotizing them fife. "The once human being thus cont
rolled would be the cheapest of machines to create and operate," he pointed out. "The cost of buildiven a simple robot, like the Westing
house mechanical man, is probably ten times that of bearing and raising a child to the age of sixteeOther scientists have admitted the p
ossibility that governments could try to control citizen behavior by techniques of ESB. Theion of a society controlled by such
a government is not pleasant to contemplate-yet it is certainly as "realistic" as that envisioned byous Huxley in his famous novel "Brav
e new World", in which the masses were bio-chemically stratified via the sort of genetic engineeringt is already becoming possible in la
boratories around the world. An electronically contrived Brave New World, however, might actually bey to achieve. The stratification her
e, of course, would be somewhat different, as the following scenario would illustrate: To begin , let us imagine a conspiracy partic
ipated in by a small group of powerful men who seek to "optimize" society. Noting the fantastic potel of ESB, they invision themselves a
t the top of an electronically sustained socio-structure that might be called the Eletroheirarchy. Tonspirators, let us say, are leading
figures in the military-industrial complex who want to run society in the same way that they run thfactories and armies. But now, inste
ad of having to worry about personal incentive programs, waste, time consumming inter-office bickeriin house pilfering, and philandering
, insubordination, the costly ritual of hiring and firing and so on, they need only punch buttons anansmit the appropriate signals to ac
hieve every general's, manager's, president's, premiere's dream of the efficient society. -page 145
-146Rorvik goes on to explain details of how such a government might operate by groups known as the ers, who are only about 50 people sp
ared from electrode implants; The next rung down would be the Electrons, who are somewhat implanted,ld be the poets, thinkers, scientist
s, scholars, etc.; Next, The Positrons would be more heavily implanted and would be the positive this, the ones who put the plans into a
ction. The "white collar" workers; At the lowest level might come the electrons or the most heavily anted, which would be engaged in the
repetitive, often menial tasks. All would be cheaper and more reliable than automatic equipment andhanical robots. They would be roboti
zed so that they could do their tasks all day, and love every minute of it. I find it more thaneresting that this scenario fits in,
almost too well, with what the Nazi's were trying to do. If they somehow had access to this technol which is entirely possible, they wo
uld use it similarly as depicted above.--------------------------------------------------------------GENETIC ENGINEERING AND BIOLOGICAL
MUTATIONThe idea that the EBE could be a TBE, or TERRESTRIAL biological entity, is also possible. Ro writes: Space, as much as medicin
e, has fostered the cyborg concept; in fact, it was in connection with the space challenge that the itself was coined. Dr. Manfred Clyn
es and Dr. Nathan Kline, both of Rockland State Hospital in New York, first introduced the word in aer presented at the Pschophysiologic
al Aspects of Space Flight Symposium in San Antonio several years ago. They noted that "in the past, altering of bodily functions to sui
t different environments was accomplished through evolution. From now on, at least in some degree, tcan be achieved without alteration o
f heredity by suitable bio-chemical, physiological, and electronic modification of man's modus viven The value of this sort of "partici
pant evolution" they pointed out, could be immense, particularly in the space-effort, where a self rating man-machine system could funct
ion so much better than a conventional astronaut.Rorvik also goes on to state what this "cybernaut" d look like. He says: "The astrona
utic cyborg they envisioned would be considerably more agile and certainly far more effective than oresent day moon men. For one thing,
the cyborg's space suit would be lightweight and skin tight. It would require no pressurization since cyborg's lungs will be partially c
ollapsed and the blood in them artificially cooled. Mouth and nose would be superfluous and hence se and totally non-functioning. Respir
ation and most other bodily processes would be effected cybernetically through the utilization of arcial organ's and sensors, some of wh
ich would be attached to the exterior of the suit while others would be surgically implanted within cyborg's body." page 107-108
One Doctor, J.B.S. Haldane, had some interesting thoughts. He said it might be best to breed leglessronauts for the first space flight t
o the stars, "thus reducing not only their weight but their food and oxygen requirements. A regressiutation to the condition of our ance
stors in the mid-Pliocene, with prehensile feet, that can grasp things, no appreciable heels and an like pelvis, would be still better."
Scientists already know how to put genes together in test tubes and how to synthesize their elementamponents. Microsurgical techniques p
rovide one means of altering the natural material. Experiments with certain viruses will do the sameng. It seems that special viruses, a
dept at insinuating their way into certain cells, can be made to freight in with them, specially pred genetic instructions (in the form
of carefully prepared DNA nucleotide sequences), thus altering the course of development in the desidirection.On the subject of Bio-cybe
rnetics, Rorvik offers: "The suggestion, for example, that man be linked directly to computers to nce mental efficiency provides "part
icipant evolution" with a new demension. Indeed, some insist that bio-cybernetics offers a far greategree of participation than genetics
; the coupling of man and machine can provide instantaneous and, as Dr. Clynes points out, possibly rsible, modification of the genotype
, wheras controlled biological change would take a good deal longer and to prove permanent, at leastindividual cases." -page 112Well no
w; let's see. Rorvik states that at the time of the writing of this book, which is 1970, we were abowo decades away from controlled biol
ogical change, if not sooner. Dr. Clynes points out that, if we used bio-cybernetics, that time peris cut down by a good deal. Couple th
ese facts in with the possibility of this technology in the hands of evil intelligence and we have takings of truly a great nightmare. O
ne that fits in perfectly with what is going on in the UFO phenomenon. One that could even explain whe "aliens" look the way they do.
You should also recall the Nazi's obsession with genocide during WWII. How advanced would a sciet become in human genetic engineerin
g, if he had virtually unlimited human specimens to work with and, did not have to worry about moral ethical laws stopping him? How adva
nced would he become in any field of endeavor, for that matter?This is very detailed information. Yoy want to read it a couple of times
to let your mind absorb all of it. You may find, as I do, that you may have missed something or didnick up on a point that is very impor
tant, that may help clarify this theory better. I look forward to any feedback you may havethis material. See you on the Echo!
Thanks. Al Pinto-------------------------------------------------------------
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