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Text file about the first alien we made contact wi


Mege #799 - INFO.PARANET
Date : 25-Jan-91 14:00
From : Michael Corbin
To : All
Subject :EE#1
Recently, Jerry Clark published the first of three volumes titled "UFOs in the
1980s," an invlubl research tool containing a host of information on the
who, where and what of UFOlogy. With hi kid prmission and the kind
permission of Apogee Publishing Company, we are reprinting an article akenfromthat book -- Extraterrestrial Biological Entity. In this article, Jerry
culls all of the ast hstoryand controversy surrounding the MJ-12
controversy and other related material that has spwed foth fro the extreme
side of UFOlogy representing the ETH such as Lear, Cooper and others. Altough
ths mightbe considered by some to be "old news," Jerry's chronology of
events shed a differen light o the plaers that have made up this compendium
of scenarios -- aliens eating humans, geneti experimetation an the gamut of
sensationalistic information that drove Paul Bennewitz to an NBD a the kind
ands of aditted-disinformant, William L. Moore.

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UFOs in the 1980s
(C) 1990 by Apogee Books and erome Clark
Pages 8 - 109

Perhaps the strngest and most convoluted UFO story of the 1980s
concerns allegations from vrious sources, some of them
individuals connected with military and inelligence agencies,
tat the U.S. governmen not only has communicated with but has
an ongoing elationship with what are known officially as
"extraterrestrial biological entities," or EBEs.
The Emenegger/Sandler Sga: The story begins in 973, when Robert
Emenegger and Alan Sandler, to well-connected Los Ageles
businessmen, were ivited to Norton Air Force Base in California
to discuss a possible docuentary film on advanced research
projects. Two military officials, onethe base's head of the AirForce Office of Special Ivestigations, the other, the audio-
visualdirector Paul Shartle, discused a number of projects. On
of them involved UFOs. This one sounded te most interesting and
planswere launched to go ahead wit a film on the subject.

Emenegger and andler were told of a film takn at Holloman AFB,
New Mexico in May 1971. In October 1988, n a national
television broadast, Shartle would declare thathe had seen the
16mm film showing"three disc-shaped craft. One o the craft
landed and two of hem went away." A door opened on he landed
vehicle and three beins emerged. Shartle said, "They wee human-
size. They had an odd gray complexion and a pronounced nose.
They wore tightfitting jum suits, [and] thin headdresse that
appeared to be communicatin devices, and in their hands the
held a 'translator.' A Holoman base commander and other Ai
Force officers went out to meet the" (Howe, 1989).

Emenegge was led to believe he would be giventhe film for use
in his documentar. He was even taken to Nrton and shown the
landing site an the building in which the spaceship ad been
stored and thers (Buildings 383 and 1382) in whih meetings
between Air Force personnl and the aliens had been conducted
over the next several dys. According to his sources, the landin
had taken place t 6 a.m. The extraterrestrials were "dotors,
professional types." Their eyes ha vertical slits ike a cat's
and their mouths were thin an slitlike, with no chins." All that
Emeneger was told ofwhat occurred in the meetings was a singlestray "fact": that the military people saidthey were mnitoring
signals from an alien group with whch they were unfamiliar, and
did their ET gests know nything about them? The ETs said no.

Emeneger's military sources said he would be given 200 feetof
film taken of the landing. At the lat minute, however,
permission was withdran, altough Emenegger and Sandler were
encouraged o describe the Holloman episode as someting
ypothetical, something that could happen or migh happen in the
future. Emenegger went to Wrigt-atterson AFB, where Project
Blue Book had been ocated until its closing in 1969, to ask Col.
Geoe Weinbrenner one of his military contacts, what had
happened. According to Emenegger's acont, the exchange took
place in Weinbrenner's ofice. The colonel stood up, walked to a
chalkboad nd complained in a loud voice, "That damn MIG 25!
Here we're so public with everything we hve. Bt the Soviets
have all kinds of things we dn't know about. We need to know
more about te MIG 2!" Moving to a bookshelf and continuing his
mnologue about the Russian jet fighter, he haded Emengger a
copy of J. Allen Hynek's The UFO Exerience (1972), with the
author's signatue and dediction to Weinbrenner. "It was like a
scene fom a Kafka play," Emenegger would recall , nferring fromthe colonel's odd behavior that he was confrming the reality of
the film while mking sure tha no one overhearing the
conversation ealized that was what he was doing.

The documentary fil UFO's Past, Present & Future (Sandle
Institutional Films, Inc.) was releasd in 1974 along wth a
paperback book of the same titl. The Holloman incident is
recounte in three pages (127-9) of the book's "Future" section.
Elsehere, in a section of photos and llustrations, is an
atist's conception of what one of the olloman entities looked
like, thoug it, along with other alen figures, is described
only as eing "based on eyewitness descriptons" (Emenegger,
1974). Emnegger's association with the militay and intelligence
he had met whiledoing the film would continuefor years. At one
point in the lat 1980s his sources told him that H was about to
be invited to fil an interview with a live extraterestrial in a
Southwestern state, e says, but nothing came of it.

he Suffern Story: On October 7, 975, a 27-year old carpenter,
Rbert Suffern, of Bracebridge, Ontrio, got a call from his
sistr who had seen a "fiery glow" nar his barn and concluded it
was on fire. Suffern drove to the spotand, after determining
that here was no problem, got back on the rod. There, he would
testify, h encountered a large disc-shaed object resting in his
path. "I was scaed," he said. "It was right tere in front of me
with no lights and no sign of life." But even befoe his car
could come to acomplete stop, the object aruptly ascended out
of sight. Suffern turnedhis car around and decided o head home
rather than to his sister's place, his original inteded
destination. At that pint a small figure wearin a helmet and a
silver-gray suit stepped in fron of the car, causing Suffrn to
hit the brakes ad skid to a stop. The figure ran into a field.
The, according to Suffern, when he got to the fenc, he put his
hands on a post and went over it with n effort at all. It wa
like he was weightles" (UFOIL, n.d.).

Within two days Suffern's report wa on the wire services, and
Suffern was esieged by UFO investigators, journalists,
curiosit-seekers, and other. Suffern, who made o effort to
exploit his story and gave every appearance o believing what he
as saying, soon tied of discussing it. A year later, however,
Suffern and hiswife told a Canadia investigator that a month
after the encounter, they were informed that some igh-ranking
officils wished to spek with them. Around this time, so they
claimed, they were gien thorough exainations by miitary
doctors. After that an appointment was set up for December 12and
on that da an Ontario Proincial Police cruiser arrived with
three military officers, one Caadian, two Amercan. They wee
carrying books and other documents. In the long conversation that
folowed, the offcers apologizd for the UFO landing, claiming
it was a "mistake" caused by the malfunctionin of an
etraterrestrial spaceship.

The officers produced close-up pictures of UFO, claiming hat
the U.. and Canadian governments had had intimate knowledge of
aliens since 1943 nd were cooerating wih them. The officers
even knew the exact dates and times of two prevous but
ureported UFO sightings on the Suffern property. The Sufferns
said the officers had ansered all heir qustions fully and
frankly, but they would not elaborate on what they were told
Reinteriewed bout the matter some months later, the couple
stuck by their story but added few urther etails

The investigator, Harry Tokarz, would remark, "Robert Suffern
strikes one as an idividul whocarefully measures his thoughts.
His sincerity comes through clearly as he slowly reltes is
cncepts and ideas. His wife, a home-bred country girl, is quick
to air her views and state nequvoclly what she believes to be
fact" (CUFORN, 1983).

EBEs in South Dakota: On February 9, 1978 a urous document--an
apparent carbon copy of an official U.S. Air Force incident
report-arrivd tthe office of the National Enquirer in Lantana,
Florida. Accompanying the document was an unsigndetter dated
"29 Jan." It read: "The incident stated in the attached report
actually occurred. e Air Force appointed a special team of
individuals to investigate the incident. I was one fthose
individuals. I am still on active duty and so I cannot state my
name at this time. It is ottat I do not trust the Enquirer (I
sure [sic] you would treat my name with [sic] confidence butI d
nt trust others.) The incident which occurred on 16 Nov. 77, was
classified top secret on 2 De 77.At hat time I obtained a copy
of the original report. I thought at that time that the Air Forc
woul prbably hush the whole thing up, and they did. The Air
Force ordered the silence on 1 Dc 77, fter hich, the report
was classified. There were 16 pictures taken at the scene. I do
no have acess t the pictures at this time" (Pratt, 1984).

The report, stamped FOR OFFICIAL USE ONL, purpored to b from
the commander of the 44th Missile Security Squadron at Ellsworth
AFB near Rpid City,South Daota. The incident was described as
a "Helping Hand (security violation)/Coverd Wagon security
iolation) at Lima 9 (68th SMSq Area), 7 miles SW of Nisland, SD,
at 2100 hour on 16 Nov.77." The rcipient of the report was
identified as "Paul D. Hinzman, SSgt, USAF, Com/Plotter, Wng
Security Control." Two security men, Airmen 1st Class Kenneth
Jenkins and Wayn E. Raeke, experienced and reported the
incident, which was investigated by Capt. Larry D. Stokes and
TSt. Robert E. tewart.

The document told an incredible story. At 10:59 on the evenng
of November 6 an alarm souded from the Lima Nine missile site.
Jenkins and Raeke, at tHe LimaLaunch Control Fcility 35 mile
away, were dispatched to the scene. On their arrival Raeke set
ut to check therear fence line.There he spotted a helmeted
figure in a glowing green metalli suit. The figure pointed a
weapon at Raeke's rifle and caused it to disintegrate, burning
Raek's hands and arms n the process. Raee summoned Jenkins,
who carried his companion back to thir Security Alert Team
vehicle. When Jenkins went to the rear fence line, he saw two
similarl-garbed figures. He odered them to halt, ut when they
ignored his command, he opened fire. His bllets struck one in
he shoulder and the oher in the helmet. The figures ran over a
hill and wer briefly lost to view. enkins pursued them an when
he next saw them, they were entering a 2-foot-in-diameter
saucershaped object, which sht away over the Horizon.

As Raeke was air-evacated from the scene, investigators
discoveredthat the missile's nuclear components had been stlen.

Enquirer reporterssuspected a hoax but whenthey called Rapid
City and Ellsworth to check n the names, they were surpised to
learn that such ersons did exist. Moreover, all were on actie
duty. The Enquirer launced an investigation, sendig several
reporters to Rapid City. Over he course of the next few dys
they found that although he individuals were real, the document
iaccurately listed their jobtitles, the geography of he
alleged incident was wrong (there ws no nearby hill over which
inruders could have run), Raeke ad suffered no injuries, he and
Jenkis did not even know each other, nd no one (including Rapid
City civilian residents and area ranchrs) had heard anything
about sch an encounter. As one of the reporters, Bob Pratt,
wrote i a subsequent account, "We fond more than 20
discrepancie or errors in the report -wrng names, numbers,
occupations, pysical layouts and so on. Had the ecurity Option
alert mentiond in the report taken place, it woul have involved
all security personel at the base and everyoneat the base and
in Rapid City (Poplation 45,000 plus) would have know about

The Bennewtz Affair: In the late 1970s Paul Bennewitz, an
Albuquerque businessma trained as a physicist became convinced
that he was moitoring electromagnetic signals which
extraterrestrias were using to control persons tey had
abducted. Bennewitz tried to dcode these signals nd believed he
was succeeding. At the sam time he began to see what he thought
wre UFOs maneuverig around the Manzano Nuclear Weapons Storge
Facility and the Coyote Canyon test aea, located nea Kirtland
AFB, and he filmed them.

Benneitz reported all this to the Tucson-based erial Phenomea
Research Organization (APRO), whose direcors were unimpressed,
judging Bennewitz o be delude. But at Kirtland, Bennewitz's
claims, or at least some of them, were being takn more
sriously. On October 24, 1980, Bennewitz contcted Air Force
Office of Special Investigatons (AFSI) agent Sgt. Richard Doty
(whose previous tur of duty had been at Ellsworth) after beingrefered to him by Maj. Ernest Edwards, head of base security,
and related that he had evidence tha something potentially
threatening was going o in the Manzano Weapons Storage Area. A
"Multiprose Internal OSI Form," signed by Maj. Thomas A. Cseh
(Commander of the Base Investigative Detachnt), dated October
28, 1980, and subsequently released under the Freedom of
Information At,states:

"On 26 Oct 80, SA [Special Agent] Doty with the assistance of
JERRY MILLER, GS-15, Cief,Scientific Advisor for Air Force Test
and Evalution Center, KAFB , interviewed Dr. BENNEWITZ at hi
home in the Four Hills section of Albuquerque,which is adjacent
to the northern boundaryof Manzao Base. (NOTE: MILLER is a
former Project lue Book USAF Investigator who was assigned to
WrightPatterson AFB (W-PAFB), OH, with FTD [Foreig Technology
Division]. Mr. MILLER is on of the mot knowledgeable and
impartial investigator of Aerial Objects in the southwest.) Dr.BENNEWITZ hasbeen conducting independent research into Aerial
Phenomena for the last 15 months Dr. BENNEWITZ lso produced
several electronic recordig tapes, allegedly showing high
perods of electrical agnetism being emitted from Manzano/Coyot
Canyon area. Dr. BENNEWITZ also produed several photograps of
flying objects taken over the genral Albuquerque area. He has
several pieces of electronic urveillance equipment pointed at
Manzno and is attempting to record high frequency electrical
bam pulses. Dr. BENNEWITZ claims theseAerial Objects produce
these pulss. . . . After analyzing he data collected by Dr.
BENNEWITZ,Mr MILLER related the evidence clealy shows that some
type of uidentified aerial objects were caugh on film; however,
no conclusions ould be made whether these objcts pose a threat
to Manzano/Coyoe Canyon areas. Mr MILLER felt th electronical
[sic] recording tapes were inconclusive and coul have been
gathered from seveal conventional sources. No sightigs, other
than these, have been eported in the area."

On Noveber 10 Bennewitz was invited to the ase to present his
findings to small group of officers and sientists. Exactly one
week later Doty nformed Bennewitz that AFOSI ha decided against
further conideration of the matter. Subsequently Doy reported
receiving a call fom then-New Mexico Sen. Harrson Schmitt, who
wanted to know what AFOI was planning to do about ennewitz's
allegations. Whn informed that no investigation was planed,
Schmitt spoke with Brig.Gen. William Brooksher of ase security.
The following July New Mexico' other senator, Pete Domeici,
looked into the mattr, meeting briefly with Doty before dashing
offto talk with Bennewitz peronally. Domenici subsequntly lost
interest and dropped the issue.

Bennewtz was also aware of suposed cattle mutilation being
reported in the western United States. At ne point he met a
youg mother who told him hat one evening in May 1980, after she
and her six-yar-old son saw several FOs in a field and one
approached them, they suffered confusion and disorietation, then
a period f amnesia which lastd as long as four hours. Bennewitz
brought the two to Unversity of Wyoming pychologist R. LeoSprinkle, who hypnotized them and got a detailed abduction tory
from the mothe and a sketchy onefrom the little boy. Early in
the course of the abduction tey observed aliens take a calf
abord the UFO and mutilate it while it was still alive, removing
th animal's genitls. At one pont during the alleged
experience, the mother said, they wer taken via UFO nto an
undergrund area which she believed was in New Mexico. She
briefly ecaped her captos and fled int an area where there
were tanks of water. She looked into one of tem and saw boy
parts such as tongues, hearts and internal organs, apparently
from cattle. But she also obseved a human arm with a hand
attached. There was also the "top of a bald head," pparently
fro one of th hairless aliens, but before she could find out
for sure, she was dragge away. The ojects in he tank, she
said, "horrified me and made me sick and frightened me to deat"
(Howe, 199). Latershe wondered about the other tanks and about
their contents.

The William MooreMJ-12 Maze Late inthe summer of 1979 William
L. Moore had left a teaching job in a small Minnesot town t
relocae in Arizona, where he hoped to pursue a writing career.
Moore was deeply involvedin the ivestigtion of an apparent UFO
crash in New Mexico in July 1947, a case he and Charles Berltz
woul recunt in their The Roswell Incident the following year.
After his move to the Southwest oore bcameclose to Coral and
James Lorenzen of the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization
(APR) andin ue course Moore was asked to join the APRO board.
The Lorenzens told him about Bennewitz'sclais.Bennewitz, Jim
Lorenzen thought, was "prone to make great leaps of logic on the
basis of incmplt data" (Moore, 1989a).

The Roswell Incident was published in the summer of 1980 and in
Septemera debate on UFOs at the Smithsonian Institution was
scheduled to take place. Moore set off fro s Arizona home to
Washington, D.C., to attend the debate and along the way promoted
his new bookn radio and television shows. According to an
account he would give seven years later, an extrardary series
of events began while he was on this trip.

He had done a radio show in Omaha and ws i he station lobby,
suitcase in hand, on his way to catch a plane which was to leave
within th hou wen a receptionist asked if he was Mr. Moore. He
had a phone call. The caller was a man wh clamed to be a
colonel at nearby Offutt AFB, He said, "We think you're the only
one we've herd whoseem to know what he's talking about." He
asked if he and Moore could meet and discuss atters furthr.
Moore said that since he was leaving town in the next few
minutes, that wuld not e possble, though he wrote down the
man's phone number.

Moore went on to Washington. O Septembe 8, on is way back, he
did a radio show in Albuquerque. On the way out of the studio the
eceptionis told im he had a phone call. The caller, who
identified himself as an individul from neary Kirtlad AFB,
said, "We think you're the only one we've heard about who seems
to kow what he'stalking abut." Moore said, "Where have I heard
that before?"

Soon afterwards Moore ad the individal he wouldcall "Falcon"
met at a local restaurant. Falcon, later alleged (though enied
by Moor) to be U.S.Air Force Sgt. Richard Doty, said he would
be wearing a red tie. This irst meeting wold initiate a long-
running relationship between Moore (and, beginning in 198,
partner Jaime handera) and 1 members of a shadowy group said to
be connected with military inteligence and to be pposed to the
ontinuation of the UFO cover-up. The story that emerged from
tis interaction goe like this:

Th first UFO crash, involving bodies of small, gray-skinned
huanoids, occurred ear Corona, New Mexico, in 1947 (the
"Roswell incident"). Two years latera humanoid was found alive
and it wa housed at Los Alamos until its death in the early
1950s. It was called EBE, after "extraterresrial biological
entity," and it was the first of three th U.S. government woul
have in its custod between then and now. An Air Force captain,
now a retred colonel, was EBE-1' constant companion. t first
communication with it was almost impossible; hen a speech device
whic enabled the being to peak a sort of English was implanted
in its throa. It turned out that EBE-, the equivalent of
mechanic on a spaceship, related what it knew ofthe nature and
purpose ofthe visitation.

In reponse to the Roswell incident, MJ-12-the MJ stnds for
"Majestic"--as se up by executive order of President Harry
Truman on September 24, 947. MJ-12 operates as a poicy-making
body. Project Aquarius is an umbrella group in which all the
various compartments deaing with ET-related issues erform their
various functions. Projet Sigma conducts electonic
communication with th extraterrestrials, part of an ongoin
contact project run through te National Security Agency ince
1964, following a landing at Holoman AFB in late April of that

Nine extraterrestrial rces are visiting the earth. One of tese
races, little gray-skinned people from the third plnet
surrounding Zeta Reticuli, hae been here for 25,000 years andinfluenced the direction of humn evolution. They also help inthe shaping of our religious belief. Some important individuals
witin the cover-up want it to endand are preparing the American
peopl for the reality of the alien presnce through the vehicle
of opular entertainment, including the flms Close Encounters of
the Third Knd, whose climax is a thiny-disguised version of the
Holloman lading, and ET.

At CIA headquarters n Langley, Virginia, thee is a thick book
called "The Bible, a compilation of all the various roject

Accoding to his own account, which he wouldnot relate until
1989, Moore cooprated with his AOSI sources-including,
prominently, Rihard Doty-and provided them with infrmation.
They infrmed him that there was considerable interest in
Bennewitz. Moore was made o understand tha as his part of the
bargain he was to spyon Bennewitz and also on APRO as well as
in Moore's wods, "to a lesser extent, several other indivduals"
(Moore, 1989a). He learned that sevral governmet agencies were
interested in Bennewitz's acivities and they wanted to inundate
him ith false information-disinformation, in intelligenc
parlance-to confuse him. Moore says he ws not oe of those
providing the disinformation, buthe knew some of those of who
were, such as oty.

Bennewitz on his own had already begun to devse a paranoid
interpretation of what he thouht h was seeing and hearing, and
the disinformation assed on to him built on that foundation. His
sures told him that the U.S. government and malevolet aliens
are in an uneasy alliance to control t planet, that the aliens
are killing and mutilatng not only cattle but human beings,
whose oras they need to lengthen their lives, and that theyare
even eating human flesh. In underground bass at government
installations in Nevada and NewMexico human and alien scientists
work togethr on hastly experiments, including the creation of
sulless androids out of human and animal body arts. Aiens are
abducting as many as one American in40 and implanting devices
which control huan behavir. ClA brainwashing and other control
techniqes are doing the same, turning life on arth into a
nightmare of violence and irrationality It was, as Moore
remarks, "the wildst science fction scenario anyone could
possibly imagne."

But Bennewitz believed it. He grewever more obsesed and tried
to alert prominent personsto the imminent threat, showing
photgraphs which heheld showed human-alien activity in theKirtland area but which dispassionate oservers thought deicted
natural rock formations and other undane phenomena. Eventually
Bennewit was hospitalized, but on his release resumed his
activties, which continue to this day Soon the ghoulish
senario would spread into the larger UF community and beyond
and command a small but committed bad of believers. But that
would not happen until the late 1980s and t would not be
Bennewitzwho would be responsible for it.

In1981 the Lorenzens received an anoymous letter from someone
idntifying himself as a "USAF Airmanassigned to the 1550th
AircrewTraining and Testing Wing at Kitland AFB." The "airman"
said, "O July 16, 1980, at between 10:3010:45 A.M., Craig R.
Weitzel. . a Civil Air Patrol Cadet from Dobbins AFB, Ga.,
visiting Krtland AFB, NM, observed a dull metllic colored UFO
flying from Suth to North near Pecos New Meico. Pecos has a
secret training sie for the 1550th Aircrew Trainin and Testing
Wing, KirtlandAFB, NM. WEITZEL was with ten other inividuals,
including USAF actie duty airmen, and all itnessed the
sighting. WEITZEL took som pictures of the object. WEITZL went
closer to the UF and observed the UFO land in a clearig
approximately 250 yds, NNW f the training area. WEITZL observed
an individual dressed in a metalic suit depart the craft ad
walk a few feet away. he individual was outside the craft for
just a few minutes. When the indvidual returned the craf took
off towards the NW." The letter writer sid he had been with
Weizel when the UFO flew oerhead, but he had not been with him
to observe th landing.

The letter wnt on to say that lateon the evening of the next
day a tall, dark-feature, black-suited man wearng sunglasses
called on Weitzel at Kirtland. The stranger claimed to be "r.
Huck" from Sandia Laoratories, a classifed Department of Energy
contractor on the base. Mr. Hck told Weitzel he ad seen
something he should not have seen, a secret aircraft from Los
Alams, and he demanded al of the photograps. Weitzel replied
that he hadn't taken any, that the photgrapher was an airan
whose name he id not know. "The individual warned Weitzel not to
mention the sighting to anyoneor Weitzel wouldbe in serious
trouble," the writer went on. "After the idividual left
Wetzel[']s room, eitzel wondered how the individual knew of the
sighting because Wetzel didn't repor the sighting to anyone.
Weitzel became scared after thinking of the threat the inividual
made. Witzel call [ic] the Kirtland AFB Security Police and
reported the incident to the. They referredthe incidentto the
Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI), whichinvestigates hese matter according to the security police. A
Mr. Dody [sic], a special agent withOSI, spoke wih Weitzel and
took a report. Mr. Dody [sic] also obtained all the photographs
of the UFO. Dody sic] toldWeitzel he would look into the
matter. That was the last anyone heard of th incident."
But tht was not all the correspondent had to say. He added, "I
have every reason tobeleive [sc] the USAF is covering up
something. I spent a lot of time looking into this matter ad I
know there is more to it than the USAF will say. I have heard
rumors, but serious rumors her at Kirtand tat the USAF has a
crashed UFO stored in the Manzano Storage area, which is located
ina remot are of Kirtland AFB. This area is heavily guarded by
USAF Security. I have spoke [sic] withtwo emloyes of Sandia
Laboratories, who also store classified objects in Manzano, and
they toldme tht andia has examined several UFO's during the
last 20 years. One that crashed near Roswell NMin telate 50's
was examined by Sandia scientists. That craft is still being
store [sic] in Manano
"I have reason to beleive [sic] OSI is conducting a very secret
investigation into UFO sightins.SI took over when Project Blue
Book was closed. I was told this by my commander, COL Bruce
Pvne. COL Purvine also told me that the investigation was so
secret that most employees of OSI doen [sic] even know it. But
COL Purvine told me that Kirtland AFB, AFOSI District 17 has a
specia seet detachment that investigates sightings around this
area. They have also investigated the catle uilations in New

In 1985 investigator Benton Jamison located Craig Weitzel, who
onfired that he had indeed seen a UFO in 1980 and reported it
to Sgt. Doty. But his sighting, wile inereting, was rather
less dramatic than the CE3 reported in the letter; Weitzel saw a
silvr-colord obect some 10,000 to 15,000 feet overhead. After
maneuvering for a few minutes, he toldJamison,it "ccelerated
like you never saw anything accelerate before" (Hastings, 1985).
He also aid he knw nothng of a meeting with anyone identified
as "Mr. Huck."

In December 1982, in reponse to Freedm of Information
request from Barry Greenwood of Citizens Against UFO Secrcy
(CAUS), Air Fore Office of Special Investigations released a
two page OSI Complaint Form samped "For fficial se Only."
Dated September 8, 1980, it was titled "Kirtland AFB, NM, 8 Aug-3
ept 80, Allged Sightngs of Unidentified Aerial Lights in
Restricted Test Range." The documen described sevral sightigs
of UFOs in the Manzano Weapons Storage Area, at the Coyote Canyon
secton of the Depatment of Defnse Restricted Test Range. One
of the reports cited was a New Mexico Sate Patrolman's ugust 10
obsevation of a UFO landing. (A later check with state police
sources by Larry Fawcett,a Connecticut olice officer and UFO
investigator, uncovered no record of such report. The soures
asserted tht the absence of a report could only mean that no
such incidet had ever happene.) This intriguig document is
signed by then OSI Special Agent Richard C. Dot.

In 1987, after omparing three douments (the anonymous letter
to APRO, the September 8, 190, AFOSI Complaint Frm, and a
purpored AFOSI document dated August 14, 1980, and claiming
frequency jamming" b UFOs in the Kirtlad area), researcher
Brad Sparks concluded that Doty ha written all three. In 1989
Moore confirmd that Doty had written the letter to APRO.
"Essntially it was 'bait,'" e says. "AFOSI knew tat Bennewitz
had close ties with APRO at the time, ad they were interested inrecruiting someone wthin . . . APRO . . . who would be in a
position to provide them with feedback on Bennewiz'[s]
activities and communications. Since I was he APRO Board member
in carge of Special Investigtions in 1980, the Weitzel letter
was passed t me for action shortly afterit had been received."
Acording to Bruce Maccabee, Doty admitted privtely that he had
written theEllsworth AFB document, baing it on a real incident
which he wantedto bring to public attention. oty has made no
public coment on any of these allegations. Moore sys Doty "was
almost certainlya part of [the Ellsworth reprt], but not in a
capacity where he wuld have been responsible for ceating the
documents involve" (Moore, 1989a).

Doty was also thesource of an alleged AFOSI communcation dated
November 17, 1980 and destined to become known as th "Aquarius
document." Allegedly snt from AFOSI headquarters at Blling AFB
in Washington, D.C., t the AFOSI District 17 office at Kitland,
it mentions, in brief ad cryptic form, analyses of ngatives
from a UFO film apparently tken the previous month. The verson
that circulated through the UFO community states in it

This is he first menton of "MJ-12" in an allegedly official
govenment document. Moore describes it as an "xample of sme of
the disinformation produced in connecton with the Bennewitz
case. The documen is a retped version of a real AFOSI message
with a fw spurious additions." Among the most sgnificat
additions, by Moore's account, are the bogus eferences to the
U.S. Coast and Geodetic Suvey ad to NASA, which he says was NSA
(National Securiy Agency) in the original.

According to More, Doty got the document "right off the
teletyp" (Moore, 1990) and showed it to Moor almost
immediately. Later Doty came by with what prported to be a copy
of it, but Moore noticethat it was not exactly the same;
material had een added to it. Doty said he wanted Moore to iv
the doctored copy to Bennewitz. Reluctant to invlve himself in
the passing of this dubiousdocuent, Moore sat on it for a
while, then finall worried that the sources he was developing,the ons who were telling him about the U.S. governments alleged
interactions with EBEs, would dry p if he id not cooperate. So
eventually he gave the doument to Bennewitz but urged him not to
pubicize it. ennewitz agreed and kept his promise.

As of eptember 1982 Moore knew of three copies o the documen:
the one Bennewitz had, one Moore had in saekeeping, and one he
had in his briefcse during a trp he made that month to meet
someone in Sa Francisco. He met the man in the mornin and that
afteroon someone broke into his car and stole his briefcase.
Four months later a coy of the document howed up in the hands
of a New York lawyr interested in UFOs, and soon the dcument
was circulatng widely. Moore himself had little to sa on the
subject until he delivereda controversial and exlosive speech
to the annual conference f the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) in as
Vegas in 1989.

In ate 1982, "during," he says, "one of the many friendly
conversations had with Richard Doty," More mentioned that he
was looking int the old (and seemingly discredite) story that a
UFO had crashd in Aztec, New Mexico, in 1948. Thistale was the
subject of Frank Sully's 1950 book Behind the Fying Saucers.
(Moore's long accountof his investigation into the afair, which
he found to be an elaorate hoax, would appear in the 198 MUFON
symposium proceedings. Doty said he had never heard the story
and asked for details, takig notes as Moore spoke.

On Jnuary 10 and 11, 1983, attorney Pete Gersten, director of
CAUS, metwith Doty in New Mexico. Ther were two meetings, the
first of themalso attended by Moore and San Fancisco television
producer on Lakis, the second by Gersten alone. Dring the first
meeting Doty ws guarded in his remarks. Bt at the second he
spoke openly about wht ostensibly were extraordinar secrets. He
said the Ellworth case was the subject of an investigaton by
AFOSI and the FBI; nulear weapons were involve. The National
Enquirer investigation, whichhad concluded the story was bogus,
was "amateurish. At least two civilians, a farmer and a deputy
heriff, had been involved but were warned not t talk. The
government knows why UFOs appear in ertain places, Doty said
but he would not elborate. He added, however, that "beyond a
shadow o a doubt they're extraterestrial" (Greenwood, 988) and
from 50 light years from the earth. He knew o at least three UFO
crases, the Roswell incient and two others, one from the 1950s,
the other fro the 196Os. Bodies ad been recovered A
spectacular incident, much like the one depicted in te ending of
the film lose Encounters ofthe Third Kind, took place in 1966
The NSA was involved incommunications with extraterrestrials
the effort is called Project Aquarius. Inside the UFO
organizations gvernment moles re collecting information and
spreading disinformation. Doty iscussed the Aquarus document
an said the really important documents are impossible to get out
of the appropriate fies. Some are potected in such a way that
they will disintegrate within five secnds' exposure t air.
These documents tell of agreements between the U.S. government
and extraterestrials under hich the later are free to conduct
animal mutilations (especially of cattle) and to land at
certain bse, in exchange for information about advanced UFO
technology. Doty alo claimed thatvia popula entertainment the
American people are being prepared to accept the relity of
visiation by enevolent beings from other worlds.

At one point in the conversation Doty ased Gersten, How do yu
know that I'm not here to either give you misinformation or to
give you inormation whch is prt of the programming, knowing
you are going to go out and spread it around?" (Hwe, 1989).
In he 1970s, as director of special projects for the Denver
CBS-TV affiliate, Lida Moulon Hwe had produced 12
documentaries, most of them dealing with scientiic,
envionmetal and health issues. But the one that attracted the
most attention was Strange Harvst, whih dalt with the then-
widespread reports that cattle in Western and Midwestern states
wer bein illed and mutilated by persons or forces unknown.
Most veterinary pathologists said theanimas were dying of
unknown causes. Farmers, ranchers and some law-enforcement
officers thughthe deaths were mysterious. Some even speculated
that extraterrestrials were responsible. Tis possibility
intrigued Howe, who had a lifelong interest in UFOs, and Strange
Harvest argues for F mutilation link.

In the fall of 1982, as Howe was working on a documentary on an
unrelated matr she got a call from Home Box Office (HBO). The
caller said the HBO people had been impressd ith Strange
Harvest and wanted to know if Howe would do a film on UFOs. In
March 1983 she wet toew York to sign a contract with HBO for a
show to be titled UFOs-The ET Factor.

The evening befoeher meeting with the HBO people, Howe had
dinner with Gersten and science writer Patrick Huyghe ersten
told Howe that he had met with Sgt. Doty, an AFOSI agent at
Kirtland AFB, andperhapsDot would be willing to talk on camera
or in some other helpful capacity about the ncident at
llsworth. Gersten would call him and ask if he would be willing
to meet with Howe.

ubsequenty arangements were made for Howe to fly to
Albuquerque on April 9. Doty would eet her atthe aiport. But
when she arrived that morning, no one was waiting. She called his
home. A small by answeed and said his father was not there.
Howe then phoned Jerry Miller, Chief ofReality Weapns Testng
at Kirtland and a former Blue Book investigator. (He is mentioned
in the ctober 28, 980, "Mutipurpose Internal OSI Form"
reporting on Doty and Miller's meeting with ennewitz.) She knew
Millr from an earlier telephone conversation, when she had
called to as him about Bennwitz's clais, in which she had a
considerable interest. Miller asked for a opy of StrangeHarvest. Laer he had given Howe his home phone number and said
to contact him i she ever found hrself in Albuuerque. So she
called and asked if he would pick her up at the airprt.

Miller drov Howe to his ouse. On the way Howe asked him a
number of questions but gotlittle in the way o answers. Onequestion he did not answer was whether he is the "Miller
mentioned in the quarius document When they got to Miller's
residence, Miller called Doty at is home, and Doty arrved a few
minutes later, responding aggressively to Howe's question about
whre he had been. He caimed to have beenat the airport all
along; where had she been? "Perhaps, Howe would write, "he had
decided he didnt want to go through with the meeting, and it was
acceptble in his world to leav me stranded at the irport-until
Jerry Miller called his house" (Howe, 198).

On the way to Kirtlnd, Howe asked Doty, hose manner remained
both defiant and nervous, if h knew anything about the olloman
landing. Doty aid it happened but that Robert Emenegger had thedate wrong; it was not May 971 but April 25, 1964-2 Hours after
a much-publicized CE3 reported by ocorro, New Mexico, policemn
Lonnie Zamora. (Zamor said he had seen an egg-shaped object on
theground. Standing near it weretwo child-sized beings inwhite
suits.) Military and scientific persnnel at the base knew a
laning was coming, but "somene blew the time and coordinates"
and an"advance military scout ship" hd come down at the wrong
tme and place, to be observed by Zamra. When three UFOs
appeared at Holloman at six o'clock te following morning, one
landed whie the other two hovered overhead.During the meeting
between he UFO beings and a government pary, the preserved
bodies of dead liens had been given to the alens , who in turn
had returned omething unspecified. Five groun and aerial
cameras recorded his event.

At the Kirtland ate Doty waved to the guard and as let
through. They went to a mall white and gray building. oty took
her to what he described s "my - boss' office." Doty semed
unwilling to discuss th Ellsworth case, the ostensible reasn
for the interview, but had much o say about other matters.First
he asked Howe to move from the chir on which she was sitting to
anoher in the middle of theroom. Howe surmised that this was to
faclitate the surreptitious recording o their conversation, bt
Doty said only, "Eyes can see through wndows."

"My superiors have askedme to show you this, he said. He
produced a brown envelope e had taken from a drawer in the deskat which he was itting and withdrew several sheets of whte
paper. As he handed them to Howe, h warned her thatthey could
not be copied; all she could do as read them in his presence and
ask quetions.

The dcument gave no indication anywhere as to whic government,
military or scientific ageny (if any) hd prepared the report,
titled A Briefing Pape for the President of the United States onthe Subjet of Unidentified Flying Vehicles. The title dd not
specify which President it had in mid, nor dd the document list
a date (so far as Howe recals today) which would have linked it
to a paticula administration.

The first paragraph, written-as was everything that followed--
in what Hwe caracterizes as "dry bureaucratese," listed dates
nd locations of crashes and retrievals of UOs and their
occupants. The latter were invariabl described as 3 1/2 to four
feet tall, gray-skned and hairless, with oversized heads, large
eyes nd no noses. It was now known, the document sttd on a
subsequent page, that these beings, from nearby solar system,
have been here for mny housands of years. Through genetic
manipulationthey influenced the course of human evolutionand i
a sense created us. They had also helped shap our religious

The July 1947 oswell rash was mentioned; so, however, was
another one at Roswell in 1949. Investigators at th site fond
five bodies and one living alien, who was tken to a safe house
at the Los Alamos Naional Labortory north of Albuquerque. The
aliens, smal gray-skinned humanoids, were knwn as
"extaterrestrial biological entities" and the lving one was
called "EBE" (ee-buh). EB was befriended(if that was the word)
by an Air Force offier, but the being died of unknown cause on
June 18, 195. (EBE's friend, by 1964 a colonel, was amog those
who were there to greet th aliens who landed at Holloman.)
Subsequently, it would bereferred to as EBE-1, since in late
years another suchbeing, EBE-2, would take up residence in a
safe house. After that, a third, BE-3, appeared on the sene and
was now living in secret at an Aerican base.

The briefing papersaid other crashes had ocurred one near
Kingman, Arizona, anoher just south of Texas in norther Mexico.
It also mentionedthe Aztec crash- The wreckage and bodes had
been removed to such failities as Los Alamos labortory and
Wright-Patterson AFB. A nmber of highly classified proects
dealt with these materials They included Snowbird (research ad
development from the study o an intact spacecraft left by te
aliens as a gift) and Aquarius the umbrella operation unde
which the research and contact effrts were coordinated). Project
Siga was the ongoing electronic ommunications effort. There was
also a defunct project Garnet, itended to investigate
exraterrestrial influence on human evoluion. According to the
document,extraterrestrials have appered at various intervals in
human history25,000, 15,000, 5000 and 2500 yars ago as well as
now--t manipulate human and other DNA.

One paagraph stated briefly, "Tw thousand years ago
xtraterrestrials created a being" who was plced here to teach
peace andlove. Elsewhere a passin mention was made of another
group of EBEs, caled the "Talls."

The papersaid Project Blue Book ad existed solely to take heat
off the Air Fore and to draw attention awy from the real
proects. Doty mentioned an "MJ-12," explaining that "J" stood
for "Majority." It was a policy-makig body whose membership
consisted of 12 very high-anking government scientits, military
officer and intelligence officials. These were the men who mae
the decisions governin the cover-up and te contacts.

Doty said Howe would be given thousands f feet of film of
crshed discs, bodis, EBE-1 and the Holloman landing and
meeting. She culd use this material n her documentaryto tell
the story of how U.S. officials learned that the eath is being
visited nd what they hav done about it. "We want you to do the
film," Howe quotes him s saying.

When How asked why she,not the New York Times, the Washington
Post or 60 Minutes, ws getting this, he story of the
millennium, Doty replied bluntly that an individual media peron
is easier to mnipulate and iscredit than a major organization
with expensive attorneys. He sai that another pla to releas
the information, through Emenegger and Sandler, had been halted
becase political conitions werenot right.

Over the next weeks Howe had a number of phone conversatons
with Doty, ostly abou technical problems related to converting
old film to videotape. She spokeon several occsions wit three
other men but did not meet them personally.

Doty suggested that evntually she mght be alowed to film an
interview with EBE-3. But the current film project was to hav a
historicl emphsis; it would deal with events between 1949 and
1964. If at some point she did met EBE-3, hwever,there was no
way she could prepare herself for the "shock and fear" of meeting
an lien being

Hoe, of course, had informed her HBO contacts, Jean Abounader
and her superior Brdgett Poter, of these extraordinary
developments. Howe urged them to prepare themselves, legally and
othrwie, for the repercussions that would surely follow the
release of the film. The HBO pople tod er she would have to
secure a letter of intent from the U.S. government with a
leglly-bidng commitment to release the promised film footage.
When Howe called Doty about it, he said "I'lwork on it." He
said he would mail the letter directly to HBO.

Then HBO told her it wouldnot thorize funds for the film
production until all the evidence was in hand and, as Potter put
t, owe had the "President, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of
State and Joint Chiefs of Staff to ba i up" (Howe, 1989). But
proceed anyway, Howe was told. Now she was furious at both HBO
and Dot.

When she called him at the base, he remarked that he had good
news and bad news. She and asma crew would soon be able to
interview the retired colonel (then a captain) who had spentthreeyears with EBE-1. The bad news was that it would be three
months before the thousands of fet of im of EBE-1 and the
Holloman landing/contact would be available. Meanwhile, before
she could sceen the footage, Howe would have to sign three
security oaths and undergo a backgrond check Sh would also
have to supply photographs of all the technical assistants who
would acompany hr tothe interview.

The interview was repeatedly set up and canceled. Then in June
Dot called tosay h was officially out of the project. This was
a blow because Doty was the only one se could cal. She id not
know how to get in touch with the others and always had to wait
for the to contact er.

B October the contacts had decreased. The same month her
contract with BO expired. ll she hd was the name of the
Washington contact. In March 1984 this individua called her
ffice thee times, although she was out of town working on a
non-UFO story at thetime. "Upon retrning home" she writes, "I
learned the man was contacting me to explain there would be
furthe delays i the film project after the November 1984
election" (Howe, 1989).
For Howe that as the end o the matter, except for a brief
sequel. On March 5, 1988, Doty wrte ufologist LarryW. Bryant,
wo had unsuccessfully sought access to Doty's military records
thrugh the Freedom ofInformation Ac, and denied that he had
ever discussed government UFO secret or promised footae of
crashed iscs, bodies and live EBEs. Howe responded by making a
sworn tatement about the meting an producig copies of her
correspondence from the period with both Dty and HBO.

In 1989Moore said that "n early 1983 I became aware that Rick
[Doty] was involved ith a team of several ohers, including oe
fellow from Denver that I knew of and at least one who was
working out f Washington, D.C, in playing an elaborate
disinformation scheme aginst a prominent UfO resercher who, at
the ime, had close connections with a major television film
company interested i doing a UFO documentry." He was referring
to Howe, of course. The epiode was a counterintelligene sting
operation, prt of the "wall of disinformation" intended o
"confuse" the Bennewitz isue and to "call his crdibility into
question." Because of Howe's interest in Bennewitz's wok,
according to Moore,"certain elements within the intelligence
cmmunity were concerned that th story of his having intecepted
low frequency electromagnetic emissons from the Coyote Canyon
ara of the Kirtland/Sandiacomplex would end up as part of a
featue film. Since this in turn mightinfluence others (possibly
ven the Russians) to attempt similar eperiments, someone in a
control position apparently felt it ad to be stopped before it
got out o hand." In his observation, Moore aid, "the government
seemed hll bent on severing the ties that eisted between [Howe]
and [HBO]" (More, 1989b).

Doty's assertionthat Howe had misrepresented thei meeting was
not to be taken seriusly, according to Moore, since Doty was
bound by a security ath and could not discuss the matter freely
Moore said that the Azte crash, known beyond reasonale doubt
never to have occurred, ws something Doty had added to he
document after learning rom Moore of his recent investigation o
the hoax.

In December 1984, in he midst of continuing cotact with their
own sources (Doty an a number of others) who claimed o be
leaking the secet of the cover-up, Moore's associate Jaime
Shandera received a roll of 3mm film containing, i turned out
what purported to be a briefng paper dated November 18, 1952,
ad intended for pesident-elect Eisenhower. The purportedauthor, Adm. Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, eported that an "peration
Majestic-12," consisting of a dozn top scientists, military
officers and intelligene specialists, had been set up by
presiential order on September 24, 1947, to tudy the Rowell
remains and the four humanoid bodies tht had been recovered
nearby. The documnt report tat the team directed by MJ12 member
and physioogist Detlev Bronk "has suggested the tem 'Extra
terrestrial Biological Entities', or 'EBEs', b adopted as the
standard term of referenc for thse creatures until such time as
a more definitivedesignation can be agreed upon." Brief menton
isalso made of a December 6, 1950, crash along the exas-Mexico
border. Nothing is said, howver about live aliens or
communications with the.

In July 1985 Moore and Shandera, actingo tips from their
sources, traveled to Washingtn and spent a few days going
through receny declassified documents in Record Group 341,
inluding Top Secret Air Force intelligence fle from USAF
Headquarters. In the 126th box whose cntents they examined, they
found a brief mmo dted July 14, 1954, from Robert Cutler,
Special Assistant to the President, to Gen. Nathan wining It
says "The president has decided that the MJ-12/SSP [Special
Studies Project] brieing shoud take place during the already
scheduled Whit House meeting of July 16 rather than follwing it
as previously intended. More precise arrangemnts will be
explained to you upon yourarrival. You concurrence in the above
change of arrangemens is assumed" (Friedman, 1987).

The utler/Twining memo, as it would be called in the
cotroversies that erupted after Moore released the MJ-12
document to the world in the spring of1987, is the only official
document-no to be confusedwith such disputed ones as the
November 17, 1980, Aquarius document-to mentin MJ-12. (Several
citics of the MJ-12 affair have quesioned the memo's
authenticity a well, but so far withut unambiguous success.)
The memo doesnot, of course, say what the MJ12 Secial Studies
Project ws.

MJ-12 Goes Public: Just prior to More's release of the MJ-12
briefng paper, another copy ws leaked to British ufologist
Timoth Good, who took his copy to the pess. The first newspaper
artcle on it appeared in the London Obsever of May 31, 1987,
and soon it was the subject of pieces n the New York Times,
Washington ost and ABC-TV's Nightline. It as also denounced,
not altogeher persuasively, both by professionl debunkers and
by many ufoogists. The dispute would rage wihout resolution
well into 1989, wen critics discovered that Prsident Truman's
signature on the Setember 24, 1947, executive order (ppended to
the briefing paer) was exactly like his signatur on an
undisputed, UFO-unrelate October 1, 1947, letter tohis science
adviser (and supposed MJ12 member) Vannevar Bush. To all
appearances a forge had appended a real signature to a fak
letter. The MJ-12 documen began to look like another
disinformation scheme.

Although autely aware of the mass of disnformation circulating
troughout the UFO community, Moore remained covinced that at
least some o the information his ow sources were giving him was
authentic. In 1988 e provided two of his source, "Falcon" (Sgt.
Doty ccording to some) and "Condor" (later claimed to b former
U.S. Air Force Cap. Robert Collins), toa television production
company. (Moore and Shanera had given them avian names and
called th sources collectively "the birds.") UFO Cover-up . .
Live, a two-hour program aired in October 188, with Falcon and
Condor, their faces shaded, their oices altered, relating the
same tales wth which they had regaled Moore and Shandera. The
show, almost universally judgd a laughable emarrassment, was
most remembered for the informants' statemnts that the aliens
avored ancient ibetan music and strawberry ice cream. Critics
found the lattr allegation especialy hilarious.

ear's Conspiracy Theory: Events on the UFO scene were taking ayet more bizarre tun that same yer as even wilder tales began
to circulate. The first to tell themwas John Lear, a piot with
a bakground in the CIA and the estranged son of aviation legend
William P. Lear. Lear hadsurfaced twoor three years earlier,
but aside from his famous father there seemed little to
distingush him from any of hundreds of other UFO buffs who
subscribe to he field's pubications nd show up at its
conferences. But then he started claiming that unnmed sources
ha told hm of extraordinary events which made those told by
Doty and the birds sound like band and inconsequential

According to Lear, not just a few but dozens o flying saucrs
had crashed over the years. In 1962 the U.S. government started
Project Redlight t find a way o fly he recovered craft, some
relatively intact. A similar project exists even now an is run
ou of supersecret military installation; one is Area 51
(specifically at a facilit called S4 at he Nevada Test Site
and the other is set up near Dulce, New Mexico. These areas
unfortuntel, may no longer be under the control of the
government or even of the human ace. In th late 1960s an
official agency so secret that not even the President may know of
it ha made a agreement with the aliens. In exchange for
extraterrestrial technology the secret govrnmentwould permit
(or at least not interfere with) a limited number of abductions
of human beins; thaliens, however, were to provide a list of
those they planned to kidnap.

All went relativey el for a few years. Then in 1973 the
government discovered that thousands of persons who werent on
the alien's list were being abducted. The resulting tensions led
to an altercation in 1978r 979. The aliens held and then
killed 44 top scientists as well as a number of Delta fore
rops who had tried to free them. Ever since, frantic efforts,
of which the Strategic Defense nitiive ("Star Wars") is the
most visible manifestation, have been made to develop a defense
aainst e extraterrestrials, who are busy putting implants into
abductees (as many as one in 10 Aericans to control their
behavior. At some time in the near future these people will be
used for someunnown, apparently sinister, alien purpose. Even
worse than all this, though, is the alens' inteest in Human
flesh. Sex and other organs are taken from both human beings and
cattle ad used t crete androids in giant vats located in
underground laboratories at Area 51 and Dulc. he
extraterrestrials, from an ancient race near the end of its
evolution, aso use materals frm human body parts as a method
of biological rejuvenation. ("In order to sustai themselves,"he
said "they use an enzyme or hormonal secretion obtained from the
tissue that they xtract from huans and nimals. The secretions
are then mixed with hydrogen peroxide and applied onthe skin by
speading o dipping parts of their bodies in the solution. The
body absorbs the soltion, then excrees the wase back through
the skin" [Berk and Renzi, 1988].)

One of Lear's majo sources was Bennwitz, who hd first heard
these scary stories from AFOSI personnel at Kirtland inthe early
1980s. B this time Bnnewitz had become something of a guru to a
small group of UFO enhusiasts, Linda Hoe among the, who
believed extraterrestrials were mutilating cattle and hd no
trouble belieing they mightdo the same thing to people. Also
Lear, whose political viewsare far to the right f center, was
inking his UFO beliefs with conspiracy theories about a
malevolent secret Amrican governmentwhich was attempting to use
the aliens for its own purpose, including enslavement of the
world's people through drug addiction. A considerable body of
rghtwing conspiracy literture, some with baely-concealed anti-
Semitic overtones, was making similr charges. Lear himself as
not anti-Semitic but he did share conspiracy beliefs with those
who wre.

Another of his clamed sources was an unamed physicist who,
Lear claimed, had actually wrked at S4. To the many uflogists
who rejectedLear's stories as paranoid, lunatic or fabricate
(though not by the patentl-sincere Lear), there as widespread
skepticism about this physicist' existence. It turned out tht
he did indeed exist. is name is Robert Lazar, who, according to
a story broken by reporter Geoge Knapp on KLAS-TV, he ABC
affiliate in Las Vegas, on November11 and 13, 1989, claims to
hae worked on alien technolgy projects at Area 51. Lazar, whose
story is being investigated by both fologists and mainstreamjournalists, has not endorsed Lear's caims about human-alien
treaties man-eating ETs or any ofthe rest and has distanced
himself fom Lear and his associates. His clims, while fantastic
by moststandards, are modest next to Lears.
Cooper's Conspiracy Theory: Soon Lar was joined by someone wit
an even bigger supply of fabulus yarns: one Milton William
Coopr. Cooper surfaced on December18, 1988, when his account of
th fantastic secrets he learned whilea Naval petty officer
appeard on a computer network subscibed to by ufologists and
others intrested in anomalous phenomena. Coper said that while
workin as a quartermaster with an intelligece team for Adm.

Bernard Claey, Commander in Chief of he Pacific Meet, in the
early 1970s h saw two documents, Project GrudgeSpecial Report
13 and aMajority briefing. (In conventional UFO hstory, Grudge
was the second pubic Air Force UFO projct, superseding the
original Sign, in ealy 1949 and lasting until late 1951,when it
was renamed Blue Book. Whereas Sign investigators at ne time
concluded UFOs were of extraerrestrial origin-a conclusion the
Air force leadership foud unacceptable--Grudge, as its namesuggests coincidntally or otherwise, was known for its hostilty
to the idea of UFOs and for its eageness to assign conventional
explanations, warranted or othrwise, to the sighting reports
that cae its way.) ooper's account of what was in these reports
is much like the by-now familiar story f crashes bodies,
contacts and projects, with some elaboations. Moreover, he said
the aliens wee called"ALFs" (which as any television viewer
knows, tands for Alien Life forms) and the "M" in J-12 i for
Majority not Majestic. Later he would say hehad seen photographs
of aliens, including a ype e called the "big-nosed grays"-like
those that spposedly landed at Holloman in 1964 or 1971. Te
U.S. government was in contact with them and aien-technology
projects were going on at Area .

If this sounded like a rehash of Moore and Lear,that was only
because Cooper had yet to pul ut all the stops. On May 23,
1989, Cooper produed a 25-page document titled The Secret
ovenment: The Origin, Identity And Purpose of M-12. He
presented it as a lecture in Las egas few weeks later. In
Cooper's version of the evlving legend, the "secret government,"
an nscrupuous group of covert CIA and other intelligece
operatives who keep many of their activties seald from even the
President's knowledge, runs thecountry. One of its first acts
was to urder one-tme Secretary of Defense (and alleged early
MJ12 member) James Forrestal the death ws made to lok like
suicide-because he threatened to epose the UFO cover-up.
Nonetheless, President Truan, fearing an invasion from outer
space, kpt other nations, including the SovietUnion, abreast ofdevelopments. But keeping all this secret wa a real problem, so
an internationa secret society kown as the Bilderbergers,
headquartered n Geneva, Switzerland, was formed. Son it became
a secrt world government and "now controls everyhing," Cooper

All the whil flying saucers were drpping like flies out of the
heavens. In 1953 there were 10 crashes in th United States
alone. lso that year, astronomers observed uge spaceships
heading toward te earth and in time enterin into orbit around
the equator. Prject Plato was established to effect
communication wih these new aliens. One of the ships lnded and
a face-to-face meetng took place, and plans for diplomatic
relations were laid. Menwhile a race of human-lookin aliens
warned the U.S. governmnt that the new visitors were not to be
trusted and that if te government got rid of its nucear
weapons, the human aliens wuld help us in our spirtual
development, which would keep us from destroying ourselves
trough wars and environmenta pollution. The government rejected
thee overtures.

The big-nosed gray, the ones who had been oriting the equator,
landed again, this tie at Holloman AFB, in 1954 and rached an
agreement with he U.S. government. These beings stated tha they
were from a dying planet hat orbits Betelguese. A some point in
the not too distant future, tey said, they would have to lave
there for good. A econd meeting took place not long afterwards
a Edwards AFB in California. Tis time President Eisehower was
there to sign a formal treaty and o meet the first alien
abassador, "His Omniptent Highness Krlll," pronounced Krill.
He, in comon with his fellow space tavelers, wore a triateral
insignia on his uniform; the same design appears on all
Betelguse spacecraft.

Acording to Cooper's account, the treaty's provisions were
these: Neither sidewould interfere inthe affairs of the other.
The aliens would abduct humansfrom time to time and wold return
them uharmed, with no memory of the event. It would provide a
lst of names of those itwas going to tak. The U.S. government
would keep the aliens' presence a seret and it would recive
advanced tchnology from them. The two sides would exchange 16
individuas each for the purpoe of learning rom and teaching
each other. The aliens would stay on earth an the humans would
g to the othe planet, then return after a specified period of
time. The two sies would jointly ocupy huge undrground bases
which would be constructed at hidden locations in the outhwest.

(It sould be notd that the people listed as members of MJ-12
are largely from the ouncil on Foreig Relation and the
Trilateral Commission. These organizations play a prominent rle
in conspiracytheories f the far right. In a book on the subject
George Johnson writes, "After te Holocaust of World Wr II,
anti-Semitic conspiracy theories became repugnant to all but the
frine of the Amerian righ. Populist fears of the power of the
rich became focused instead on organzations that promte
international capitalism, such as the Trilateral Commission, the
Council on oreign Relatons, nd the Bilderbergers, a group of
world leaders and businesspeople who held one f their erly
onferences on international relations at the Bilderberg Hotel in
the Netherlands" [ohnson, 183] According to Cooper, the
trilateral emblem is taken directly from the alien flag. e adds
tat under Presidents Nixon, Ford and Carter MJ-12 became known
as the 50 Committee. Unde Reagan t was renamed the PI-40

By 1955, during the Eisenhower years, Cooper chargd, offials
learned for certain what they had already begun to suspect a year
earlier: that the alies had oken the treaty before the ink on
it had time to dry. They were killing and mutilating both huma
eings and animals, failing to supply a complete list of
abductees, and not returning smeofthose they had taken. On top
of that, they were conspiring with the Soviets, manipulating
siet through occultism, witchcraft, religion and secret
organizations. Eisenhower prepared ascrt executive memo, NSC
5411, ordering a study group of 35 top members (the "Jason
Societ") asociated with the Council on Foreign Relations to
"examine aIl the facts, evidence, lis, a deception and
discover the truth of the alien question" (Cooper, 1989). Because
the resuling meengs were held at Quantico Marine Base, they
were called the Quantico meetings. Those paricipatin included
Edward Teller, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger and Nelson

The grou ecided that the danger to established social,
economic, religious and political istitutionswasso grave that
no one must know about the aliens, not even Congress. That meant
that alternativ souces of funding would have to be found. It
also concluded that the aliens were usig human orgas andtissue
to replenish their deteriorating genetic structure.

Further, according t Cooper, overures wre made to the Soviet
Union and other nations so that all the earth could jointogether
to dal withthe alien menace. Research into sophisticated new
weapons systems commence. Intelligence ources enetrated the
Vatican hoping to learn the Fatima prophecy which had been kept
secret eve since 917. It was suspected that the Fatima,
Portugal, "miracle" was an eisode of alien maipulation.As it
turned out, the prophecy stated that in 1992 a child would unit
the world under he banner o a false religion. By 1995 people
would figure out that he was th Anti-Christ. That same year
orld War III would begin when an alliance of Arab nations
inaded Israel. This wold lead to nulear war in 1999. The next
four years would see horrible death nd suffering all ove the
planet. hrist would return in 2011.

When confronted about this, claimd Cooper, the aliens andidly
acknowldged it was true. They knew it because they had traveled
int the future via time mchine and observd it with their own
eyes. They added that they creaed us through genetc
manipulation. Lter the Americans and the Soviets also developed
time trvel and confirmed the Fatma/ET vision of th future.

In 1957 the Jason group met again, by orderof Eisenhower, to
decide what to do. It cam up with three alternatives: (l) Use
nuclear bombs o blow holes in the stratoshere so that pollutin
could escape into space. (2) Build a huge netwrk of tunnels
under the eath and save enough huan beings of varying cultures,
occupations and taents so that the race could remerge after the
nucler and environmental catastrophes to come. Everbody else-
i.e., the rest f humanity--would be left on the surface
presumably to die. (3)Employ alien and terrestrial tehnology to
leave earth and colonize the moon (code name "Adam") ad Mars
("Eve"). The first altrnative was deemed impracical, so the
Americans and the Sovies started working on the other two.
Meanwhile they decied that the population would have to be
controlled, which could be dne most easily by killing ff as
many "undesirables" as possble. Thus AIDS and other deadly
iseases were introduced ino the population. Another idea toraise needed funds was quickly actedon: sell drugs on a massive
cale. An ambitious young membe of the Council on Foreign
Relatins, a Texas oil-company presient named George Bush, was
putin charge of the project, with the aidof the CIA. "The plan
worked btter than anyone had thought CooPer said. "The CIA now
controls al the worlds [sic] illegal drug markets" (Cooper,
Unknown to just about everybody, a secrt American/Soviet/alien
space bse existed on the dark sde of the moon. By the early
1960s humn colonies were thriving on the suface of Mars. All
the while the naive people of the earth were ed to believe the
Soviets and theAmericans were somethng other than the closest
allies. But Coopr's story got even more bizarre and yzantine.

He clamed that in 1963, when President Kennedy foud out some
of what was going on, hegave an ultimatumto MJ-12: get out of
the drug business. He lso declared that in 1964 he would tll
the America people about the alien visitation. Agents of MJ-12
ordered his assassination. Kenney was murdere in full view of
many hundreds of onlookers, one of whom apparently noticed, by
the Secret Serice agent driving the President's car in themotorcade.

In 1969, reported Cooper a confontation between human
scientists and aliensat the Dulce laboratory resulted in the
ormer'sbeing taken hostage by the latter. Soldiers who tred to
free the scientists were killed, unabe to vercome the superior
alien weapons. The inciden led to a two-year rupture in
relation. Te alliance was resumed in 1971 and continues to thisday, even as a vast invisible financial empierun by the CIA,
the NSA and the Council on Foreign elations runs drugs, launders
money and encoures massive street crime so that Americans will
be ssceptible to gun-control legislation. The CIAha gone so
far as to employ drugs and hypnosis to ause mentally-unstable
individuals to comit mss murder of schoolchildren and other
innocents, he point being to encourage anti-gun hystera. Allof
this is part of the plot, aided and abetted b the mass media
(also under the secre governent's control), to so scare
Americans that tey will soon accept the declaration of mrtial
law when that happens, people will be rounded up nd put in
concentration camps alread in place. Fom there they will be
flown to the moon and ars to work as slave labor in the spae

The conspirators already run the world. As Cooer put it, "Even
a cursory investigaton by the most iexperienced researcher will
show that the memers of the Council on Foreign Relatios and the
Trilaterl commission control the major foundations,all of the
major media and publishig interests, the larest banks, all the
major corporations, th - upper echelons of the government and
many other vitalinterests."

Reaction to Lear and Coopr: Whereas Lear had felt som
obligation to name a source or two, or at least to muttersomething about "unnamed source," Cooper told his lurid and
outlandish tale as if it were so sef-evidently true that sources
or supporting data were irreevant. And to the enthusiastic
audieces flocking to Cooper's lctures, no evidence was
neessary. By the fall of the year Coper was telling his
storie--whose sources were, in fact, flying-saucer folklore,
AFOSI disiformation unleashed during he Bennewitz episode,
conspiracy literature, and outright fiction--t large crowds of
Californias willing to pay $l0 or $15 apiece or the thrill of
being scared sill.

Lear and Cooper soon wre joined by two other tellers of tals
of UFO horrors and Trilateral cnspiracies, William Englis and
John Grace (who goes under the psedonym "Val Valarian" and heads
th Nevada Aerial Research Goup in Las Vegas).

Few if any mainstrea ufologists took these stories seriously
and at first teated them as something of a bad joke. But wen it
became clear that Lear Cooper and company ere commanding
significant media attention nd finding a following among the
larger public intrested in ufology's fringes, where a claim's
iherent improbability had neer been seen as an bstacle to
believe in it, the leaders of the UFOcommunity grew ever more

One leader ho was not immediately alarmed was Walter H. Andrus,Jr., director of the Mutua UFO Network (MUFON, one of the two
largest UFO organizations in the Unted States (the other beig
the J. Allen Hnek Center for UFO Studies [CUFOS]). In 1987,
before ear had proposed what som wags would call he Dark Side
Hypothesis, he had offered to host the 1989MUFON conference in
Las Vegas. Andrus agreed. But as Lear's true beliefs became
known, leading figures within MUFON expressed concrn about
Lear's role in the conference. When Andrus failed to respond
quickly, UFON officialswere infuriated.

Facing a possible palace revolt, Andrus iformed Lear that
Coper, whom Lea had invited to speak at the conference, was not
an acceptable chice. But to the critcs on the MUON board and
elsewhere in the organization, this was hardly enoug. One of
them, lngtime ufoogist Richard Hall, said this was "like
putting a Band-Aid on ahemorrhage" (Hall,1989). In a heated
telephone exchange Andrus called Hall's objections to Lear "jst
one man's opiion" and laimed support, which turned out not to
exist, from other MUFON notables In a widely-ditributed open
letter to Andrus, Hall wrote, "Having Lear run the symposium and
be major speakerat it i comparable to NICAP in the 1960's
having George Adamski run a NICAP confrence! " (NIAP, te
National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena, of which
Hall was excutive secretry inthe late 1950s and much of the
1960s, was a conservative UFO-research orgaization whch
atacked as fraudulent the claims of Adamski, who wrote books
about his meetings wth Venusian an distributed photographs of
what he said were their spaceships.) Hall went on, "You eem to
begong for the colorful and the spectacular rather than for the
critical-minded approach of cience; yueven expressed the view-
in effect-that having a panel to question Lear critically wouldbe good ow biz and the 'highlight' of the symposium. Maybe so,
but it obviously would dominate the ntire pgram, grab off all
major news media attention, and put UFO research in the worst
possibl ligt" Hall declared, "I am hereby resigning from the
MUFON Board and I request that my name be reove fom all MUFON
publications or papers that indicate me to be a Board Member."

Fearing more resgatins, Andrus moved to make Lear barely more
than a guest at his own conference. He was not to lecte here,
as previously planned, and hosting duties would be handled, for
the most part, by other. ea ended up arranging an "alternative
conference" at which he, Cooper, English and Don Ecker prsentdthe latest elaborations on the Dark Side Hypothesis.
Meanwhile another storm was brewing.On Mah 1, 1989, an
Albuquerque ufologist, Robert Hastings, issued a 13-page
statement with 37ages of appended documents, and mailed it to
many of ufology's most prominent individuas. Hastig opened
with these remarks:

"First, it has been established that 'Falcon,' one f the
pricile [sic] sources of the MJ-12 material, is Richard C.
Doty, formerly attached o District 7 ir Force Office of
Special Investigations (AFOSI) at Kirtland Air Force Bae,
Albuquerqe, ew Mexico. Sgt. Doty retired from the U.S. Air
Force on October 1, 1988.

"Hw do I know tat Doy is 'Falcon?' During a recent telephone
conversation, Linda Moulton Howe tol me that when Sgt. Doty
invited her to his office at Kirtland AFB in early April 1983,
and shwed her a purpotedly athentic U.S. government document
on UFOs, he identified himself as code-nae 'Falcon' and tated
tht it was Bill Moore who had given him that name.

"Also, in early Deceber 1988, a raking memer of the
production team responsible for the 'UFO Cover Up?Live'
television dcumentary onfirmed that Doty is 'Falcon.' This same
individual also identified he second MJ-12 souce who appared
on the program, 'Condor' as Robert Collins who was, untl
recently, a Captin in the U.. Air Force. Like Doty, he was
stationed at KAFB when he lef the service late lst year."
(Cllins, a scientist, was assigned to the plasma physics group
a Sandia National Laboatories on theKirtland Air Force Base.
Following his retirement he moved toIndiana and remains actvely
interestedin UFOs.)

Hastings reviewed evidence of Doty's involement in the
concoctin of various questionable documents and stories,
including the Elsworth tale and the Weitzl affair. He aso
noted important discrepancies between the paper Howe aw and the
MJ-12 briefin document. For exaple, while the first mentioned
the alleged Aztec cras, the second said nothing aout it at all.
Hastngs wondered, "[I]f the briefing paper that Sgt. Dot showed
to Linda Howe was geuine, what does thatsay about the accuracy
(and authenticity) of theEisenhower document? If, on te other
hand, the fomer was bogus and was meant to mislead Howe for ome
reason, what does that say about Richard 'alcon' Doty's
reliability as a source fo MJ-12 material as a whol?"
(Hastings, 1989). Hstings also had much critical to say aboutMoore, especially about an incidnt in which Moore had flshed a
badge in front of ufologist/cover-p investigator Lee Graham and
inicated he was working wth the government on a project to
relase UFO information. (Moore woul characterize this as amisguided practical joke.)

Both Mooe and Doty denied that the latter was Falcon. They
claimed Doty had been given that pseudonym lng after the 1983
meeting with How. Howe, however, stuck by he account. Moore and
Doty said the eal Falcon, an older man than Doty ha been in the
studio audience s the video of his interview wasbeing broadcast
on UFO Cover-up. . . Live. Doty himself was in New Mexico
training with the tate police.

Moore's Confession: By mid-1989 the two most contrversial
figures in ufology wre Moore and Lear. Moore's MUFON lecture on
July 1 did nothing to quiet is legion of critics. On hs arrival
in Las Vegas, Moore checked ino a different hotel from the oneat which the conference as being held. He already had refused to
sbmit his paper for publication in he symposium proceedins, so
no one knew what he would say. He hd also stipulated that he
would acept no questions frm the floor.

Moore's speech stunned and anered much of the audience. At one
pint the shouts and jeers of Lear's partisans brought
roceedings to a halt until order wasrestored. Moore finished
and exited immediately. He left Las egas not long afterwards.

In his lecure Moore spok candidly, for the first time, of his
part in he counterintelligence operation agains Bennewitz. "My
role in the affair," he said, "was largely hat of a freelancer
providing informatin on Paul' current thinking and activities."
Doty, "faithflly carrying out orders which he personaly founddistasteful," was one of those involved in the effrt to confuse
and discredit Bennewitz. Bcause f his success at this effort,
Moore suggested, Dot was chosen by the real "Falcon" as "liaiso
peron, although I really don't know. Frankly, I don't believe
that Doty does either. In my opinin e was simply a pawn in a
much larger game, just as was."

From disinformation passed on by ASI sources, and his own
observations and guesses, according to Moore, "by mid-1982"
Bennewizhad put together a story that "contained virtually al
of the elements found in the current rop of rumors being
circulated around the UFO communiy." Moore was referring to the
outlandish talesLear and Cooper were telling. Moore said that
"whn I first ran into the disinformation opeation .. . being
run on Bennewitz . . . [i)t seemed to m . . . I was in a rather
unique position There I as with my foot . . . in the door of a
secret cunterintelligence game that gave every appearance of
being somehow directly connected to a high-lvel government UFO
project, and, judgig by the posiions of the people I knew to be
directly involed with it, definitely had something t do with
natinal security! There was no way I was going o allow the
opportunity to pass m by without learnng at least something
about what was goingon. . . . I would play the disinfomation
game, get y hands dirty just often enough to lea those
directing the process int believing that I was doing exactly
what they wanted me to do,and all the while continue to burow
my way into the matix so as to learn as much as possible abot
who was directing it and why."Some of the same people wo were
passing alleged UFO secrets on toMoore were also involved in the
peration against Bennewitz.Moore knew that some of the material
he was getting--essentially a mid version of the Bennewitzscenario, without the horror, paranoia nd conspiracy--was false,
but he (along with Jaime Shandera ad Stanton Friedman, to whom
he confied the cover-up story in June1982; Friedman, however,
would ot learn of Moore's role in the Benneitz episode until
seven yers later) felt that some of it was robably true, since
an invariable characteristic of disinfomation is that it
contains some fcts. Moore also said that Linda How had been the
victim of on of Doty's disinformation operations.

Before he stopped cooperating wit such schemes in 1984, More
said, he had given "routine informaton" to AFOSI about certain
other individuals in the UFO ommunity. Subsequently he claimed
that duing this period this emphasis) "hree other members ofthe UFO community . . . were actively doingthe same thing. I
have since learned of a fourth. . . All four are prominent
individuals whse identities, if disclose, would cause
coniderable controversy in the UFO community and brng serious
embarrassment totwo of its major orgnizations. To the best of
my knowledge, at leasttwo of these people are stil actively
involve" (Moore, 1989b).

Although he would not reveal theidentities of the governmnt
informants witin ufology, Moore gave the names of several
persos "who were the subject ofintelligence commnity interest
between 1980 and 1984." They were:

(1) en Stringfield, a ufoloist known for hs interest in
crashed-disc stories; in 1980 he had been set up by a
conterintelligenc operative who gave him phony pictures of what
purported to b humanoids in cold storge.

(2) The ate Pete Mazzola, whose knowledge of film footage from
a neve-publicized Florida UO case was of great interest to
counterintelligence types. Moore was directe to urge Mazzola to
end the footge to ufologist Kal Korff (who knew nothing of the
scheme) for anaysis; then Moore woud make a coy and pass it on
to Doty. But Mazzola never got the film, despite pomises, and
the icident cam to nothing. "I was left with the impression,"
Moore wrote, "that te file had been interceped and the
witnesses somehow persuaded to cease communication with Mazzla."

(3) Peter Gersten legal counsel for Citizens Against UFO
Secrecy (CAUS), who had speaheaded a (largly unsccessful)
legal suit against the NSA seeking UFO information.

(4) Larry Fawett, an officia of CAS and coauthor of a book on
the cover-up, Clear Intent (1984).

(5) James an Coral Lorenzn, th directors of the Aerial
Phenomena Research Organization (APRO) periodically subjects of
n-agin, off again interest . . . mostly passive monitoring
rather than active medling," accoringto Moore. Between 1980
and 1982 APRO employed a "cooperative" secretary who passe on
confidntal material to counterintelligence personnel.

(6) Larry W. Bryant, who was battlingwithout sucss in the
courts to have UFO secrets revealed. Moore said, "His name came
up often indiscussio but I never had any direct involvement in
whatever activities revolved around him."

Thes revelatns sent shock waves through the UFO community. In
September CAUS devoted virtually all of anissue fits magazine
Just Cause to a harshly critical review of Moore's activities.
Barry Greenwod ecared that the "outrageousness" of Moore's
conduct "cannot be described. Moore, one of the maorcriics of
government secrecy on UFOs, had covertly informed on people who
thought he was their iendand colleague. Knowing full well that
the government people with whom he was dealing were ctie
disinformants, Moore pursued a relationship with them and
observed the deterioratin o Pul Bennewitz'[s] physical and
mental health. . . . Moore reported the effects of the flse
ifrmation regularly to some of the very same people who were
'doing it' to Paul. And Moor boastein his speech as to how
effective it was" (Greenwood, 1989). Greenwood complained furtherabout Moe's admission that on the disastrous Cover-up . . .
Live show Falcon and Condor had sid things ht they knew were
untrue. "In the rare situation where two hours of prime time
telvision aregien over to a favorable presentation of UFOs,
here we have a fair portion of the las hour wastedin resenting
what Moore admits to be false data. . . . Yet he saw fit to go
ahead ad carry on a harae, making UFO research look ridiculous
in the process. Remarks by Falcon and Conor about the alien'
lifestyle and preference for Tibetan music and strawberry ice
cream were aughable." So fr as Geenwood and CAUS, skeptical of
the MJ-12 briefing document from the first, wee concerned, "Juy
1, 199, may well be remembered in the history of UFO research as
the day when th 'Majestic 12' stry came rashing to Earth in a
heap of rubble. Cause of death: Suicide!"

Nonethless it seemed nlikely tat MJ-12, EBEs, and other
cover-up matters would pass away soon. Th Dark Siders appeaed
well o their way to starting a new occult movement in America
and elsewere. Among movie conservativ ufologists many
legitimate questions about conceivably more sbstantive matters
reained to b answered. A reinvestigation of the Roswell
incident by Dn Schmitt and Kevin D.Randle of CUOS produced
what appeared to be solid new evidence of a UFO crsh and cover
up. The emergence of Robert Lazar, who even a mainstream
journalist such as tlevision reporter GeorgeKnapp concluded is
telling the truth as he knows it possibly suggested a egree of
substance to rcurrent rumors aout developments in Area 51 and
S4. Even Moore's critcs were puzzled by the extraordinary
intrest of intelligence operatives in ufologists and th UFO
phenomenon, going back in time log before Bennewitz's
interception of low-frequeny signals at Kirtland and aead to
the present Why go to all this trouble and expense, with so may
persons over such a perio of time, if there ae no real UFO
secrets to protect?

Moore say he is still working with the"birds," who are a
active as ever. The birds tell him, he says, tat disinformation
is used no only against ufologits but even against those
insiders like temselves who are privy to the coer-up. Those in
chargeare "going to great lengths to mislead thei own people."
At one point the irds were told that ther is no substance to
abduction reports, nly to learn later, by accident, tat a major
high-level stuy had been done. "Even people with a ned to know
didn't know about it," h says. "The abduction messcaused a lot
of trouble. There mayhave been an official admission of the
cover-up by now if theabductions had not come into prominnce in
the 1980s."

As for the stries of ongoing contact etween the U.S.
government an extraterrestrial biological entitie, he says
there is, in his bservation, a "pretty good possbility, better
than three to one," tha such a thing is happening. "Bt I don't
think we can comunicate with them. Perhaps we only intrcept
their communications. Or aybe they communicate with s."

He thinks he has found MJ-12. "I's not in a place anybody
looed," he says. "Not an aency one would have expected. But
when yu think about it, it fits there" Moore, 1990).

Doty, nw a New Mexico State Police officer, was deertified as
an AFOSI agent on Juy 15, 1986, for "miscnduct" related to an
incident (not concered with UFOs) that occurred while e was
stationed i West Germany. In August Doty requested a dicharge
from the Air Force and was ent to New Jerseyto be separated
from the service. But the, Doty says, the Senior Enlisted
dvisor for AFOS made a trip to the Military Personnel Center a
Randolph AFB, Texas, and asked tht Doty be eassigned to
Kirtland, where his son lived. I September Col. Richard Law,
Commande of AFOSI Dstrict 70, rescinded Doty's decertification
and assigned him to Kirtland as a services career pecialist
(i.e., an Air Force recruiter). When h left the Air Force in
October 1988, e was superintendent of the 1606 Services
Squadron. Doty remains close to Moore and uncommuniative with
nearly everyone else. All he will say is that ne day a book will
tell his side of thestoy and back it up with "Official
Government Documnts" (Doty, 1989).


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1985 UFO Symposium Proceedings, 130-79.Seguin, TX: Mutual UfO
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1989a): 118. '

Moore, William L. "UfO and the U S Governmnt, part 11." Focus
4, 7-8-9 (September 30, 1989b: 1-3.

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Journal 191 (January 1984) 69. '

Scully, Frank. Behindthe Flying Saucers New York: Henry Holt,

Scully, Frank. "WhatI've Learned Since Writing 'Behind the
Flyng Saucers.'" Pageant 6 (February 1951): 76-81.

Steinmn, William S., with Wendlle C. Stevens. FO Crash at
Aztec: A Well Kept Secret. Tucson, AZ: UFO Poto Archives, 1986.

Strngfield, Leonar H. "Status Report on Alleged Alien Cadaver
Photos." MUFON FO Journal 154 (December1980): 11-16.
Todd, Robert G. "MJ-12 Rebuttal." MUFON UFO Journal 261 (Janury
1990): 17-20.


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