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The complete guide to ASCII cows. Very extensive!

Article 4547 of rec.humor:
Path: seer!unisoft!mtxinu!ucbvax!ucsd!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!news-server.csri.toronto.edu!clyde.concoca!pavo!k279371
From: [email protected] (Paul Martineau)
Newsgroups: rec.humor
Subject: FULL cows list...
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Date: 22 Oct 90 17:24:22 GMT
Lines: 1837

Having seen the other list of cows I decided to post this list...

this is the COMPLETE guide to cows...

...:::///  CLASSIC COWS  \\\:::...

Part 1 of the 2-part COMPLETE GUIDE TO COWS!
(__)    /                        \         * OFFICIAL EDITION *
(oo)   ( A real COWlector's Item! )
/-------\/  --'\________________________/        * SUMMER 1990 ISSUE! *
/ |     ||
*  ||----||             Edited by Eric W. Tilenius
~~    ~~             Please send your submissions to:
Cow                [email protected] // [email protected]

-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

|   E.T.'S   |            (__)          (__)          (__)          (__)
|    USED    |            (uu)          (uu)          (uu)          (uu)
|    COWS    |     /-------\/    /-------\/    /-------\/    /-------\/
|____________|   / |     ||    / |     ||    / |     ||    / |     ||
||        *  ||----||   *  ||----||   *  ||----||   *  ||----||
||           ~~    ~~      ~~    ~~      ~~    ~~      ~~    ~~
| EASY CREDIT |           (__)          (__)          (__)          (__)
|_____________|           (uu)          (uu)          (uu)          (uu)
||           /-------\/    /-------\/    /-------\/    /-------\/
||          / |     ||    / |     ||    / |     ||    / |     ||
||         *  ||----||   *  ||----||   *  ||----||   *  ||----||
||            ~~    ~~      ~~    ~~      ~~    ~~      ~~    ~~

-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

(__)             (__)             (__)             (__)
(oo)             (oo)             (oo)             (oo)
/-------\/       /-------\/       /-------\/       /-------\/
/ |     ||       / |     ||       / |     ||       / |     ||
*  ||----||      *  ||W---||      *  ||w---||      *  ||V---||
~~    ~~         ~~    ~~         ~~    ~~         ~~    ~~
Cow           Cow laden        Same cow      Nancy Reagan-type
with milk     after milking      cow with milk

(___)             (___)    *        (___)             (___)
(o o)             (o o)     \       (o o)             (o o)
/-------\ /       /-------\ /       \-------\ /       /-------\ /
/ |     ||O       / |     ||O         |     ||O       / | ~#>-+|O
*  ||,---||       *  ||@\--||          ||,---||       *  ||,----|
~~    ~~          ~~    ~~          ~~    ~~          ~~     ~
Bull       Same bull after    Rotc bull after    Red-blooded American Bull
seeing above cow   seeing other bull   shooting the Rotc bull

(__)             (__)             (__)             (__)
(oo)             (oo)             (oo)             (oo)
/-------\/-*     /-------\/       /-------\/   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/ |     || \     )*)(\/* /  *     / |     ||
*  ||----||  *   \ |||/)|/()(    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
\/|(/)(/\/(,,/   \)|(/\/|)(/\
Cow munching   Grass munching   Cow in water       Cow in trouble
on grass         on cow

(__)             (__)    *        (__) *      (__)
(oo)             (oo)     \       (oo) |      (oo)
/--------\/      /-oooooo-\/       \-------\/  \-------\/
* o|     ||      * ooooooooo     o  o|     ||   /     ||
||----||     ooooooooooooo        ||----||>==/-----||
ooo~~    ~~    ooooooooooooooooo     ~~    ~~         ~~
Cow taking      Cow in deep         Cow getting the shit
a shit            shit             kicked out of her

(oo)                       U
/-------\/                    /---V
/ |     ||                    * |--|                       .
*  ||----||
~~    ~~

Cow at 1 meter.         Cow at 100 meters.        Cow at 10,000 meters.

(__)                     )__(                vv    vv
(oo)                     (oo)                ||----||  *
/-------\/               *-------\/                 ||     | /
/ |     ||               / |     ||                 /\-------/
*  ||----||              /  ||----||                (oo)
~~    ~~                 vv    vv                (~~)

American Cow              Polish Cow            Australian Cow

(__)                     (__)                     (__)
(oo)                ____ (oo)                _---_(oo)
/-------\/               /-    --\/               /-     -\/
/ |     ||               / |     ||               /|      ||
*  ||----||              *  ||___-||              *  ||___-||
~~    ~~                 ~~    ~~                 ~~    ~~

Freshman Cow at          Freshman Cow             Freshman Cow
start of school     After the "Freshman 15"    After the "Freshman 20"

(__)                     (__)                     (__)
(OO)                     (@@)                     (xx)
/-------\/               /-------\/               /-------\/
/ |     ||               / |     ||               / |     ||
*  ||----||              *  ||----||              *  ||----||
~~    ~~                 ~~    ~~                 ~~    ~~

Cow who drank Jolt       Cow who ate              Cow who used Jolt to wash
psychadelic mushrooms      down psychadelic mushrooms

/\                  __
/  \                 ||
(__)                 (__)  \  /               (_||_)
SooS                 (oo)   \/                 (oo)
/------S\/S          /-------\/    /S          /-------\/
/ |     ||           / |     ||    /  S        / |     ||
*  ||----||          *  ||----||___/    S      *  ||----||
~~    ~~             ~~    ~~                  ~~    ~~
This cow belonged     Ben Franklin owned       Abe Lincoln's
to George Washington       this cow                   cow

*        (__)                           (oo)
\       (oo)                     /------\/
\-------\/                     /|  |/  |
| ==$ ||                     / |  [) ||
||----||                    *  ||----||
~~    ~~                       ~~    ~~
Old "One Arm" belonged           This cow is obviously
to Ceasar's Palace             Hugh Hefner's Heifer

(___)               (__)      (__)
( O )               (oo)      (oo)
/-------\ /                 \/--------\/
/ |     ||V                   |        |
*  ||----||                    ||------||
~~    ~~                    ~~      ~~
The cyclops that Jason and         This cow lived with
the Argonauts met had this cow          Dr. Doolittle

(__)                   (__)
[##]                   (@o)
/-------\/             /-------\/              /-------  (__)
/ |     ||             / |     ||              / |     || (oo)
*  ||----||            *  ||----||             *  ||----|---\/
~~    ~~               ~~    ~~                ~~    ~
This cow belonged      This cow lived with      This cow belonged to
to Flash Gordon       the Little Rascals       the Headless Horseman

(____)             (____)                           (____)
(oo  )                (o  o)                        ( O O)
/-----------\  /          /-----\    /----          /-----------\  /
/ ||       |  \/          / |   |  \/   |           / ||       |  \/
/  ||       ||||           \ |  |      | | |        /  ||       ||||
*   ||||-----||||            *| | |-----| | |       *   ||||-----||||
/\/\     /\/\             /\ /\     /\ /\           ~~~~     ~~~~
This cow belonged         This was Salvatore      No one was sure whether
to Pablo Picasso        Dali's favorite cow    M.C. Escher's cow had four
legs or eight

(__)            (oo)         (__)
(oo)            /\/          (oo)
/-------\/         /--/--            \/-----
/ |     ||         / |    `-.         / |    `-.
*  ||----||        *  ||----||        *  ||----||
OO    OO           OO    OO           OO    OO

Cow-vertible      .     .     .

*_                     *_     ( oo             *_
\      (__)            \    /\/                \  (__)
\.----( oo____         \.-/----._____          \.( oo___\____
||____\/____ \         ||__________ \          |_\/________ \
OO          `OO        OO          `OO         OO          `OO

Cow-vette Cow-vertible  (of cowrse)

*        (___)    *        (___)                (__)
\       (o o)     \       (o o)                (oo)
\-------\ /       \-------\ /          /-------\/        ________
|     ||O         |     ||O          / |     ||_|/    O _______
||,---||          ||,---||          *  ||----|  --
~~    ~~          ~~    ~~             ~~    ~
Twins                         Cow Catcher

(__)                [@@]          ?  (__)  ?              (__)
(oo)              <=|~~|=>       ?   (oo)   ?         |\/|(oo)
/-------VV       /--------- \/       /-------\/           /--| \--\/
/ |     ||       / |       ||        / |     ||           / |     ||
*  ||----||      /  |       ||       *  ||----||          *  ||----||
~~    ~~      *  ||------||          ~~    ~~             ~~    ~~
~~      ~~
Cownt Dracula     Francownstein       Where Cow             Cow bird
Cow                Cow

(~~) (              (oo)                        (__)
(oo)  )             (OO)                        (oo)
/-------==---       /------\--/                /------||||||
/ |     ||          / |     ||                 / | UX`  \||/
*  ||----||         *  ||----|\O---< HONK!     *  ||----||
~~    ~~            ~~    ~                    ~~    ~~
Groucho's            Harpo's                     Karl's
cow                  cow                        cow
(yes, that's the Russian symbol.
Use your imagination.)

O__O                             \_|_/
(oo)                             (oo)
/-------\/                       /-------\/
/ |     ||                       / |     ||
*  ||----||                      *  ||----||
~~    ~~                         ~~    ~~
Cow at Disneyland         Cow visiting the Statue of Liberty

(__)                        (__)
~~      (oo)                        (--)
~~~~ /-------\/                        /-\/-\
~~~~~  / |     ||                        /|    |\
~~~~~   *  ||----||                       ~ |    | ~
~~~~~~~~  ====~~====~~====                     |    |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~/                                     /----\
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                /    \ \
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~               ~      * ~
Cow Hanging Ten at Malibu           Cow sunning at Fort Lauderdale
(What a bod, huh guys?)

)\               (__)
/  \              (oo)
Cow trying out for a part
in the new JAWS movie

*                                                 (__)
\                                                (DD)
\                                        /-------\/
|\                                      / |     ||_\_/
\ | \ (__)                               *  ||----|
\\|| \(oo)                                  ~~    ~
\||\ \\/                         Cow chugging brews and staring at
~~ \||                            sunbathers at Fort Lauderdale
\\ ||
~~                                 / / / / / / / / / / /
\\_                              / / / / / / / / / / / /
\_                              / / / / / _______   / /
Cow skiing a Black Diamond at Aspen            / / /    /   |   \  / /
/ / /    (__)|      / /
/ / /    (oo)|      / /
( @@@ )                                        /-------\/ |
( @@ )            (------------)             / |     ||~_|
@@  (__)       (  *>COUGH<* )            *  ||----|
@@ (oo) . . . (  *>COUGH<* )               ~~    ~
/--UU--\/        (____________)
/ |    ||                              Cow sheltering from English Weather
*  ||---||

(New) Jersey Cow

O O                 O O
\ \               / /
\ \          (__) /
(__)            \ \         (xx)/
(DD)             \ +--------+\//
/-------\/               \|        | /
/ |     ||                 +--------+
*  ||----||
~~    ~~
Cow fantasizing about "Riding the Mechanical Bull"

|  |\ \
|  | \ \    ____________________
|   \ \ \   |                  |
|    \ \ \  |  +------------+  |
|     \ \ \ |  |     (__)   |  |
|      \ \ \|  |     (oo)   |  |
|       \ \ |  | o\  .\/.   |  |
|        \ \|  | | \/    \  |  |
/---\       \ |  +------------+  |
/     \       \|                  |
|     |        |                  |
\     /        |                  |
\---/         |                  |
|                  |
(                          )

Cow-struction worker.

: = :
:   :
:,','. '.         :   :---\
..,,,',.',',;,'.';'.'.'.,.'.'..:.  :   :

Cow town after a visit by the cow-struction worker.

o  o
|__|             (__)             (__)
(oo)             (oo)            =(oo)=         oo
/-------\/       /-------vv       /-------\/
/ |     ||       / |     ||       / |     ||
*  ||----||      *  ||----||      *  ||----||
~~    ~~         ~~    ~~         ~~    ~~
bill bixby        bela lugosi      boris karloff  claude rains
male relative     cow              cow            cow
(__) //                        (__)   (__)
(oo)//                         (oo)===(oo)
/-------\//                    /-------\/     \/-------\
/ |     |//                    / |     ||       ||     | \
*  ||----|                     *  ||----||       ||----||  *
~~    ~~                       ~~    ~~       ~~    ~~
Julie Andrews Cow                         Siamese cows

o        o             (__)    ~
\      /              (oo)   /
\    /           _____\/___/
(__)              \__/           /  /\ / /
(oo)       _______(oo)          ~  /  * /
/---------\/       /|  ___  \/             / ___/
/ | x=a(b)||       / | {   }||         *----/\
*  ||------||      *  ||{___}||             /  \
~~      ~~         ||-----||            /   /
~~     ~~           ~    ~

Mathematical        Television      This cow does Disco
Cow                 Cow        (That's what comes of
(developer of        (Cow-thode      snorting cow-caine)
cow-culus)          Ray Tube)

| [---]
|   |
|   |                              |------========|
/----|---|\                             | **** |=======|
/___/___\___\                         o  | **** |=======|
|            |                     ___|  |==============|
|           |                ___  {(__)} |==============|
\-----------/             [](   )={(oo)} |==============|
\  \   /  /             /---===--{ \/ } |
-----------------         / | NASA  |====  |
|               |        *  ||------||-----~
-----------------           ||      |      |
/    /  \   \             ~~      ~      |
/     ----    \
~~         ~~           This cow jumped over the Moon

([][])            "I have this recurring dream
__\/_--U              about golden arches."..  (__)
/\    \__                                 ~  :..("")
/\\\  /  /                         //\  ____\_____\/ //
/----~/__/\ /\                     // \\/     \___ / //
\\\____/--\--                 // /-/__________/ //
/======   \/            =======/==============//
*_/ /    \   /~              //  /              \\
/      \ ~               //                   \\

Psycowlogist and patient

\~~~~~~~~\   (__)                    (o o)
\~~~~~~~~\\ (oo)                     \ /
*-----\_______\/\/                    \--O--/
~_______/   ---  \______~              // -----\
~--------\   \S/  /\_____~              \\/_~{} /==V===[]
\______/                        \_____\\//
It's a bird...                               //\\         The Boss
It's a plane...                             //  \\   (Bruce Holstien)
//   //
~~    ~~

_____________________________            H                H
|             |-------------|            H     (__)       H
|             |   ________  |            H     (oo)       H       __
|   COWNTY    |  | (|__|) | |            H    / \/ \      H     /    \
|    JAIL     |  |  |oo|  | |            H   | |  | |     H    | STOP |
|             |  |__|\/|__| |            H   D===b=-----  H     \ __ /
|             | o           |            H~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~H       ||
|             | ~           |            H                H       ||
|             | ]           |            H                H       ||
|             |             |            H                H       ||
|_____________|_____________|            H                H       ||
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     ~~~~~~~
Some cows get in trouble...                 Cattle Guard

(  (    )
( (     )   )
( (         )
(           / )
( ( \\       )
( |  // )
|   |    (__)
|   |    (oo)                   (__)
|   | ----\/              ______(oo)_____
|   |    ||              ( _)_______(__) )
**|   | ---||                \ __________/
Cow Hide                     Cow Pie

\  |  /         ___________
____________  \ \_# /         |  ___      |       _________
|            |  \  #/          | |   |     |      | = = = = |
| |   |   |  |   \\#           | |`v'|     |      |         |
|            |    \#  //       |  --- ___  |      | |  || | |
| |   |   |  |     #_//        |     |   | |      |         |
|            |  \\ #_/_______  |     |   | |      | |  || | |
| |   |   |  |   \\# /_____/ \ |      ---  |      |         |
|            |    \# |+ ++|  | |  |~~~~~~| |      | |  || | |
|            |    \# |+ ++|  | |  |~~~~~~| |      | |  || | |
~~~|    (~~~~~) |~~~~~#~| H  |_ |~|  | |||| | |~~~~~~|         |
|    ( ||| ) |     # ~~~~~~    |  | |||| | |      | ||||||| |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~________/  /_____ |  | |||| | |      | ||||||| |
`v'-                      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~      | ||||||| |
|| |`.      (__)    (__)                          ( )
(oo)    (oo)                       /---V
/-------\/      \/ --------\             * |  |
/ |     ||        ||_______| \
*  ||W---||        ||      ||  *
~~    ~~        ~~      ~~

"Cow Town"

\ (__)                       (__)
\\(oo)                       (\/)
/-----\\\/                 /-------\/
/ |    (##)                / |     ||
*  ||----||"               *  ||----||
~~    ~~                   ~~    ~~
This cow plays bagpipes.      Cow from Beijing

(__)                     (__)                     (__)
(\/)                     ($$)                     (**)
/-------\/               /-------\/               /-------\/
/ | 666 ||               / |=====||               / |     ||
*  ||----||              *  ||----||              *  ||----||
~~    ~~                 ~~    ~~                 ~~    ~~

Satanic cow           This cow is a Yuppie         Cow in love

(__)                                              (__)
(oo)                                              (oo)
/-'''''-\/                            /-------------------\/
/ |'''''||                            / |                 ||
*  ||''''||                           *  ||----------------||
~~    ~~                              ~~                ~~
Cow in Argyle                                Stretch Cow
**   **
* **  * * *  **
*   /  /   \ *  *
\  \ /  \        / /                         (__)
*  /  / \  \  (__)  \ \                /--------(00)
/           (00)  / /               / |      |(  )
\    /-------\/   \ \              *  ||---- ||()
/   / |     ||    / /                 ||     ||
\ \  *  ||----||    \ \                 ~~     ~~
/  /     ~~    ~~    / /            Cow Chewing Marbles
Cow in Heat

(o o)
/------\ /   (__)                         (__)
/    ____O    (oo)                         (oo)
|   / /----\----\/                   /-------\/
/\oo===|  /    ||                   / |     ||
| ||   *||~-----||                  *  OO----OO
*  ~~   ~~      ~~
Cowt in the Act                   low rider cow

(__)                 \__\                 (__)
(oo)             o   (oo)                 (oo)
/-------\/           ____\___\/          *+-------\/
/ |     ||           / |     ||           ||______||
*  ||----||          *  ||----||             ||----||
OO    OO             OO    OO             OO    OO
Detroit cow          Mustang cow            pickup cow

(__)              (__)              \_||_~
(oo)              (oo)              (*||*)
/---------------\/           /----\/        /-------\||/
/ |             ||           /    ||        / |     ||
*  ||------------||        *-||----||       *  ||----||
OO            OO          OO    OO          OO    }{
li-moo-cow          fastback cow      teenager's cow

(__)                  '(oo)`
(oo)            /-----'-\/ `
/-------\/            / |    |============>
/ |     ||            *  ||----| (~)
*  ||----||               ~~    ~
~~    ~~             Moo-ammar Cowdafi
holy cow            armed and dangerous

(___)             (___)
(o o)             (o o)
/-------\ /       /-------\ /
/ |     ||O       / |  O~ ||O
*  ||,---||       *  ||,---||
~~    ~~          ~~    ~~
A Bull       A-bomb-in-a-bull     No-bull

(   )
/-----\                          (___)
|     |                          (o o)
|  |  |                   (-----) \ /
|  |  |                  /  / \    O
|  *  |                 *  | O |
~~   ~~                    -----
Coward                  Phone Bull

}__{    / Send YOUR cow pictures to \
(00)   ( [email protected] )
:****** \/ ==='\___________________________/'
: #     ##
""    ""

|    |                              |    |           *
|    |            (__)              |    |            \       (__)
|    |            (oo)              |    |             \      (oo)
|    |     /-------\/               |    |          -----------\/--
|    |    / |     ||                |    |          ----|      |---
|    |   *  ||----||                |    |              --------
|    \______~~____~~___             |    \_________________
|     _________________             |     _________________
|    /                              |    /
|    |                              |    |
|    |                              |    |
|    |                              |    |
|    |                              |    |
|    |                              |    |
|    |                              |    |
|    |                              |    |
/      \                            /      \

Cow perched on a tree.              Cow attempting to fly off tree.

|    |
|    |
|    |
|    |
|    |
|    \_________________
|     _________________
|    /
|    |
|    |
|    |
|    |
|    |
|    |                                (__)
|    |                      *---------(..)
/      \                        ~~----~~\/

The attempt results in an udder disaster.

.            /\         .       .        :                (__)
.     /  \      .          .       :                (xx)
/    \   .        .    *      :         __------\/
/      \              *        :        * ||____||
| (__) |   .    .   **         :         / |    |\
.     /| (oo) |\           **         :
/ | /\/\ | \   .     . *         :         Hamburger
.  /  |=|==|=|  \     .      *       :
. /    | |  | |    \  .               :
/ USA | ~||~ |NASA \     .           :       *        (__)
|______|  ~~  |______|       .        :        \       (oo)
.       (__||__)     .   .             :         \-------\/
.    /_\  /_\  .     .    .         :        8-|     ||
!!!  !!!                       :          ||----||
:          ~~    ~~
The cow that jumped over the moon.       :         Flying Cow

../  / | \  \..
./ /  /  |  \  \ \.
/  /   /  |  \   \  \
/  /   /   |   \   \  \
\          |          /
\         |         /
\        |        /
\       |       /
\      |      /
\     |     /
\    |    /
\   |   /
\  |  /
\ | /(__)
\|/ (oo)
/ |  || ||
*  ||-++-||
~~    ~~

Cow surviving attack by Red Baron

..---..                             (__)
/       \                            (oo)
|  RIP  |                     /-------\/
|       |                    / |     ||
|       |                   *  ||----||
|       |                      ~~    ~~
|       |

Elvis's Cow...      ...Or is it alive and living in tax exile???

/---+      +--\/
/ |  |      | ||
*  ||-+      +-||
~~          ~~                             *

David Copperfield's Cow               David Copperfield's other Cow

/ |     ||
*  ||----||
~~    ~~
(__)  (__)
(oo)  (oo)
/-------\/    \/-------\
/ |     || -~~- ||     | \
*  ||----   -~~-       ||  *
~~                  ~~
(__)                (__)
(oo)                (oo)
/-------\/                  \/-------\
/ |     ||                    ||     | \
*  ||----||                    ||----||  *
~~    ~~                    ~~    ~~
Barnum's Troupe of performing cows

(__)                       _--------_
(oo)                      |__________|   BIG
/-------\/                        XXXXXXXXXX    MAC
/ | 007 ||                         __________
*  ||----||                        |_        _|
~~    ~~                          --------
Cow licenced to kill      Enemy Cow after having met previous cow

The cow that didn't jump
over the moon.
------------------------         !
/ \              Hey diddle diddle
/___\             The cat and the fiddle
|=   =|            The cow blew up on the
|     |                         launch pad...
|     |
ROCKET,                       |     |
TAKING OFF                    |     |
TOTALLY             \\        |     |
OBLIVIOUS TO    ||||||>       |     |
THE FACT THAT       //        |     |
THERE IS A                    |     |
COW ON THE                    |     |
LAUNCH PAD                   /|##!##|\
/ |##!##| \
/  |##!##|  \
|  / ~ | ~ \  |
| /  ( | )  \ |
|/   ( | )   \|
((   ))
((  :  ))
((  :  ))
((   ))
(( ))
( )
.                         *
_           _           *
*     \\ *=      //
COW BLOWING      \\                  \\    =* //
UP,ON THE   ||||||>>       *     *                ( __ )
LAUNCH PAD       //                     * * *  . _ (oo)          *
// *= *=   * BOOM *     ()
//   *=      * * *           ==* \\
________________________________________________ = * \\
//        //           !!           \\        \\
//        //            ||            \\        \\

(__)                                   / '' ` )
(oo)    o     /| /|/|_                |      /|
/ \/    /    /      _ /                |  |  | |
/  _\===~   ___\_____/___               |_____|_|
___|__/ |/\    (___________(_)               //|| ||
*        ~ ~                                 *  ww ww

Mrs. O'Leary's Cow                 Cow'nt Dracula

____             ____                                |+++++|
|++++|    ___    |++++|                       ____    |+++++|
|++++|   |++ ______________________          |++++|   |+++++|
|++++|   |++/      /( )\           \         |++++|   |+++++|   __
|    |   |+|      |-oo- |           \______  |++++|   |+++++|  |++|
-----(__)--|       \__\/           _(__)_  \ ----------------------------------
o   ( oo /_______________________| (oo)  \ |         __
|  _/\_| |  M O O - B U S T E R S|__\/\ /| |        /oo| - Bleaurgh!
|-|  \\____                         ------  )_    /|  /\
-|_  \_|-_|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0     _|  *  \/  *
\  |  __________________________________/
|  W|  \ \_/ /----------------- \ \_/ /
/ /\ \  \___/                    \___/
/ /  \ \
~~~   ~~~                                      Who you gonna call...?

(__)                   (__)                    (__)       (----------)
(00)                   (-o)                    (--) . . . ( *>YAWN<* )
/------\/              /------\/               /------\/        (----------)
/|     ||              /|     ||               /|     ||
* ||----||             * ||----||              * ||----||

Cow w/ Glasses    Flirtatious cow (winking)   Cow after pulling an all-nighter

*        (__)              (__)               (__)               (__)
\       (oo)              (oo)               (oo)               (oo)
\-------\/        /-------\/         /-------\/         /-------\/
/|      |\       / /      \         / \      /         / \      \
//||----||\\     * //------\\       *   \\--//         *   \\----\\
~ ~~    ~~ ~       ~        ~            ~  ~               ~     ~
Cow walking         Cow jogging         Same cow         Cow braking

(oo)                       (__) o       *     (__)
\/                        (oo)/ "      |     (oo)
____| \____            /-------\/(__ o=o=o=|------\/
---/   --**           / |       /          |      |
*____/    |___//        *  ||----||           ||----||
//--------/            ~~    ~~           ~~    ~~
//__                      Cow             Cow pooing
Cow marching            standing

Side      Front   Side   back                (___)  Where's all the bulls!
(__)      (__)    (__)   (__)                (O O)/
( oo      (oo)    oo )   (  )            ~  _/\ /\_  ~
/\_|      /\/\    |_/\   /  \            \\/   O   \//

(  OO
\_ | - Add your cows to the official COWlection!
\O   Send your cows to: [email protected]

(  --
\_ | - G'nite, and thank you for your support.   Zzz z z z z z  z   z

>> NOTE: When drawing new cows, please DO NOT use tabs! Thanks! <<

(Besides, this is a classic that NO ONE should miss!)

- ERIC -             <[email protected]>

...:::///  THE NEW COWS  \\\:::...

Part 2 of the 2-part COMPLETE GUIDE TO COWS!
(__)    /                        \         * OFFICIAL EDITION *
(oo)   (    Udderly Cool Cows!    )
/-------\/  --'\________________________/        * SUMMER 1990 ISSUE! *
/ |     ||
*  ||----||             Edited by Eric W. Tilenius
~~    ~~             Please send your submissions to:
Cow                [email protected] // [email protected]

=  =  =  =  =  =  =  =  =  =  =  =  =  =  =  =  =  =  =  =  =  =  =  =  =  =
(__)                       |    |                   (__)
(oo)                       |    |                   ($$)
----\/                  /-----~~~~~~            /-------\/
||                  / |     ||              / | IRS ||
---||                 *  ||----||             *  ||----||
~~                    ~~    ~~                ~~    ~~
Eric the half a cow     The unknown cowmic         Tax Acowntant

(___)            (___)             (___)
(0 0)            (0 0)             (0 0)
\ /              \ /               \ /
__[_V_]__        __[_V_]__         __[_V_]__
/_________\===:  /_________\===:   /_________\===:
\OOO---OOO/      \OOO---OOO/       \OOO---OOO/

Cowed Forces
\ _ /
- ( ) -                          /\
/ " \                         /|  |   (__)
(__)                        /  |  |   (oo)\
________(oo)                      /____|  |    \/|  \
/|        \/                     /       \/       |    \
/ |_______||                   __(_______          |||__  \
*  ||      ||                  |__________|         |||  ____\---*
~~      ~~
Thomas Edison's cow               Cow hearing his master's voice

)    (                         _
(____)                        / \                (__)   ==========I
/ =  = \    ~               =='   `==             (oo)    \ |||||| I
(-O--O-)    ~                8 O O 8       /-------\/      \ ||||| I
(    )     ~        /------- (   )       / |     ||__o=<   \ |||| I
/------- ||||||======       / |     || \_/       *  ||----|          \ ||| I
/ |     ||  \/              *  ||----||              ~~    ~           \ || I
*  ||----||                     ~~    ~~
~~    ~~
Groucho Moo-x                Chico                Harpo

______________________            _______________________
|                    |            |                     |
|            (__)    |            |  (__)               |
|            (oo)    |            |  (oo)               |
|     /-------\/     |            |---\/           /----|
|    / |     ||      |            |  ||           / |   |
|   *  ||----||      |            |--||          *  ||--|
|      ~~    ~~      |            |  ~~             ~~  |
|--------------------|            |---------------------|
Normal Cow                  0   Cow  modulo one   1

(__)                                   (__)
(oo)                                   (oo)
______________\/______               ____    /-------\/  __
/___/___/___/___/___/_/|             /___/|  / |     || _/_/|
|___|___|___|___|___|_||             |__||/|* //-----|||_|_||
|_|___|___|___|___|___||             |_|__|/|~~      ~/|___||
|___|___|___|___|___|_|/             |___|_|/        |___|_|/

Cow in the GDR before...             ...and after 9-Nov-1989

______________(__)_________________                      (__)
/_______________(oo)_______________ /                      (oo)
|                \/                ||                       \/
_|_                                _||                       ||
/__/_______________________________/__/|                      ||
(   )                              (   )|                      ||
| |________________________________| | |                      ||
\_____________________________________/]              /------- /
[]               []               []                / |     ||
*  ||----||
COW-CH                                ~~    ~~

*      *
\    /
\  /
/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\                 \/
/   (__)                   \           +----------+
|    (oo) ~~~~~~~~~~~\       |          |          |
|~~~|  \/. \\       // \_* |~~~|         |          |
|   |-----`//`====='\\-----|   |         |          |
|   |-----//---------||----|   |         |          |
|   |_ _ _"_ _ _ _ _ "_ _ _|   |         +----------+
~||~                      ~||~           ||      ||

+------------+         +
| B A T E S  |  (__)   o
|    (0x)   (       )     |C O R R A L |  (**)  /|
----------             |     \/    (       )     +------------+  \==/ / |
|\         \                        W------       |          |   (  )   v
|  ----------          *----   ====;                            (    )
|  |  (__)  |           \           /                           (    )
\  |  (oo)  |            \          |                           (    )
\ |   \/   |              \+       |                           (    )
----------                       +                           (    )
Ice Cowbe            COWBOOOOOM!                             |  |
o  o
Psycho Cow (with knife)
(oo)   -------------------------          _______________________
/-------\/ - | Don't have a Bart, man! |        |\ ~                ~  /|
/ |     ||     -------------------------         | \    ~      ~     ~ / |
*  ||----||                                       |(_\ ~   COW-PIE ~   /_)|
~~    ~~                                       |(oo\   ~           /oo)|
The Simpsons' cow                                | \/ \       ~  ~  / \/ |
|(__) \           / (__)|
\               /                 \(oo)(_\ ~     ~ /_)(oo)|
\_____________/                   \\/ (oo\       /oo) \//
/\___________/\                    \   \/ \  ~  / \/   /
Cow in    / /\_________/\ \                    \  (__)\   / (__) /
trouble  / / /\_______/\ \ \                    \ (oo) \~/  (oo)/
/ / / / (__) /\ \ \ \                    \ \/   :(__)\//
___/_/_/_/_ (oo) \_\_\_\_\___                 \ (__):(oo) /
\ \ \ \ \ \/  / / / / /                     \(oo): \/ /
\ \ \ \/_____\/ / / /                       \\/(__) /
\ \ \/_______\/ / /                         \ (oo)/
\ \/_________\/ /                           \ \//
\/___________\/                             \:/
/             \
/               \

(__)               (__)              (______)             (__)
(oo)               (oo)              ( o  o )             (oo)
/--------\/         /~~~~~~~\/          /-----\    /       /-------\/
/ |        |       ./ {~)))))_}         / |     |\/        / |     ||
|--W-----|          ||``   ||        *  ||----||        *  (.)(.)||
| |    | |          ~~     ~~           ~~    ~~           ~~    ~~
~~    ~~
cow before weight       cow after          Conceited       Dolly Parton's
loss program         the program            Cow               Cow

(  OO
______      ______      _____\_ |                 ______  (__) ______
|      |    |      |    |      |\O    cowstle     |      | (oo)|      |
|      |____|      |____|      |                  |      |__\/_|      |
|                              |                  |                   |
|                              |   (__)           |                   |
|          __________          |   (oo)           |     __________    |
|         |          |         |    \/-------\    |    |          |   |
|         |          |         | ___ | ___  |_\_  |    |          |   |
|         |   (__)   |         |_| |_|_| |__|| |__|    |   (__)   |   |
|         |   (oo)   |                                 |   (oo)   |   |
|          \___\/___/                                   \___\/___/    |
|                                                                     |
|                                                                     |
(                                    ______                         )
(                                  /      \                       )
(                               /        \                    )
(                            |        |                 )
|                         |        |              |
|                         |        |              |
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \   (__)
\ \  (oo)                                                 /
/---\----\/                                                 /
/ |   \  ||                               *         (__)    /
*  ||---\-\\                                \        ( OO   /
~~      ~~                                \---\___/\_|\=/>
~~       ~~                       |        \===/>
\\_____//                        | /______/  /
||     |                 _________\\_\\_____/____________________
/\------\                          ~  ~    /
(oo)      \                                /
(--)       *                              /

Cow Circus: The flying Cowlendas         Cow Circus: Tightrope walking

|                      |\
|       (__)           | |
|       (oo)           | |
|        \/            | |
|       / \ \          | |
/////////   \_ \_///////  |
|     |     /          | |                           (__)
|   /++++++<           | |                      _____(oo)
| *     |    \_\_      | |                   / |     ||

cow-lliope in the circus parade

w   \    w                                        (__)
\\  /\  //                                        (oo)
\\/  \//                                          \/
|    |                    (__)               >--(  )--<
|(__)|                    (oo)                  /  \
\(OO)/                   .-\/-.             >--- {} ---<
//\/\\                  <|    |>              v  /\  v
||  ||                   \ \/ /               | (oo) |
||__||                   |\/\/|                \(~~)/
/~~  ~~\                  /----\                 |  |
/ ======== \               /      \                |  |
/            \              /* * * \               / \/ \
|==============|            /__*_*_*_\              |  \ |
\            /               ||  ||                ~  / ~
\ ======== /                ~~  ~~                  *
\ _____ /
Cow balancing on ball          Cowslip            Cownilingus

(__)                                         -'`-       "Here's
(oo)     ____________________                ( oo  ~     mooing
/-------\/     |                    |               /\_|--      at you,
/ |     |\ /    |  o  o  o  o  o  o  |              | \ \__  _   kid!"
*  ||----| /     ======================              |  \___['
~~    ~       ||                  ||              |    ||
Cowncillor            his cowch                   |____|-
|  |
~  ~
(__)    (__)   (__)    (__)                 humphrey cow-gurt
(oo)    (oo)   (oo)    (oo)
/-------\/      \/     \/      \/-------\
/ |     ||  ===================  ||     | \
*  ||----||   || |--|   |--| ||   ||----||  *
~~    ~~   -- ~  ~   ~  ~ --   ~~    ~~            (__)
A game of cowntract bridge                  (oo)
/ \/       ____________
/   \===~__|            |
----------------------             _|___ /\  |______________|
(__)  | \-/   \-/    ||    |            |=====| |   |            |
(oo)  | _|_   _|_   |__|   |            *I   I| |   |            |
/-------\/   ----------------------             I   I~ ~   |            |
/ |     ||    |   \-/  |   |    |  |
*  ||----||    |   _|_ |_| |_|  |_| |            wolfgang amadeus moo-zart
~~    ~~    ----------------------
Just a humble cownoisseur

(__)  (__)   (__) (__)(__)    (__) (__)(__)(__)  (__)
(oo(__)oo) (__)o) (oo)((__)(__)oo) (__)(o(__)o)(__)o)(__)
\/(oo)\/  (oo)/(__)/  (oo)(oo)\/  (oo) \(oo)/ (oo)/ (oo)
\/      \/  (oo)    \/  \/      \/    \/    \/    \/
a cownfluence

(__(  .-<                            |   |   |
(oo)  |                              |___|___|
___\/___|                              |\_____/|
|  |  |                                 |       |
|  |  |                                 |_______|
>-'  |  |                             _   |   _   |
*----/\                     /-------//   |--(_)--|
/  \                   / |     ||    |_______|  (__)
/    \                 *  ||----||    |       |  (++)
~     ~                   ~~    ~~    |_______|   \/
Egyptian Cow                   Marie Antoinette's Cow

|  POLICE  BOX  |                     __
|---------------|                   (~\/~)              \(:)/
|_______|     / |                    \oo/               (o|o)
||  |  ||    |  |               /-----\/           /-----\_/
||-----||    |  |              /|      |          /|      |
||__|__||    |  |             V ||----||         ~ ||----||
|  ___  |    |  |               ~~    ~~           ~~    ~~
| |___| |    |  |              Vulcan Cow         Klingon Cow
| _____ |     (__)
||     ||     (oo)    ---------
||     ||----//\/ ---< Master? >
||     ||B-9  \ |     ---------
a Certain Time Lord's Cow                   (__)     ---< EXTERMINATE!!! |
( ----0      ----------------
(___)                          _\/_
|===|                         /oooo\---O
________\_/                         /oooooo\
| |        |                        /oooooooo\
# ||______||                       /oooooooooo\
||      ||                      /____________\
~~      ~~
RoboCow                          a Dalek Cow

__________________        ___________________        ___________________
/ine McBovine McBov\      /McCow McCow McCow M\      /ttle McCattle McCat\
/cBovine McBovine McB\    /Cow McCow McCow McCow\    /e McCattle McCattle M\
------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------
\ovine McBovine McBov/    \McCow McCow McCow McC/    \attle McCattle McCatt/
\McBovine McBovine /      \w McCow McCow McCow/      \ McCattle McCattle /
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ronald McDonald's Cows

@ @
@@@ @
@@ @
Pffii           @@@@ @@
___________D           @@@@@@
|________  |            _______
(__)   | /             \     /
( oo /~| |      __      \   /
/\_|// | |     /  \     |  |
_/____/__| |    |    |    |  |
|       ___/-----------------_| (__)
|      /   \     \     \       `(oo)
|     /     \     |     |       |\/
|    |   O  |    /     / __    /
|----|      |-----------/  \-\\\                 (__)
\     /           | o |  \\\               _(  )_

Cow Express                     Suicidal Cow

o         _____________
/\       /             \
[__]     ( take off, eh! )
__  |   \ /                             (oo) ----'\_____________/
\/----///\                     /-------\/
*/\______(xx)                   / |     ||__|
(  )                  *  ||----|   U
~~    ~
Pro-democracy cow from Beijing         Canadian Cow

o          o               o              o             o       o
o  o       o         o       o     o         o   o       o       o
o   o      o       o       (    )      o    (    )        o  (    (    o
O                     )  (             )  (             )  (
o  o     (__)     o     o       (__)        o    (__)     o   o   (__)
(oo)                   (oo)             (oo)      o      (oo)     o
/------$$$$   o   o    /-------\/  o    /-------\/       /-------\/
/ |     $$$$           / |     ||       / |     ||       / |     ||
*  ||----||        o   *  ||----||      *  ||----||      *  ||----||   o
~~    ~~               ~~    ~~         ~~    ~~         ~~    ~~
Santa Cow and his rein cows caught in a Montana snow flurry

_/...\  *==\        ________________
__________ (___)               /::::::\  (/_\)     /                \
/|         `(0 0)               |:::::::_ (o o)     |  Moo, Moo, Moo |
/ |           \ /              /-----+-+--- \ /     /\________________/
*  |||----|||-/ *              / |    | |   | 0  ___/
|||    |||                 *  | _  |_| _ |
|| --+_+- ||
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Cow           --        --
|  |_     |  |_
/\                       |____|    |____|
/ O\                         Santa Cows
/ ,  \
/  O   \                                       _ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - _
-/ ,  \-                                     /          |~      |~    \
/  O   \                                    |      |~  o|   |~ o|      |
/,    ,  \                                 /  \    o|       o|         /
/ O    O   \                              /      \                    /
-/  ,     \-                             /        / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
/   O   ,  \                            /        /          .
/  ,     O  ,\  (__)                 /*     *\   /         ./\.
/   O   ,    O \ (oo)                /\       /\           .//.\.
/        O       \-\/                ****     ****         .///\\\.
------------------||                 (oo)     (oo)         ////\\\\.
||/ ||----||          /-------\/       \/-------\     ||
||  ~~    ~~         /|      ||         ||      |\    ~~
Merry Cow-ristmas           *  ||----||         ||----||  *
~~    ~~         ~~    ~~
Christmas Cowols

O  O  O
O                    *
Moory Cowristmas!                 ___                /|\
_____________________|  |_____         /||o\
/______________________________\       /|o|||\
~                /________________________________\     /|||||o|\
~~  ####          ||   |   ||||||||||||   |   ||      /||o||||||\
~(oo)          ||___|___||||||||||||___|___||     /||||o||||||\
/-------\/           ||   |   ||||||||||||   |   ||    /|o||||o|||o||\
/ |     ||            ||___|___||||||||||||___|__ ||          | |
*  ||----||            ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||oooooooooo| |ooooooo

|----------------------|                         /\
|                      |                  /\  /\/  \
|                      |                 /  \/ /    \/\
|                      |                /            \ \
|                      |          ----------------------------
|----------------------|                  o-@@
Minimalist Dead Cow
Mark Rothko Cow
\|}}{}{}{() (&)  ~~~~#***
(__) |  (__) |  (__) |  (__) |  (__) |  (__) |     #\**~~//?<>.+|@@@\/---___
( oo |  ( oo |  ( oo |  ( oo |  ( oo |  ( oo |     \|}}{}{/?<>.+|@@*&(*$@))(
/\_| |  /\_| |  /\_| |  /\_| |  /\_| |  /\_| |     |@#)@(&*)($*I!?$>@$|$|$|$
(__) |  (__) |  (__) |  (__) |  (__) |  (__) |        Jackson Pollock cow
( oo |  ( oo |  ( oo |  ( oo |  ( oo |  ( oo |
/\_| |  /\_| |  /\_| |  /\_| |  /\_| |  /\_| |         ____________________
------------------------------------------------         |           (__)   |
(__) |  (__) |  (__) |  (__) |  (__) |  (__) |         |           (oo)   |
( oo |  ( oo |  ( oo |  ( oo |  ( oo |  ( oo |         |    /-------\/    |
/\_| |  /\_| |  /\_| |  /\_| |  /\_| |  /\_| |         |   / |     ||     |
------------------------------------------------         |  *  ||----||     |
(__) |  (__) |  (__) |  (__) |  (__) |  (__) |         |     ~~    ~~     |
( oo |  ( oo |  ( oo |  ( oo |  ( oo |  ( oo |         | Ceci N'est Pas   |
/\_| |  /\_| |  /\_| |  /\_| |  /\_| |  /\_| |         |    Une Cow       |
------------------------------------------------         --------------------
Andy Warhol Cow                             Rene Margritte Cow

oo                    --

cow by night       sleeping cow by night        Chesire Cow

( MOOOOOO ! )  II\
________\   /      II +    (__) ..oo( Hey, there's a cow driving that car! )
|\        `v' \      + II   (00)
| \________|____\     \II\   \/-------\
| (     ( @ @ )  )     II +    ||    ||\      (__) ..oo ( How can he     )
|\|______\_O_/___|      + II   ||----|| *     (oo)        ( afford that? )
| \_______________\      \II\  ~~    ~~        \/--------\
\ (OO_##########_OO)      II +                    ||    || \
(\(_____[PHIL]_____)       + II--+--+--+-II-+--+--+--II+--+--+--+II--+--+-
(_)        (_)          \II          II       ~~ II ~~       II

What cows think when people MOO at them

/\\   ~                 (__)                          (__)
/__\\  |                 ( oo  _                       (oo)
_    (o o)  |                 /\__|( ) _                   /-\/-\
/ \   /\_/\ /                 |  \==//=(_)  *POW!*         /      \
| /|I   I|                  | ====                       |      |
~/ |I   I|                  |    |                       |      |
|  |I   I|                 /|  _ \                      /        \
|  |I   I|               /  / / \ \                     __________\
|  |_____|             *    ||   ||                          \\
~  *~                   ||_  ||_                         (_)

cow giving forgiveness         Moo-hamid Ali                   Cow Bell.

(!!)                        _/\_                       \_\
!!!!!!!!(oo)                 _______(oo)              _________(oo)
!/|       \/                 /|       \/              /| Ferrari \/
!/ |______||                 / |______||              / |________||
*  ||     ||                *  ||     ||             *  ||       ||
~~     ~~                   ~~     ~~                ~~       ~~
Last of the Moo-hicans        Mayflower cows             Sports Cow

(__)                            (__)
(oo)                            (oo)
/--------------- \/              / ------------- \/
/ ( !S M T W T F! )               / (   |7 8 9 +|  )
/  (  +-+-+-+-+-+-+  )             *  (   |4 5 6 -|  )
*   (  +-+-+-+-+-+-+  )                 (  |1 2 3 X|  )
( +-+-+-+-+-+-+ )                   ( |C 0 = /| )
(+-+-+-+-+-+-+)                     ~---------~
||        ||                       ||       ||
||        ||                       ||       ||
~~        ~~                       ~~       ~~
"COWLENDAR"                        "COWCULATOR"

/  \         __                           ________   ------
DOCTOR      _/__\_                           |__| |   |====|
MOO/      /=(OO)                            (oo) *   |   v|
\/    --/==-\/==\                   /-------\/      |~~ *|
/ |  \==||  \==\   ///          / |     ||       ------
*  ||-|==||   \==\/==/          *  ||----||
~~ ///~~     \===/              ~~    ~~
Gallifreyan Cow               Straight out of Cowllege

/-------\/                           #         #
/ |     ||                            \\       //
*  ||----||\                            \\     //
~~    ~~ \                            \ --- /
\                           |     |
|                          |     |
|                          |     |
|                          / \_/  \        (__)
|                         //      \\    <--(xx)--#-
|                        //        \\       /\
Cow-a-flower                 Cow at butcher's party

___--------___             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/ .    .   .   \            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
|\/   .    (__)    .  \/|        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~oo~~~~~~~~~~~~
|| .    .  (oo) .   .  ||        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
|/\   .     \/    .   /\|        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
\___ .    .  ___/            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
---------                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Cow in a haggis                   Cow on top of Ben Nevis

| (__)  (__)  (__)   (__)  |                   *        (__)
| ( oo  ( oo  ( oo   ( oo  |                    \       (oo)
_______| /\_|  /\_|  /\_|   /\_|  |________             \-------\/
|                                         |              |     ||
|   _____                        _____    |              ||----||
|___|   |________________________|   |____|             (oo)  (oo)
|___|                        |___|
Cow-pooling                             rollerscating cow

__               o oo o
(__)               \||/
(__)               (__)              (___)
(__)                   (oo)               (oo)              (o o)
(  )            /-------\/         /-------\/        /$$$$$$$\ /
( /* )          / |     ||         / |     ||        / $$$$$$$|O
|  |          *  ||----||        *  ||----||       *  ||w---||
~  ~             ~~    ~~           ~~    ~~          ~~    ~~
Dairy-Air      East Indian Cow       Injun Cow          Cash Cow

(       )
(___)        PRISON#  #  #  #  #                         ||| |||
(o o)        #  #  #  #  #(_#) #                         (O   O)
/------------\ /         #  #  #  #  #(o#) #             /------------\___/
/ |           #-#         #  #/-#--#--#-\#  #            / |           |||
*  |         |||           #  # |#  #  #||#  #           /  ||          |||
||--------|||           # *# |#--#--#||#  #          *   ||----------|||
~~         ~~           #  # ~#  #  #~~#  #              ~~           ~~
Orville Redencow                            The Bakker Cows

(__)                                     (__)
/   oo      ______                       /   @@      ______
|  /\_|     |      \                     |  /\_|     |      \
|  |___     |       |                    |  |___     |       |
|   ---@    |_______|                    |   ---@    |_______|
*  |  |   ----   |    |                     |  |   ----   |    |
\ |  |_____                                |  |_____
\|________|                         *____/|________|

CompuCow                      CompuCow After an All-niter

(__)                                   (__)
/   --      ______                     /  .\/.     ______
|  /\_|     |      \                   |  /\_|     |      \
|  |___     |       |                  |  |___     |       |
|   ---@    |_______|                  |   ---@    |_______|
|  |   ----   |    |                *  |  |   ----   |    |
|  |_____                            \ |  |_____
*____/|________|                            \|________|

CompuCow Asleep at the Keyboard       CompuCow Discovers Bug in Compiler

\\                                    \\
\\                                    \\
/ \                                   / \
/   \                                 /   \
\    \                                \    \
\    \(__)                            \    \(__)
*-->    (oo)                          *-->    (oo)
/    / \/                           o /    / \/
/    /                                /    /
\   /                             o   \   /
\ /                                   \ /
//                                    //
//                               o    //

B-2 Stealth Bomber cow         Stealth cow on bombing run

/   \       (    )   Happy
|     \       |--|    Mooosic!               (__)
|      |      \  /__                         (oo)
+----------+ __oo| \                  /      -\/                   (__)
|Steinway &|_  \/|  |                /       ||               >----(oo)---->
|___ Sons ___|_/ |__|               *  ------||             /-------\/
|   |        |   / /                   |     ~~            / |     ||
o   o        o  | |                    ||----             *  ||----||
~~                    ~~    ~~
Chopin'ing Cow                        TeX cow            Steve Martin's cow

(__)                 +=============================+
(oo)                 |  F R E D ' S   S A L O O N  |
______    ______\/              (__)|          +-----+            |
__|______\__/____/\\[}             (xx)|          | ___ |            |(__)
/   ---             \\ ---           \/ |          |/=|=\|            |(oo)
|[]  /     \ \      /   /     \            |          |==|==|            | \/
|   @   | \____/   |   @   |           |          |==|==|            |
\     /            \     /        ------------------------------------
---                ---
COW-ASAKI                           Cows behind bars

__ _________                           __ _________
(  V  _   _  )_                        (  V         )_
/    ( \o/ )   )                       /     ////     )
(      \_O_/    \                      (     (---)     \
\      /O\      )                      \    |moo|      )
(    @   @    /                        (   (---)     /
(_____/\____)                          (_____/\____)
o                                      o
o                                      o
o                                      o
(__)                                   (__)
/----(uu)                              /----(uu)
*__/|     \o==s                        *__/|     \o==s
/\(* \| __ \\----==s  \))              /\(* \| __ \\----==s  \))
|/))*  | \   )*\||/))//                |/))*  | \   )*\||/))//
~  ~\/--\*)                            ~  ~\/--\*)
Dreaming Cow                         Cow Dreaming of Silage

(__)      o   o               *        (__)
(oo)     o  o                  \       (OO)
/-------\/==o  o                       \-------\/
/ |     ||  ____                    []   |     ||
*  ||----||  |__|                   (/\)s==|----||
~~    ~~                         /__\   ~    ~~
Cow blowing bubbles.             Cow kicking over lantern that started
the Great Chicago Fire of 1885.

__//     \__                                  |\__|\
/~~~)~~/   )     (   \~~(~~~\                         | 00 |
/(    _(  ~/       \~  )_    )\                   \---<( -- )>---/
/  \ //  | /         \ |  \ /  \                    \    |--|    /
/    \   O/           \O   //    \                    \__/    \--/
(    )/\                   //\(    )                     (      )
/\  //                         \  /\                     |      |
/ / /W          COW-TOW          W\ \ \                   --------
*  \(                               )/  *                    ||  ||
\_                           _//                        nn  nn
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~           Cow after learning that
the vice president has a
(__)     (__)         (__) (__)                       lower IQ than he does
(oo)  +  (oo)      =  (oo) (oo)
\/       \/           \/   \/                                  (__,
(__)     (__)(__)     (__) (__) (__)                 /-----#-----\'
(oo)  +  (oo)(oo)  =  (oo) (oo) (oo)                / | Cownucks||  \
\/       \/  \/       \/   \/   \/                   }}--------}}   \ o
==        ==    --
Cownting...                             This cow plays hockey

moo  /`'\  .
(__)   MOO!                                   ` /    ./ \..
(oo)  /                                      ../   .'      \.
/-------\/                                       ../    /    ../    \
/ |     ||                                      ./     ./   ./        \
*  ||----||                                    ./     ./            \   \.
-------~~----~~-----                           .../    ../       ../          \
\                         /       /         /
Ech-cow   (echo)

________________                  (__)
~__~   /                \                 (--)s ---mmmmoooooooOOOOOO!
(oo)  ( Milk is logical. )              __ \O//
/-------\/ --'\________________/              /   ==s)\_____
/ |     ||                                 *--/|_/-----/    OO       COW
*  ||W---||                                     |__       __ II     JOYRIDES
~~    ~~                          O O o  o   /  \-----/  \
Mr Spock's cow                                  \__/     \__/

*             .                 .    ,
.           .     *        .      .
.                                 *
\   /         ,        (__)   ,       ,
-   *   -                (       .      |
.   /   \     ,       .     \/     .        -   -    .
.                       / \\        ,      |
,      *         *      /   /\\
.           /\\ /       .           .
*           .       /   \\             .         .
_|_    ,   .    ,        /           ,      *
|  .     ,       .     *        , .           .
.    ,     .         .            .  *          .

The Milky Way

\  /         ________________________________
\/         /                                \
(__)    /\         |    At times likes these you    |
(oo)   O  O        | REALLY CoVet a proper surgeon! |
_\/_   //        O \________________________________/
*    (    ) //       O
\  (\\    //       o
\(  \\    )      o                                   (__)
(   \\   )   /\                                     (oo)
___[\______/~~~~~~~\__/) o-)__                                /\/\
|\__[=======______//________)__\                      Cocown  (\==/)
\|_______________//____________|                               \<>/
|||      || //||     |||
|||      || @.||     |||                            (___)      /~~~~~\
||      \/  .\/      ||                            /- -\     /  MU  /
. .                                    (  ~  ) __/______/
'.'.`                                    \_O_/
COW-OPERATION                             Buddha's Cow

(_                 ~         -       _)             /       ~
(           -                        -               |  =s
O                               |            *
|           O        \      \       -  |
|                                   \               |
-                    -                |

Cow after one too many Pan-Galactic Gargle Blasters.

(__)                ---_
(__) _______________*                 (oo)               /|   \
(xx)-\           \             /-------\/               / |\   \_ (__)
\/ /-\___________\--\        / |     |                *  ||\     (oo)
*  ------                    ~~ \____ \/
Boneless Cow      No leg cow (ground beef)    Two leg cow (lean beef)

\/                             \___/
/     / \\                            (0 0)
/   /\\                           \ /
/\\ /                               v
/         /   \\                               |
/                             <-------|------->
/    *                                      |
|\                                                |
/     |  \         /                                  __|__
\\   \                                          \/ \/
/       \\   \                                        \/ \/
/              \\___\                                      \/ \/
/          \\                                        __|__
/      \\                                         \   /
/    /           /        \\                                    |\ /|
/                \\                                  | V |
/         /            \\                                |   |
/                  \\                              |   |
/               \\                            W   W
===============================O===========        Stick Cow sunbathing
===========================================        at Malibu wearing a
O)                                      O)        special cow bikini.
The dreaded cowtapult

(__)                                (___)            **       ((__))
(__)               (__)             (___)             \\      ((oo))
(oo)               (  )             (   )              \\------\\//
| \/ |             (  /*)            |   |               ||      ||
|  |             ||  ||            |   |               |||----|||
(___)               ~~~    ~~~
Cows doin' it      Cows doin' it           \_*             Cow during an
FRONT VIEW          BACK VIEW         TOP VIEW             Earthquake

((     _  _                       (___)              (__)
( D\   (_)(_)____                  (0 0)              (oo)
_______\__| | MOOTV____(          /-------\_O---moo        *-\/-------\
/|     ||   _/\____/              / |     ||               /  ||      |  \
/ ||____| \/~   /  \              *  ||,---||              *   ||-----||   *
*  ||    |      O    O                ~~    ~~               \/|(/)(/\(,,/
~~    ~                         Romie mooed...          while Julie ate.
"Moo-vie Camera"                (The Bard's barnyard inspirations)

|                                                      |
_______  |                                                      |
/ _____ | |                       ACME MOO-VERS                  |
/ /(__) || |                                                      |
________/ / |OO| || |                                                      |
|         |-------|| |                                                      |
(|         |     -.|| |_______________________                               |
|  ____   \       ||_________||____________  |             ____      ____   |
/| / __ \   |______||     / __ \   / __ \   | |            / __ \    / __ \  |\
\|| /  \ |_______________| /  \ |_| /  \ |__| |___________| /  \ |__| /  \ |_|/
| () |                 | () |   | () |                  | () |    | () |
\__/                   \__/     \__/                    \__/      \__/

"The Moo-vers are here!"

-- (__)          *        (__)*        (__)*        (__)*        (__)
*---    - (QQ)           \       (oo) \       (oo) \       (oo) \       (o-)
-   \------\/             \-------\/ ~~\-------\/ ~~\-------\/ ~~\-------\/
---   |      |               |        //  |        //  |        //  |     ||
-   ||()--||               ||------+    ||------+    ||------+    ||----||
oo    oo               ~~           ~~           ~~           ~~    ~~

Roller Cow                            Cows in polonaise

/                                 (__)
Ship arriving too late to save a drowing cow (apologies to Frank Zappa)

\    /          ____
|\/|                   {___}                 \__/         \/ *  \/
(oo)                   ( * )                 (--)         | O  O |
/-------\/ V          /--------\Q/          /--------\/           \    /
/ |     ||__|         / |      ||           / |     ||              \**/
*  ||----|            *  ||-----||          *  ||----||               --
~~    ~               --     --             --    --            Milkael
Cow from Vulcan     Smoking 1-eyed cow    Cow w/ rabbit ears      Cowbachev

(*)                  (*)
(__)                  ~                    ~                (__)
(oo)                  |      |             |               @(oo)@
[..]                  |      =             |                [..]@@
\ |  U           (-)     |     | |            | (-)             U  @@@@
||   ==<_\=====/_|______=_____|=|____________=__|____\====/_>==   ||
||   )  ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||  (   ||
|\====| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |====/|
|  \  |     |                                          |     |  /  |
=   * =     =                                          =     = *   =
cows having candlelight dinner

(o o)
( ** )                              __\_/__
|e  e|                             //~~*~~\                  \___/
\  / ____*===*______*             /   *   \                 (O O)
OO      * Givenchy *\           / |  *  | \                 \ /
|    *     *    *  \          \ |=====| /                  O
/****************    *          "|_____|"
//  *************                  | | |                Cow exclaiming
||    ||     \_/||                  | | |                  "Holy Cow"
||    ||     || ||                  |_|_|
v|    v|     v| v|                   ~ ~
Haute Cowture                    COWNT

|[]         |\
(__) |           |[]         |\
(--) |      (__) |           |[]         |\
*                        _________\/ /|      (o-) |      (__) |           |[]
|        (__)           /,,      ,, /_|_______\/ /|      (oo) |      (__) |
|      __(oo)        *--------------/,,      ,, /_|_______\/ /|      (OO) |
\=====  |\/         |           *--------------/,,      ,, /_|_______\/ /|
_|_/     \_          |===========|           *--------------/,,      ,, / |
-//\-----/\\         o           |===========|           *----------------|
\_/     \_/                     o           |===========|                |
-----------------                              o           |================|
Cowazaki                        COW-WARD               o                o

/                              \
(  Freisian a jolly good fellow! )
\________________  ____________/
) )                                            ()
(__)   //                                            (  )
(__)  (oo)  /          (___)                              ( __ )
/(oo)---\/              (o o)                               (oo)
/-------\/   ||                \ /-------\               /-------/||||
/ |     ||----||                 O||     | \             / |     || |||
*  ||----||    ~~                  ||---,||  *           *  ||----||  |
~~    ~~                        ~~    ~~                 ~~    ~~
Two cows COW-ngratulating a bull                    Ayatollah Cow-manhi

(__)                  |====|
/--------------------/                          (oo)                   \oo/
/ |     ||           /          (__)      /-------\/             /-------\/
*  ||----||          /-----------(oo)     / |     ||---->        / |     ||
~~    ~~                       \/     *  ||----||            *  ||----||
___/  ___/              ~~    ~~
Network Virtual Cow                                      Cowcatcher
(with separate frontend and backend)      Cow waterskiing      (Major league)

/\                                               __
{__}                                            _[__]_
(oo)                                            /(oo)\
/-------\/                                       /------@\/@
/ |  +  ||                                       / |     |@@
*  ||----||                                      *  ||----||
~~    ~~                                         ~~    ~~
Sacred Cow       Zen Cow (eating grass)          Hasidic Cow

_____          _________________
/     \        /                 \
( 1+2=3 )      ( 1+SIN(2x)+COS(3x) )
\__  _/        \_____  __________/                         (__)
( (                ) )                                  >(==)
\\                //       )__(                        /-\/-\
\    (__)      /         (oo)                       /(    )\
(oo)                 \/-------*               ~ (    ) ~
/-------\/                   ||     | \                (    )
/ |     ||                    ||----||   \              /----\
*  ||----||                    vv    vv                 /    \ \
~~    ~~                                            ~      * ~
COWculator (2)               Reverse Polish Cow        Cow-a-bunga

~~    ~~
O  (___) ||         *  ||----||
|  (o o) ||          \ |     ||
(no-bull-ity) --->    %  -\ /- ||           \-------/\
|\/| O | ||                  (oo)
|  |   | ||                  (  )
/ v-' ||                   ><
/==========|                  (  )
//         ||                  (oo)
,------._(__)                 ||         ||           /-------\/
* | \     ( oo                 ||         ||          / |     ||
vv====>----=\/====vv            |===========|         *  ||----||
~~    ~~
COWTOW                            Bi-cow molecule

(__)                 (__)
()  ()             _____| oo |                |oo|
()()             /          |         /----|-|__|-|
(oo)            /           |        / |     ||
/-------UU            /____________|       *  ||----||
/ |     ||                ~~    ~~             ~~    ~~
*  ||w---||            Cow dressed up        Cow dressed up
~~    ~~              as ghost            as Frankenstein
Eh, What's up Doc?     for Halloween          For Halloween

(__)                                |\/|               (__)
(oo)                                (oo)              >(==)
__[_]__\/                          /-------VV         /-------\/
/ |     ||                          / |     ||         / |     ||
*  ||----||      -->   .            *  ||----||        *  ||----||
~~    ~~                            ~~    ~~           ~~    ~~
Portable Cow    Japanese model       Lycownthropy      Cow-a-bunga (2)
(very handy)    portable COW

-------     | This concludes the second part of THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO COWS.
| COW |     | Please distribute this file WIDELY on BBSes, etc.  It is in
-------     | the public domain.  ((THANKS TO ALL WHO CONTRIBUTED COWS!!))
Iconified Cow  | Please send me your COWS for the next edition!  When drawing
| cows, please DO NOT use tabs - use only "real" spaces.
Cowments?  Cowntributions?  Send them to the editor...

Eric W. Tilenius // [email protected] // [email protected]


Well there it was.. The FULL list of cows....

Hope you enjoy it...

Paul Martineau
[email protected]

To the best of our knowledge, the text on this page may be freely reproduced and distributed.
If you have any questions about this, please check out our Copyright Policy.


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