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What you need to know about credit reports!

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For further info, contact Enterprising Solutions (805)564-6903

Copyright © Enterprising Solutions 1994, Santa Barbara CA


CREDIT REPORTS, What You Need To Know!

Why Your Credit History is Important
Although creditors usually consider a number of factors in
deciding whether or not to grant credit, most creditors rely heavily on
your credit history. To check your credit history, and learn how you
have handled credit in the past, most creditors obtain a credit report
from a credit bureau.
Credit bureaus gather and sell credit information about
consumers and are the "standard source" of information about your
credit history. Your credit report is based on information supplied over
time by your creditors. It also provides information on where you live
and work and may note other matters of public record, such as
judgments or bankruptcies. Your report records payments you have
made on credit cards, installment loans, and other credit accounts, and
helps creditors predict whether you are likely to be a good credit risk.
If the creditor sees a history of timely credit payments, it helps
you get additional credit. Some creditors are reluctant to grant credit to
consumers who have not established a "track record" with other
creditors first. And most creditors will not extend credit to consumers
with a history of delinquent payments, repossessions, judgments, or

Why You Should See Your Credit Report

Have you ever seen your credit report? Your employer probably
saw it before hiring you. The landlord likely considered it before
accepting you as a tenant. And long distance telephone carriers even
look at it before giving you a long distance line.
And you've never even seen your own credit report?! If your
answer in no, youre not alone. In fact, according to a recent study,
less than 20% of all Americans have ever seen their credit report.
Never before has a document, so important to the consumer, been so
Most people become concerned about their credit report only
when they are denied credit. By that time, it's usually too late. As
computers take over tasks previously done manually, your credit report
becomes more and more important. Some businesses have the ability
to access your credit report directly on their computers almost
instantly. And when they do, they will judge you based on that
You should take a look at your credit report at least once every 2
years. This way, information is still accessible and verifiable in the
case that you may need to have it corrected. You should also look at
your credit report before applying for any credit. This may help to
avoid any unwelcome surprises.
Allowing you to look at exactly what your loan manager will look at,
can prepare you for any questions that might be asked.
If you've never had credit problems, you might think that you
need not be concerned. But according to a recent government study,
one out of every four credit reports contain errors, one out of every six
contain errors that could cause denial of credit.
Sometimes Credit reports are accidentally combined, and people
with similar names or social security numbers actually share a credit
report! It's not at all uncommon for family members to have
overlapping data. Nor is it uncommon for a credit card or loan
company to accidentally list you as having missed a payment. The
problem is, you would never know it. A bank or lending institution is
not required to notify you when they send a bad report, about you, to
the credit bureau. In fact these days, reports are made to the credit
bureaus automatically by computer, the same way your billing is
Have you ever received a late notice or collection letter on
something that you already have paid? I'm sure you made a phone call
or two and straightened it out immediately. But what about the
monthly report to the credit bureau? You can't help but wonder if the
mistake got corrected on that report.
The only way to find out what is actually on your credit report is
to look at it for yourself. When you do, you may be surprised to see
that your credit record looks quit different than you expected. The past
and present credit accounts that you expected to see, may not be listed.
and still other accounts that you did not expect to see might be listed.
This is not at all uncommon because creditors are not required to report
your account to a credit bureau. They are free to report only the
information that they see fit. And they can report that information to
whichever credit bureau they prefer.
Some creditors report all credit account transactions to all of the large
credit bureaus. Some creditors prefer to report an account only when it
becomes delinquent. And still other creditors do not report to a credit
bureau at all. This situation may provide for a pleasant surprise, if a
past loan that became delinquent doesn't show up on your report. It
may also provide a very unpleasant surprise, if something you thought
unimportant was reported. Like maybe a non paid magazine
subscription, or even worse, someone else's delinquent account record.
The only way to find out what is on your report is to see a copy for
To find out which credit bureau's report you need to see, just ask
your prospective creditor, which credit bureaus they use. After all,
there are far too many credit bureaus in the United States to be able to
check whit them all. The prospective credit grantor probably
subscribes to one or all of the three largest credit bureaus in the

What You Can Do If There Are Mistakes

When you receive a copy of your report, check to see that it is
totally accurate. If you find any mistakes, you have the right to dispute
the incorrect item with the credit bureau. The Fair Credit Reporting
Act is the Federal Law that guarantees you this right. To dispute a
mistake on your credit report, you will need to either write a letter to
the credit bureau, or fill out one of their pre-made dispute forms. When
you dispute an item, the credit bureau will then be required to re-
investigate. They will re-investigate the disputed item by checking the
information with the creditor that reported it in the first place. The
credit bureau must correct any information that it finds inaccurate. If
the information with can not be verified, they must remove the item
from your credit report. Then, after the disputed item is re-
investigated, the credit bureau must notify you of it's findings. If you
disagree with the results of the credit bureau investigation, you have
the right to file a "statement of dispute" to be included with your credit
report. A "statement of dispute" is a brief statement explaining your
side of the story. The explanation will be included in your credit
report, and anyone that sees the report in the future will see your

Cleaning Bad Credit

If you have bad marks on your credit report because of some past
credit difficulties, I'm sure you're wondering about credit repair. The
advertisements tell you it's possible, the banks and credit bureaus tell
you it's not!
Yes, it IS possible to remove bad marks from your credit report
even though the information is true. Yes, legally! However, beware of
credit repair clinics and agencies that make exaggerated claims and
charge exorbitant prices. Some of these businesses are run by people
who are unscrupulous, incompetent, or worse. Many consumers have
given their money to credit repair clinics, only to have the clinic go out
of business before any credit clearing was done. There is usually no
way to get your money back, and the consumer ends up with the same
bad credit and $100 to $2000 less in their pocket.
The fact is, no agency or clinic can do anything about your credit
report that you can't do yourself. Also, doing it yourself is usually
quicker, and a whole lot cheaper, All you need is the information on
how to do it. Credit repair techniques are based on taking advantage of
the Fair Credit Reporting Act, and weaknesses in the credit reporting
system. Although sometimes hard to find, there are some credit repair
books available. With a good credit repair book, you should be able to
clear your own credit in a relatively short period of time. (Of course, I
recommend The Credit Repair Kit, but the I am partial because I wrote
If you insist on using a credit repair clinic, check them out first.
Inquire about them at the local Better Business Bureau and the local
District Attorney's office. Only use a company that has been in
business for more than 3 years with no unresolved complaints. And it
may still be wise to invest 20 or 30 dollars in a credit repair book, so
that you know what the agency is doing, and you can track their
I personally have not yet seen a credit report situation that is beyond
repair, so if you have bad credit, don't give up the ship! There is still

How To Build A Credit History

If you do not have a credit history, you should begin to build one.
This will come in handy some day when you need a loan or a credit
card. The classic problem in trying to build a credit history, is that no
one wants to grant you credit if you have no previous credit experience.
There is a way around this. You need to take advantage of the fact that
some creditors are not as strict in their lending policies as others.
You start building a credit history by first opening a savings and
checking account at a local bank, then by applying for credit. First
with the easiest creditors, then step-by-step, with the more difficult
creditors. The following list is in that order. Of course the process
takes some time, but I promise, it will be well worth it.

Savings account. Always the first step.

Checking account. Almost no business will lend you money if you
don't have a checking account.

Secured Credit Card. A Visa or Mastercard that is secured by a savings
account. In other words, you put $300 in savings, and you are given a
credit card with a credit limit of $300.

Secured loans. Basically the same as a secured credit card, except you
take out a loan, up to the amount in your savings account.

Local business credit. Such as a furniture, jewelry, or appliance store.
These types of stores are usually fairly lenient in granting credit.

Gas station credit card. Some gas companies are more difficult than
others. A good way to find out which are likely to be more lenient with
credit, is to watch for the advertisements. The less they advertise their
credit card, the less desperate they are for credit customers.

Department store credit card. Watch how they push their credit card
applications. Some department stores actually give free gifts if you fill
out a credit card application. These stores want more credit customers.
and you will probably find them to be more lenient in granting credit.

Major credit card. All banks are different. Try your bank first. As
mentioned above, watching for advertisements may be good idea.

Low Interest credit card. The most difficult to get. A list of the lowest
interest credit cards in the country can be found in any issue of
Barrons, available your local newsstand.

Where You Can Go For Help

Consumer Credit Counseling Service.
A Non-Profit organization offering free or low cost financial
counseling to help solve your financial problems. Services include,
budget counseling, debt consolidation, and dealing with creditors.
Over 600 offices nation wide. For the office near you call 1(800)388-

Debtors Anonymous
A self help organization based on the same basic principles as
Alcoholics Anonymous.
For the phone number of your local chapter, call (212)297-6102

Enterprising Solutions
Publishers and distributors of self help books and manuals including
The Credit Repair Kit. And other related credit products.
For further information, you may contact them by writing:

Enterprising Solutions
6 Harbor Way, Suite 194Q
Santa Barbara CA 93109


What does it mean to have good or bad credit?

Having good credit means that according to your past creditors, your
record (credit report) is clean. You made payments, and paid off your
past debts satisfactorily. Having bad credit is just the opposite. Your
record (credit report) shows that you have not paid off your past debts
as agreed. This could mean late payments, collections, non-pays etc...
This information is held at the "credit bureau", and is provided to those
businesses that request it.

What is a credit bureau?

A credit bureau, also known as a credit reporting agency, is a private
company that provides credit history information to banks, institutions,
and business. When you apply for credit, the bank will contact the
credit bureau to find out what your credit history is. Then, when you
pay off the loan, the bank will provide your payment record (good or
bad) to the credit bureau. The credit bureau is only a "records keeper".
They put information gathered from your creditors into your file (credit
report), then provide that
information to businesses that request your credit report.

What is the Fair Credit Reporting Act?

The Fair Credit Reporting Act is the federal law that governs credit
bureaus. The law was written to protect consumers from the obvious
power that credit bureaus can have over their lives.

How do I locate the credit bureau that MY bank will be checking with
when I apply for a loan or credit card?

The best way to find out which credit bureau's report is most important
to you, is to contact your prospective credit grantor (Bank, Car
dealership etc...) and ask them which credit bureau they subscribe to.
You will probably find that one or two credit bureaus service all of the
banks and credit bureaus in your geographic area. Also, if you are
turned down for credit, the credit grantor is required to inform you
which credit bureau they got your credit report from.

Do I have a right to know what my credit report says about me?

Yes, the Fair Credit Reporting Act guarantees you that right. This law
also gives you the right to obtain a copy of your report for free, with a
letter of denial of credit, if that denial of credit was due to information
found on your credit report.

What will it cost me to get a copy of my credit report?

Most credit bureaus charge between 10 and 20 dollars for you to obtain
a copy of your credit report. However, TRW, the largest credit bureau,
will provide you a copy free of charge, one a year simply by requesting
it. You also may obtain a free copy of your report from any credit
bureau that provided information that caused you to be turned down for
credit. For complete, up to date information how to receive a copy of
your credit report, you may contact the three largest credit bureaus
directly at:

TRW (800) 392-1122

Trans Union (714) 738-3800

Equifax (800) 685-1111

What is on my credit report?

Your credit report contains information about your credit card
accounts, loans, charge accounts, and items of public record such as
bankruptcies, tax liens, and judgments. It will list each account on
record, who the account was with, how much was borrowed, how much
was paid, and how timely the payments were made. It will also list any
accounts sent to collection agencies, accounts not paid in full, and
defaulted loans.

Who has access to my credit report?

According to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, anyone with a "legitimate
business need". However, in most cases the report is only provided to
credit grantors, employers or prospective employers, landlords, and
insurance underwriters.

Is any personal information on my credit report?

Just your basic information such as your full name, address, social
security number, date of birth, and place of employment.

Are ALL of my accounts listed on my credit report?

Probably not. Businesses have a right (but not the obligation) to report
to any or all credit bureaus, at their discretion. Your previous credit
grantors might have reported your credit experience to just one credit
bureau, all three large credit bureaus, or they might not have reported it
to any credit bureau. However, most large credit grantors report to
TRW, Transunion, or Equifax (the three largest credit bureaus in the

Do past accounts that have been paid stay on my credit report?

Yes, your credit report contains both open and closed accounts, as well
as accounts which have been paid, or which have no current balance.
Any paid collections, satisfied judgments, zero balance revolving
charge accounts, and paid installment loans are also included.

How long does unfavorable information stay on my credit report?

Generally seven years for most accounts, and 10 years for bankruptcies
(with a few minor exceptions). Beware however that accounts older
than seven years are often found on credit reports due to "mistakes" in
the status date.

How can I find out who has checked my credit report?

Each time someone requests a copy of your credit report, that request is
listed on the report as an "inquiry". This allows prospective credit
grantors to see who has checked your credit in the past. The "inquiry"
will stay on your report for up to 2 years. When you see a copy of your
credit report, you will find a list of all inquiries made within the past 6
months to 2 years.

Is it possible that there are mistakes on my credit report?

It is not only possible, but probable! According to a recent government
study, 1 out of every 4 credit reports contain errors, 1 out of every 6
credit reports contain errors that could result in denial of credit.

What can I do to correct mistakes on my credit report?

The federal law allows you to dispute the accuracy of any information
contained on your credit report. When you dispute information, the
credit bureau is required by law to re-investigate, then report to you the
results of the investigation. If they find that the information is wrong,
they must correct it or remove it.

Can adverse information be removed from my credit report even if it is

Yes! Even true information can be removed. That's what created the
credit repair industry. However, beware of credit repair clinics, as they
are frequently "fly by night" operations. Always check with the local
Better Business Bureau before giving anyone your money. Remember,
no credit repair agency or clinic can do anything about your credit
report that you can't do yourself better, faster, and a whole lot cheaper!
To learn about credit repair techniques used by the credit repair
specialists, refer to The Credit
Repair Kit available by mail from, Enterprising Solutions (6 Harbor
Way, Santa Barbara, CA 93109). The Credit Repair kit outlines ALL
known techniques of repairing bad credit.

Can I get a VISA or MASTERCARD credit card if I have bad or no
previous credit history?

Yes, there are several banks offering "secured credit card" programs.
They will provide you with a VISA or MASTERCARD with a credit
limit equal to the balance of your savings account. Of course each
program is different, and you should choose the program that is best for
you. For a FREE list of banks currently offering this program, Write
to: Enterprising Solutions, Attn: Free card list, 6 Harbor Way, Suite
194Q, Santa Barbara, CA 93109
This information is provided for informational purposes only. The
author and distributor assume No liability. You should retain
professional legal or financial assistance if required.

Written & Compiled by Brian Coryat, Enterprising Solutions

Enterprising Solutions is the publisher of The Credit Repair Kit, the
most complete credit repair manual ever published.

The Credit Repair Kit can be ordered direct, by calling Enterprising
Solutions @ (805)564-6903

Or you may write at 6 Harbor Way, Suite 194
Santa Barbara, CA 93109

The Credit Repair Kit: The most complete credit repair manual ever
written, The Credit Repair Kit is updated twice yearly to insure
inclusion of ALL the latest credit repair techniques.
The Credit Repair Kit was designed to allow you to use the credit
repair secrets previously held only by the credit repair agencies. It
outlines how to use consumer protection laws, and how to take
advantage of the credit bureaus bureaucracy, to have negative
information removed from your credit report.
Whether youve never had credit, or if your good credit has been
damaged in the past, just by following the credit repair instructions
contained within, you can qualify for credit at any major bank or
financial institution. This comprehensive manual will take you by the
hand and guide you through the step-by-easy-step process proven to
change credit reports to exactly what the banks and lenders want to see!
Using these techniques, you can now remove late payments, liens,
charge-offs, collections, judgments, repossessions, and even
bankruptcies. The Credit Repair Kit can save you thousands of dollars
in finance charges and interest payments alone!
The Credit Repair Kit Includes;

Full explanations, and step-by-step instructions of 7 proven techniques
of deleting negative information from your credit report.

Step-by-step instructions on how to re-build a positive credit report,
allowing you to qualify for credit at any major bank or lending

Instructions how to obtain FREE copies of your credit report.

A full copy of The Fair Credit Reporting Act, allowing you to use this
important federal law in your favor when dealing with the credit

14 sample letters that you can copy and use.

A list of 12 banks that offer secured major credit cards, allowing you to
get a Visa or MasterCard, regardless of your past credit history.
A 100% Unconditional Money Back Guarantee!

Never again will you suffer the embarrassment of being denied credit
or acceptance because of your credit report. Welcome to the world of
total financial acceptance!

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