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Glade Air Freshener

by xxtool420xx

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I want to take a moment and talk about Glade Air Freshener. Glade Air Freshener is now a common means of getting high. Most teenagers put it in a Ziploc bag, and huff the fumes until they get tunnel vision.

What I understand about getting high on glade is that the odds of you overdosing is rare, but most death cased involving Glade Air Freshener is from the result of a car accident. So basically that means, if your going to try this (1 of 5 teenagers do) don't do it in a car.

When you use this drug do it with a group of people that want to do it, or are going to do it nonetheless. When you are inhaling this into your body, the means of getting high is a result of Rapid Eye Movement (REM) while your eyes are open. Basically that means you're completely asleep and unconscious, with the ability to image things beyond your wildest beliefs.

After the first time that you do it, when you start to become conscious, you will have forgotten almost everything that just happened until you look at the can of glade and realize you just huffed, and later you will remember pieces of your 'Glade Dream'.

From experience, after you come out of it, you will have a 'Reborn' feeling, and if you do it more than once, when you come out of it you will recognize the 'reborn' feeling. The scariest thing about doing Glade is when you come out of it and see your friends looking at you. For a minute you will have forgotten who they are, where they came from, how they got there, etcetera. For me, when that happened, I would naturally just not panic, and find myself soon to discover what just happened. What I have read, for a lot of people, panic, and start to believe that there still dreaming, causing them to get up and run away scared, or say things irrelevant.

A good thing to know which I have just recently learned, is when you're huffing anything, you should be sitting down. Why? I'm not sure, but I'm not going to fuck with what someone wrote on this website. It's websites like these that helped me understand why my ex girlfriends, friend almost died overdosing on Coridins, the reason being the high amounts of antihistamines.

The best way to get high on dextromethorphan is to drink Robotussin Maximum Strength Cough Syrup. Now I don't want to promote drug use, but educate the people that are going to do it anyways. I think instead of telling kids that it's wrong and don't do it, tell them about it, let them understand, and make their own decisions.

I started smoking cigerettes because my friend did. I tried to be cool. But being cool isn't about doing what other kids are doing; it's about knowing and understanding before acting. If my ex girlfriends friend knew that Coridins had antihistamines that could kill her, I think she would have thought twice before overdosing, and having her mom help her throw up all over her kitchen floor in front of her 7 year old brother.

So to wrap up this document I want to say to the people that want to huff glade, do what you think is right. I mean, I wouldn't have even tried the shit if I knew that it could possibly kill me.

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